Create a stereo agent
This example shows how to create an agent with a stereo camera pair.
This can be done by giving the agent two sensors (be it RGB, depth, or semantic) with different positions. Note that the cameras must have different UUIDs.
Example is runnable via
$ python examples/tutorials/
import numpy as np # Need to import quaternion library here despite it not being used or else importing # habitat_sim below will cause an invalid free() when audio is enabled in sim compilation import quaternion # noqa: F401 import habitat_sim cv2 = None # Helper function to render observations from the stereo agent def _render(sim, display, depth=False): for _ in range(100): # Just spin in a circle obs = sim.step("turn_right") # Put the two stereo observations next to each other stereo_pair = np.concatenate([obs["left_sensor"], obs["right_sensor"]], axis=1) # If it is a depth pair, manually normalize into [0, 1] # so that images are always consistent if depth: stereo_pair = np.clip(stereo_pair, 0, 10) stereo_pair /= 10.0 # If in RGB/RGBA format, change first to RGB and change to BGR if len(stereo_pair.shape) > 2: stereo_pair = stereo_pair[..., 0:3][..., ::-1] # display=False is used for the smoke test if display: cv2.imshow("stereo_pair", stereo_pair) k = cv2.waitKey() if k == ord("q"): break def main(display=True): global cv2 # Only import cv2 if we are doing to display if display: import cv2 as _cv2 cv2 = _cv2 cv2.namedWindow("stereo_pair") backend_cfg = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration() backend_cfg.scene_id = ( "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/skokloster-castle.glb" ) # First, let's create a stereo RGB agent left_rgb_sensor = habitat_sim.bindings.CameraSensorSpec() # Give it the uuid of left_sensor, this will also be how we # index the observations to retrieve the rendering from this sensor left_rgb_sensor.uuid = "left_sensor" left_rgb_sensor.resolution = [512, 512] # The left RGB sensor will be 1.5 meters off the ground # and 0.25 meters to the left of the center of the agent left_rgb_sensor.position = 1.5 * habitat_sim.geo.UP + 0.25 * habitat_sim.geo.LEFT # Same deal with the right sensor right_rgb_sensor = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec() right_rgb_sensor.uuid = "right_sensor" right_rgb_sensor.resolution = [512, 512] # The right RGB sensor will be 1.5 meters off the ground # and 0.25 meters to the right of the center of the agent right_rgb_sensor.position = 1.5 * habitat_sim.geo.UP + 0.25 * habitat_sim.geo.RIGHT agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration() # Now we simply set the agent's list of sensor specs to be the two specs for our two sensors agent_config.sensor_specifications = [left_rgb_sensor, right_rgb_sensor] sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_config])) _render(sim, display) sim.close() # Now let's do the exact same thing but for a depth camera stereo pair! left_depth_sensor = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec() left_depth_sensor.uuid = "left_sensor" left_depth_sensor.resolution = [512, 512] left_depth_sensor.position = 1.5 * habitat_sim.geo.UP + 0.25 * habitat_sim.geo.LEFT # The only difference is that we set the sensor type to DEPTH left_depth_sensor.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.DEPTH right_depth_sensor = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec() right_depth_sensor.uuid = "right_sensor" right_depth_sensor.resolution = [512, 512] right_depth_sensor.position = ( 1.5 * habitat_sim.geo.UP + 0.25 * habitat_sim.geo.RIGHT ) # The only difference is that we set the sensor type to DEPTH right_depth_sensor.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.DEPTH agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration() agent_config.sensor_specifications = [left_depth_sensor, right_depth_sensor] sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_config])) _render(sim, display, depth=True) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--no-display", dest="display", action="store_false") parser.set_defaults(display=True) args = parser.parse_args() main(display=args.display)