habitat_sim.agent.PyRobotNoisyActuationSpec class

Struct to hold parameters for pyrobot noise model

Please cite PyRobot if you use this noise model.


def check_controller(self, attribute: attr._make.Attribute, value: str) -> None
def check_robot(self, attribute: attr._make.Attribute, value: str) -> None

Special methods

def __init__(self, amount: float, constraint: typing.Optional[float] = None, robot: str = 'LoCoBot', controller: str = 'ILQR', noise_multiplier: float = 1.0) -> None
Method generated by attrs for class PyRobotNoisyActuationSpec.
def __ne__(self, other)
Check equality and either forward a NotImplemented or return the result negated.


robot: str get set del
Which robot to simulate noise for. Valid values are LoCoBot and LoCoBot-Lite.
controller: str get set del
Which controller to simulate noise models for. Valid values are ILQR, Proportional; Movebase ILQR is the default.
noise_multiplier: float get set del
Multiplier on the noise amount, useful for ablating the effect of noise.
amount: float get set del
constraint: typing.Optional[float] get set del