habitat_sim.sensor.FisheyeSensorDoubleSphereSpec class


def is_visual_sensor_spec(self, /) -> bool

Special methods

def __eq__(self, arg0: SensorSpec, /) -> bool
def __init__(self, /) -> None
def __neq__(self, arg0: SensorSpec, /) -> bool


alpha: float get set
channels: int get set
clear_color: magnum.Color4 get set
cubemap_size: typing.Optional[int] get set
If not set, will be the min(height, width) of resolution
far: float get set
focal_length: magnum.Vector2 get set
gpu2gpu_transfer: bool get set
near: float get set
noise_model: str get set
noise_model_kwargs: dict get set
orientation: magnum.Vector3 get set
position: magnum.Vector3 get set
principal_point_offset: typing.Optional[magnum.Vector2] get set
resolution: magnum.Vector2i get set
semantic_target: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SemanticSensorTarget get set
The type of information rendered by the semantic sensor. If this sensor is not semantic, this is ignored. Acceptable values : [SEMANTIC_ID(default), OBJECT_ID]
sensor_model_type: FisheyeSensorModelType get set
sensor_subtype: SensorSubType get set
sensor_type: SensorType get set
uuid: str get set
xi: float get set