habitat_sim.nav module


class GreedyGeodesicFollower
Planner that greedily fits actions to follow the geodesic shortest path.
class GreedyGeodesicFollowerImpl
class MultiGoalShortestPath
Struct for multi-goal shortest path finding. Used in conjunction with PathFinder.findPath().
class NavMeshSettings
Configuration structure for NavMesh generation with recast. Passed to PathFinder::build to construct the NavMesh. Serialized with saved .navmesh files for later equivalency checks upon re-load.
class PathFinder
Loads and/or builds a navigation mesh and then allows point sampling, path finding, collision, and island queries on that navmesh. See PathFinder C++ API docs for more details.
class ShortestPath
Struct for shortest path finding. Used in conjunction with PathFinder.findPath().
class HitRecord
Struct for recording closest obstacle information.
class VectorGreedyCodes


class GreedyFollowerCodes: ERROR = -2 STOP = -1 FORWARD = 0 LEFT = 1 RIGHT = 2