habitat_sim.attributes.ConePrimitiveAttributes class

Parameters for constructing a primitive cone mesh shape.


def build_handle(self, /) -> None
def find_value_location(self, key: str) -> typing.List[str]
Returns a list of keys, in order, for the traversal of the nested subconfigurations in this Configuration to get the requested key’s value or subconfig. Key is not found if list is empty.
def get(self, arg0: str, /) -> object
Retrieve the requested value referenced by key argument, if it exists
def get_as_string(self, arg0: str, /) -> str
Retrieves a string representation of the value referred to by the passed key.
def get_keys_and_types(self, /) -> typing.Dict[str, habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ConfigValType]
Returns a dictionary where the keys are the names of the values this configuration holds and the values are the types of these values.
def get_keys_by_type(self, value_type: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ConfigValType, sorted: bool = False) -> typing.List[str]
Retrieves a list of all the keys of values of the specified types. Takes ConfigValType enum value as argument, and whether the keys should be sorted or not.
def get_subconfig(self, name: str) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration
Get the subconfiguration with the given name.
def get_subconfig_copy(self, name: str) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration
Get a copy of the subconfiguration with the given name.
def get_subconfig_keys(self, sorted: bool = False) -> typing.List[str]
Retrieves a list of the keys of this configuration’s subconfigurations, specifying whether the keys should be sorted or not
def get_type(self, arg0: str, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ConfigValType
Retrieves the ConfigValType of the value referred to by the passed key.
def get_user_config(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration
Returns a reference to the User Config object for this attributes, so that it can be viewed or modified. Any changes to the user_config will require the owning attributes to be re-registered.
def has_key_to_type(self, key: str, value_type: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ConfigValType) -> bool
Returns whether passed key points to a value of specified ConfigValType
def has_subconfig(self, arg0: str, /) -> bool
Returns true if specified key references an existing subconfiguration within this configuration.
def has_value(self, key: str) -> bool
Returns whether or not this Configuration has the passed key. Does not check subconfigurations.
def init(self, key: str, value: str) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: int) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: bool) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: float) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector2) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector3) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Color4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Quaternion) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Matrix3) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Matrix4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def init(self, key: str, value: magnum.Rad) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the expected type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to initialize values for this object.
def remove(self, arg0: str, /) -> object
Retrieve and remove the requested value, if it exists
def remove_subconfig(self, arg0: str, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration
Removes and returns subconfiguration corresponding to passed key, if found. Gives warning otherwise.
def save_subconfig(self, name: str, subconfig: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Configuration) -> None
Save a subconfiguration with the given name.
def set(self, key: str, value: str) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: int) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: bool) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: float) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector2) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector3) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Vector4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Color4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Quaternion) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Matrix3) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Matrix4) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.
def set(self, key: str, value: magnum.Rad) -> None
This method is inherited from Configuration, but should not be used with Attributes due to the possibility of changing the type of a required variable. Use the provided Attributes instead to set or change values for this object.

Special methods

def __init__(self, arg0: bool, arg1: int, arg2: str, /) -> None
def __repr__(self, new_line: str = '\n') -> str


csv_info: str get
Comma-separated informational string describing this Attributes template
file_directory: str get
Directory where file-based templates were loaded from.
half_length: float get set
Half the length of the cylinder (for capsules and cylinders) or the cone (for cones) primitives built from this template. Primitives is built with default radius 1.0. In order to get a desired radius r, length l, and preserve correct normals of the primitive being built, set half_length to .5 * (l/r) and then scale by r. Used by solid and wireframe capsules, cones and cylinders.
handle: str get set
Name of attributes template.
is_valid_template: bool get
Certain attributes properties, such as num_segments, are subject to restrictions in allowable values. If an illegal value is entered, the template is considered invalid and no primitive will be built from it. This property will say whether this template is valid for creating its designated primitive.
is_wireframe: bool get
Whether primitives built from this template are wireframe or solid.
num_rings: int get set
Number of line (for wireframe) or face (for solid) rings for primitives built from this template. Must be greater than 1 for template to be valid. For all uvSpheres, must be greater than 2, and for wireframe uvSpheres must also be multiple of 2. Used by solid cones, cylinders, uvSpheres, and wireframe cylinders and uvSpheres
num_segments: int get set
Number of line (for wireframe) or face (for solid) segments for primitives built from this template. For solid primitives, must be 3 or greater for template to be valid. For wireframe primitives, must be 4 or greater, and a multiple of 4 for template to be valid. Used by solid and wireframe capsules, cones, cylinders, uvSpheres.
num_user_configs: int get
The number of currently specified user-defined configuration values and subconfigs (does not recurse subordinate subconfigs).
prim_obj_class_name: str get
Name of Magnum primitive class this template uses to construct primitives
prim_obj_type: int get
template_class: str get
Class name of Attributes template.
template_id: int get
System-generated ID for template. Will be unique among templates of same type.
top_level_num_configs: int get
Holds the total number of subconfigs this Configuration holds at the base level (does not recurse subconfigs).
top_level_num_entries: int get
Holds the total number of values and subconfigs this Configuration holds at the base level (does not recurse subconfigs).
top_level_num_values: int get
Holds the total number of values this Configuration holds at the base level (does not recurse subconfigs).
total_num_configs: int get
Holds the total number of subconfigs this Configuration holds across all levels (recurses subconfigs).
total_num_entries: int get
Holds the total number of values and subconfigs this Configuration holds across all levels (recurses subconfigs).
total_num_user_configs: int get
The total number of currently specified user-defined configuration values and subconfigs found by also recursing all subordinate subconfigs.
total_num_values: int get
Holds the total number of values this Configuration holds across all levels (recurses subconfigs).
use_cap_end: bool get set
Whether to close cone bottom. Only used for solid cones.
use_tangents: bool get set
Whether 4-component (homogeneous) tangents should be generated for objects constructed using this template.
use_texture_coords: bool get set
Whether texture coordinates should be generated for objects constructed using this template.