CameraRenderCamera: The object of this class is a camera attached to the scene node for rendering.
- class Flags: FRUSTUM_CULLING = 1 OBJECTS_ONLY = 2 NONE = 0
- Flags
- def draw(self, arg0: magnum.scenegraph.DrawableGroup3D, /) -> None
- Draw
- def projection_size(self, /) -> magnum.Vector2
- Size of (near) XY plane in current projection
- def set_orthographic_projection_matrix(self, width: int, height: int, znear: float, zfar: float, scale: float) -> Camera
- Set this Orthographic Camera’s projection matrix.
- def set_projection_matrix(self, width: int, height: int, znear: float, zfar: float, hfov: magnum.Deg) -> None
- Set this Camera’s projection matrix.
- def unproject(self, viewport_point: magnum.Vector2i, normalized: bool = True) -> geo.Ray
- Unproject a 2D viewport point to a 3D ray with its origin at the camera position. Ray direction is optionally normalized. Non-normalized rays originate at the camera location and terminate at a view plane one unit down the Z axis.
- aspect_ratio_policy: magnum.scenegraph.AspectRatioPolicy get set
- Aspect ratio policy
- camera_matrix: magnum.Matrix4 get
- Camera matrix
- node: scene.SceneNode get
- Node this object is attached to
- object: scene.SceneNode get
- Alias to node
- projection_matrix: magnum.Matrix4 get set
- Projection matrix
- viewport: magnum.Vector2i get set
- Viewport size