VisualSensorStatic methods
- def get_observation(…)
- def is_visual_sensor(self, /) -> bool
- def set_transformation_from_spec(self, /) -> None
- def specification(self, /) -> SensorSpec
- far: float get
- The distance to the far clipping plane this VisualSensor uses.
- framebuffer_size: magnum.Vector2i get
- hfov: magnum.Deg get
- The Field of View this VisualSensor uses.
- near: float get
- The distance to the near clipping plane this VisualSensor uses.
- node: scene.SceneNode get
- Node this object is attached to
- object: scene.SceneNode get
- Alias to node
- render_camera: gfx.Camera get
- Get the RenderCamera in the sensor (if there is one) for rendering PYTHON DOES NOT GET OWNERSHIP
- render_target: gfx.RenderTarget get