MetadataMediatorAggregates all AttributesManagers and provides an API for swapping the active SceneDataset. It can exist independently of a Simulator
object for programmatic metadata management and can be passed into the constructor via the SimulatorConfiguration
- def dataset_exists(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool
- Returns whether the passed name references an existing scene dataset or not.
- def dataset_report(self, dataset_name: str = '') -> str
- This provides an indepth report of the loaded templates for the specified dataset. If no dataset_name is specified, returns a report on the currently active dataset
- def get_scene_handles(self, /) -> typing.List[str]
- Returns a list the names of all the available scene instances in the currently active dataset.
- def get_scene_user_defined(self, scene_name: str) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration
- Returns the user_defined attributes for the scene instance specified by scene_name
- def remove_dataset(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool
- Remove the given dataset from MetadataMediator. If specified dataset is currently active, this will fail.
Special methods
- def __init__(self, /) -> None
- def __init__(self, arg0: sim.SimulatorConfiguration, /) -> None
- active_dataset: str get set
- The currently active dataset being used. Will attempt to load configuration files specified if does not already exist.
- ao_template_manager: attributes_managers.AOAttributesManager get
- The current dataset’s AOAttributesManager instance for configuring articulated object templates.
- asset_template_manager: attributes_managers.AssetAttributesManager get
- The current dataset’s AssetAttributesManager instance for configuring primitive asset templates.
- lighting_template_manager: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.LightLayoutAttributesManager get
- The current dataset’s LightLayoutAttributesManager instance for configuring light templates and layouts.
- object_template_manager: attributes_managers.ObjectAttributesManager get
- The current dataset’s ObjectAttributesManager instance for configuring object templates.
- physics_template_manager: attributes_managers.PhysicsAttributesManager get
- The current PhysicsAttributesManager instance for configuring PhysicsManager templates.
- stage_template_manager: attributes_managers.StageAttributesManager get
- The current dataset’s StageAttributesManager instance for configuring simulation stage templates.
- summary: str get
- This provides a summary of the datasets currently loaded.
- urdf_paths: MapStringString get
- Access to the dictionary of URDF paths, keyed by shortened name, value being full path.