- def draw_axes(self, translation: magnum.Vector3, scale: magnum.Vector3 = Vector(1, 1, 1), radius: float = 0.05) -> None
- Draw a set of coordinate axes at the given XYZ translation and with XYZ scaling in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform). These axes are color-mapped such that XYZ->RGB and each positive axis as a conical ‘arrow head’ of given radius.
- def draw_box(self, arg0: magnum.Vector3, arg1: magnum.Vector3, arg2: magnum.Color4, /) -> None
- Draw a box in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
- def draw_circle(self, translation: magnum.Vector3, radius: float, color: magnum.Color4, num_segments: int = 24, normal: magnum.Vector3 = Vector(0, 1, 0)) -> None
- Draw a circle in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform). The circle is an approximation; see numSegments.
- def draw_cone(self, translation: magnum.Vector3, apex: magnum.Vector3, radius: float, color: magnum.Color4, num_segments: int = 12, normal: magnum.Vector3 = Vector(0, 1, 0)) -> None
- Draw a cone in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform). The cone is a segmented circle (see drawCircle) with each segment endpoint having a line drawn to the given apex.
- def draw_path_with_endpoint_circles(self, points: typing.List[magnum.Vector3], radius: float, color: magnum.Color4, num_segments: int = 24, normal: magnum.Vector3 = Vector(0, 1, 0)) -> None
- Draw a sequence of line segments with circles at the two endpoints. In world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
- def draw_transformed_line(self, fromPt: magnum.Vector3, toPt: magnum.Vector3, color: magnum.Color4) -> None
- Draw a line segment in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
- def draw_transformed_line(self, fromPt: magnum.Vector3, toPt: magnum.Vector3, from_color: magnum.Color4, to_color: magnum.Color4) -> None
- Draw a line segment in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform) with interpolated color.
- def pop_transform(self, /) -> None
- See push_transform.
- def push_transform(self, transform: magnum.Matrix4) -> None
- Push (multiply) a transform onto the transform stack, affecting all line-drawing until popped. Must be paired with popTransform().
- def set_line_width(self, width: float) -> None
- Set global line width for all lines rendered by DebugLineRender.