Add new actions
This example shows how to add new actions outside of the source code.
Agent actions are implemented with “control” functors. These functors are
subclasses of the habitat_sim.agent.SceneNodeControl class and have a
method with the following signature:
def __call__(self, scene_node: habitat_sim.SceneNode, actuation_spec: habitat_sim.ActuationSpec): pass
The scene_node is what the control function manipulates (or controls) and the
actuation_spec contains any parameters needed by that control function.
See src_python/habitat_sim/agent/controls/
for more example
Controls are registered using habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn(). This function takes the functor to register and, optionally, the name to register it with, and whether or not the control effects the body or just the sensors. If no name is given, the functor is registered with its own name, converted to snake case.
This function can also be used as a decorator — the following will register
the control functor MyNewControl
with the name my_new_control
import habitat_sim @habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn(body_action=True) class MyNewControl(habitat_sim.SceneNodeControl): pass
We also define two types of actions, body actions and non body actions. Whether
a control is a body or non body action is determined by whether it was
registered with body_action=True
or body_action=False
. Body actions
move the body of the agent (thereby also moving the sensors) while non-body
actions move just the sensors.
The example is runnable via
$ python examples/tutorials/
import attr import magnum as mn import numpy as np import quaternion # noqa: F401 import habitat_sim from habitat_sim.utils.common import quat_from_angle_axis, quat_rotate_vector try: import pprint _pprint = pprint.pprint except ImportError: _pprint = print # This is wrapped in a such that it can be added to a unit test def main(): # We will define an action that moves the agent and turns it by some amount # First, define a class to keep the parameters of the control # @attr.s is just syntactic sugar for creating these data-classes @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True) class MoveAndSpinSpec: forward_amount: float spin_amount: float print(MoveAndSpinSpec(1.0, 45.0)) # Register the control functor # This action will be an action that effects the body, so body_action=True @habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn(body_action=True) class MoveForwardAndSpin(habitat_sim.SceneNodeControl): def __call__( self, scene_node: habitat_sim.SceneNode, actuation_spec: MoveAndSpinSpec ): forward_ax = ( np.array(scene_node.absolute_transformation().rotation_scaling()) @ habitat_sim.geo.FRONT ) scene_node.translate_local(forward_ax * actuation_spec.forward_amount) # Rotate about the +y (up) axis rotation_ax = habitat_sim.geo.UP scene_node.rotate_local(mn.Deg(actuation_spec.spin_amount), rotation_ax) # Calling normalize is needed after rotating to deal with machine precision errors scene_node.rotation = scene_node.rotation.normalized() # We can also register the function with a custom name habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn( MoveForwardAndSpin, name="my_custom_name", body_action=True ) # We can also re-register this function such that it effects just the sensors habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn( MoveForwardAndSpin, name="move_forward_and_spin_sensors", body_action=False ) # Now we need to add this action to the agent's action space in the configuration! agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration() _pprint(agent_config.action_space) # We can add the control function in a bunch of ways # Note that the name of the action does not need to match the name the control function # was registered under. # The habitat_sim.ActionSpec defines an action. The first argument is the registered name # of the control spec, the second is the parameter spec agent_config.action_space["fwd_and_spin"] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "move_forward_and_spin", MoveAndSpinSpec(1.0, 45.0) ) # Add the sensor version agent_config.action_space["fwd_and_spin_sensors"] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "move_forward_and_spin_sensors", MoveAndSpinSpec(1.0, 45.0) ) # Add the same control with different parameters agent_config.action_space["fwd_and_spin_double"] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "move_forward_and_spin", MoveAndSpinSpec(2.0, 90.0) ) # Use the custom name with an integer name for the action agent_config.action_space[100] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "my_custom_name", MoveAndSpinSpec(0.1, 1.0) ) _pprint(agent_config.action_space) # Spin up the simulator backend_cfg = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration() backend_cfg.scene_id = "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/van-gogh-room.glb" sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_config])) print(sim.get_agent(0).state) # Take the new actions! sim.step("fwd_and_spin") print(sim.get_agent(0).state) # Take the new actions! sim.step("fwd_and_spin_sensors") print(sim.get_agent(0).state) sim.step("fwd_and_spin_double") print(sim.get_agent(0).state) sim.step(100) print(sim.get_agent(0).state) sim.close() # Let's define a strafe action! @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True) class StrafeActuationSpec: forward_amount: float # Classic strafing is to move perpendicular (90 deg) to the forward direction strafe_angle: float = 90.0 def _strafe_impl( scene_node: habitat_sim.SceneNode, forward_amount: float, strafe_angle: float ): forward_ax = ( np.array(scene_node.absolute_transformation().rotation_scaling()) @ habitat_sim.geo.FRONT ) rotation = quat_from_angle_axis( np.deg2rad(strafe_angle), np.array(habitat_sim.geo.UP) ) move_ax = quat_rotate_vector(rotation, forward_ax) scene_node.translate_local(move_ax * forward_amount) @habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn(body_action=True) class StrafeLeft(habitat_sim.SceneNodeControl): def __call__( self, scene_node: habitat_sim.SceneNode, actuation_spec: StrafeActuationSpec ): _strafe_impl( scene_node, actuation_spec.forward_amount, actuation_spec.strafe_angle ) @habitat_sim.registry.register_move_fn(body_action=True) class StrafeRight(habitat_sim.SceneNodeControl): def __call__( self, scene_node: habitat_sim.SceneNode, actuation_spec: StrafeActuationSpec ): _strafe_impl( scene_node, actuation_spec.forward_amount, -actuation_spec.strafe_angle ) agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration() agent_config.action_space["strafe_left"] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "strafe_left", StrafeActuationSpec(0.25) ) agent_config.action_space["strafe_right"] = habitat_sim.ActionSpec( "strafe_right", StrafeActuationSpec(0.25) ) sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_config])) print(sim.get_agent(0).state) sim.step("strafe_left") print(sim.get_agent(0).state) sim.step("strafe_right") print(sim.get_agent(0).state) if __name__ == "__main__": main()