module habitat_sim
module agent
- class ActionSpec Defines how a specific action is implemented
- class SixDOFPose Specifies a position with 6 degrees of freedom
- class AgentState
- class AgentConfiguration
- class Agent Implements an agent with multiple sensors
- class ActuationSpec Struct to hold parameters for the default actions
- class ObjectControls Used to implement actions
- class SceneNodeControl Base class for all controls
- class PyRobotNoisyActuationSpec Struct to hold parameters for pyrobot noise model
module attributes Attributes objects store metadata relevant to a specific type of simulation objects for programmatic manipulation and instantiation (e.g. a blueprint).
- class ArticulatedObjectAttributes A metadata template for articulated object configurations. Is imported from .ao_config.json files.
- class CapsulePrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive capsule mesh shape.
- class ConePrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive cone mesh shape.
- class CubePrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive cube mesh shape.
- class CylinderPrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive capsule mesh shape.
- class IcospherePrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive icosphere mesh shape.
- class MarkerSets
- class ObjectAttributes A metadata template for rigid objects pre-instantiation. Defines asset paths, physical properties, scale, semantic ids, shader type overrides, and user defined metadata. ManagedRigidObjects are instantiated from these blueprints. Is imported from .object_config.json files.
- class PbrShaderAttributes A metadata template for PBR shader creation and control values and multipliers, such as enabling Image Based Lighting and controlling the mix of direct and indirect lighting contributions. Is imported from .pbr_config.json files.
- class PhysicsManagerAttributes A metadata template for Simulation parameters (e.g. timestep, simulation backend, default gravity direction) and defaults. Consumed to instance a Simulator object. Is imported from .physics_config.json files.
- class StageAttributes A metadata template for stages pre-instantiation. Defines asset paths, collision properties, gravity direction, shader type overrides, semantic asset information, and user defined metadata. Consumed to instantiate the static background of a scene (e.g. the building architecture). Is imported from .stage_config.json files.
- class UVSpherePrimitiveAttributes Parameters for constructing a primitive uvsphere mesh shape.
module attributes_managers Each AbstractAttributesManager acts as a library of Attributes objects of a specific type, governing access and supporting import from config files.
- class AOAttributesManager Manages ArticulatedObjectAttributes which define Habitat-specific metadata for articulated objects (i.e. render asset or semantic ID), in addition to data held in defining URDF file, pre-instantiation. Can import .ao_config.json files.
- class AssetAttributesManager Manages PrimitiveAttributes objects which define parameters for constructing primitive mesh shapes such as cubes, capsules, cylinders, and cones.
- class ObjectAttributesManager Manages ObjectAttributes which define metadata for rigid objects pre-instantiation. Can import .object_config.json files.
- class PbrShaderAttributesManager Manages PbrShaderAttributes which define PBR shader calculation control values, such as enabling IBL or specifying direct and indirect lighting balance. Can import .pbr_config.json files.
- class PhysicsAttributesManager Manages PhysicsManagerAttributes which define global Simulation parameters such as timestep. Can import .physics_config.json files.
- class StageAttributesManager Manages StageAttributes which define metadata for stages (i.e. static background mesh such as architectural elements) pre-instantiation. Can import .stage_config.json files.
module metadata
- class MetadataMediator Aggregates all AttributesManagers and provides an API for swapping the active SceneDataset. It can exist independently of a
object for programmatic metadata management and can be passed into the constructor via theSimulatorConfiguration
- class MetadataMediator Aggregates all AttributesManagers and provides an API for swapping the active SceneDataset. It can exist independently of a
module nav
- class GreedyGeodesicFollower Planner that greedily fits actions to follow the geodesic shortest path.
- class GreedyGeodesicFollowerImpl
- class MultiGoalShortestPath Struct for multi-goal shortest path finding. Used in conjunction with PathFinder.findPath().
- class NavMeshSettings Configuration structure for NavMesh generation with recast. Passed to PathFinder::build to construct the NavMesh. Serialized with saved .navmesh files for later equivalency checks upon re-load.
- class PathFinder Loads and/or builds a navigation mesh and then allows point sampling, path finding, collision, and island queries on that navmesh. See PathFinder C++ API docs for more details.
- class ShortestPath Struct for shortest path finding. Used in conjunction with PathFinder.findPath().
- class HitRecord Struct for recording closest obstacle information.
- class VectorGreedyCodes
module sensors
module noise_models Library of Sensor noise models
- class SensorNoiseModel Base class for all sensor noise models
- class RedwoodDepthNoiseModel Redwood Noise Model for PrimSense depth cameras
- class NoSensorNoiseModel No noise noise model. Simply returns a copy of the input
- class GaussianNoiseModel
- class SaltAndPepperNoiseModel
- class PoissonNoiseModel
- class SpeckleNoiseModel
- class SensorSuite Holds all the agents sensors. Simply a dictionary with an extra method to lookup the name of a sensor as the key
module noise_models Library of Sensor noise models
module errors
- class GreedyFollowerError
- class InvalidAttachedObject
- module geo Encapsulates global geometry utilities.
module gfx GFX library
- class Camera RenderCamera: The object of this class is a camera attached to the scene node for rendering.
- class Renderer
- class RenderTarget Render target
- class LightInfo Defines the vector, color and LightPositionModel of a single light source. For vector, use a Vector3 position and w == 1 to specify a point light with distance attenuation. Or, use a Vector3 direction and w == 0 to specify a directional light with no distance attenuation.
- class DebugLineRender
module logging A simple Google-style logging wrapper.
- class HabitatSimFormatter
module physics
- class ManagedRigidObject
- class ManagedBulletRigidObject
- class ManagedArticulatedObject
- class ManagedBulletArticulatedObject
- class RigidObjectManager
- class ArticulatedObjectManager
- class VelocityControl
- class RayHitInfo
- class RaycastResults
- class ContactPointData
- class CollisionGroupHelper
- class JointMotorSettings
- class RigidConstraintSettings
module scene
- class Mp3dObjectCategory
- class Mp3dRegionCategory
- class SceneGraph
- class SceneNode SceneNode: a node in the scene graph.
- class SemanticCategory Base class for all semantic categories.
- class SemanticLevel
- class SemanticObject
- class SemanticRegion
- class SemanticScene
module sensor
- class CameraSensor
- class CameraSensorSpec
- class CubeMapSensorBase
- class CubeMapSensorBaseSpec
- class EquirectangularSensor
- class EquirectangularSensorSpec
- class FisheyeSensor
- class FisheyeSensorDoubleSphereSpec
- class FisheyeSensorSpec
- class Observation
- class Sensor
- class SensorFactory
- class SensorSpec
- class VisualSensor
- class VisualSensorSpec
- class AudioSensorSpec
- class AudioSensor
- class RLRAudioPropagationChannelLayout
- class RLRAudioPropagationConfiguration
module sim
- class SimulatorBackend
- class SimulatorConfiguration
module simulator
- class Configuration Specifies how to configure the simulator.
- class Sensor Wrapper around habitat_sim.Sensor
- class Simulator The core class of habitat-sim
module utils
- module viz_utils
module validators
- class NoAttrValidationContext Ensures validators are not run within this context. Useful for function where we generate an attr validated object.
- module settings
- class MapStringString
- class registry registry is a central source of truth in Habitat-Sim
module agent