habitat_sim.agent.SceneNodeControl class

Base class for all controls

Control classes are used to implement agent actions. Any new control must subclass this class.

See default_controls.py for an example of adding new actions. (Note that this can be done outside the core habitat_sim codebase in exactly the same way.)

See examples/tutorials/new_actions.py for an example of how to add new actions outside the core habitat_sim package.

Special methods

def __call__(self, scene_node: scene.SceneNode, acutation_spec: ActuationSpec) -> None
Abstract method to be overridden to implement the control
def __init__(self, body_action: bool = False) -> None
Method generated by attrs for class SceneNodeControl.
def __ne__(self, other)
Check equality and either forward a NotImplemented or return the result negated.


body_action: bool get set del
Whether or not the control function manipulates the agents body or the sensors

Method documentation

def habitat_sim.agent.SceneNodeControl.__call__(self, scene_node: scene.SceneNode, acutation_spec: ActuationSpec) -> None

Abstract method to be overridden to implement the control

scene_node The scene node to control
acutation_spec Struct holding any parameters of the control