habitat.config.default_structured_configs module


class HabitatConfig
The entry point for the configuration of Habitat. It holds the environment, simulator, task and dataset configurations.
class DatasetConfig
Configuration for the dataset of the task.
class TaskConfig
The definition of the task in Habitat.
class EnvironmentConfig
Some habitat environment configurations.
class StopActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, the stop action is a discrete action. When called, the Agent will request to stop the navigation task. Note that this action is needed to succeed in a Navigation task since the Success is determined by the Agent calling the stop action within range of the target. Note that this is different from the RearrangeStopActionConfig that works for Rearrangement tasks only instead of the Navigation tasks.
class MoveForwardActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will move the robot forward by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.forward_step_size amount.
class TurnLeftActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will rotate the robot to the left by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.turn_angle amount.
class TurnLeftActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will rotate the robot to the left by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.turn_angle amount.
class TurnRightActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will rotate the robot to the right by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.turn_angle amount.
class LookUpActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will rotate the robot’s camera up by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.tilt_angle amount.
class LookDownActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, this discrete action will rotate the robot’s camera down by a fixed amount determined by the SimulatorConfig.tilt_angle amount.
class NumStepsMeasurementConfig
In both Navigation and Rearrangement tasks, counts the number of steps since the start of the episode.
class DistanceToGoalMeasurementConfig
In Navigation tasks only, measures the geodesic distance to the goal.
class SuccessMeasurementConfig
For Navigation tasks only, Measures 1.0 if the robot reached a success and 0 otherwise. A success is defined as calling the StopAction when the DistanceToGoal Measure is smaller than success_distance.
class SPLMeasurementConfig
For Navigation tasks only, Measures the SPL (Success weighted by Path Length) ref: On Evaluation of Embodied Agents - Anderson et. al https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.06757.pdf Measure is always 0 except at success where it will be the ratio of the optimal distance from start to goal over the total distance traveled by the agent. Maximum value is 1. SPL = success * optimal_distance_to_goal / distance_traveled_so_far
class SoftSPLMeasurementConfig
For Navigation tasks only, Similar to SPL, but instead of a boolean, success is now calculated as 1 - (ratio of distance covered to target). SoftSPL = max(0, 1 - distance_to_goal / optimal_distance_to_goal) * optimal_distance_to_goal / distance_traveled_so_far
class DistanceToGoalRewardMeasurementConfig
In Navigation tasks only, measures a reward based on the distance towards the goal. The reward is - (new_distance - previous_distance) i.e. the decrease of distance to the goal.
class ObjectGoalSensorConfig
For Object Navigation tasks only. Generates a discrete observation containing the id of the goal object for the episode.
class InstanceImageGoalSensorConfig
Used only by the InstanceImageGoal Navigation task. The observation is a rendered image of the goal object within the scene.
class InstanceImageGoalHFOVSensorConfig
Used only by the InstanceImageGoal Navigation task. The observation is a single float value corresponding to the Horizontal field of view (HFOV) in degrees of the image provided by the InstanceImageGoalSensor.
class CompassSensorConfig
For Navigation tasks only. The observation of the EpisodicCompassSensor is a single float value corresponding to the angle difference in radians between the current rotation of the robot and the start rotation of the robot along the vertical axis.
class GPSSensorConfig
For Navigation tasks only. The observation of the EpisodicGPSSensor are two float values corresponding to the vector difference in the horizontal plane between the current position and the start position of the robot (in meters).
class PointGoalWithGPSCompassSensorConfig
Indicates the position of the point goal in the frame of reference of the robot.
class HumanoidDetectorSensorConfig
Check if the human is in frame
class ArmDepthBBoxSensorConfig
Bounding box sensor to check if the object is in frame
class SpotHeadStereoDepthSensorConfig
For Spot only. Sensor fusion for inputs of Spot stereo pair depth sensor
class EmptyActionConfig
In Navigation tasks only, the pass action. The robot will do nothing.
class ArmActionConfig
In Rearrangement tasks only, the action that will move the robot arm around. The action represents to delta angle (in radians) of each joint.
class BaseVelocityActionConfig
In Rearrangement only. Corresponds to the base velocity. Contains two continuous actions, the first one controls forward and backward motion, the second the rotation.
class HumanoidJointActionConfig
In Rearrangement only. Corresponds to actions to change the humanoid joints. Contains the parameter num_joints, indicating the joints that can be modified.
class HumanoidPickActionConfig
In rearrangement tasks only. Config for humanoid to reach objects using IK. For now only contains the number of joints. May be extended with duration of action
class RearrangeStopActionConfig
In rearrangement tasks only, if the robot calls this action, the task will end.
class OracleNavActionConfig
Rearrangement Only, Oracle navigation action. This action takes as input a discrete ID which refers to an object in the PDDL domain. The oracle navigation controller then computes the actions to navigate to that desired object.
class SelectBaseOrArmActionConfig
In rearrangement tasks only, if the robot calls this action, the task will end.
class RelativeRestingPositionSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Sensor for the relative position of the end-effector’s resting position, relative to the end-effector’s current position. The three values correspond to the cartesian coordinates of the resting position in the frame of reference of the end effector. The desired resting position is determined by the habitat.task.desired_resting_position coordinates relative to the robot’s base.
class IsHoldingSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. A single float sensor with value 1.0 if the robot is grasping any object and 0.0 otherwise.
class EEPositionSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. the cartesian coordinates (3 floats) of the arm’s end effector in the frame of reference of the robot’s base.
class JointSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the joint positions of the robot.
class HumanoidJointSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the joint positions of the robot.
class TargetStartSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the relative position from end effector to a target object that needs to be picked up.
class GoalSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the relative position from end effector to a goal position in which the agent needs to place an object.
class TargetStartGpsCompassSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the initial position of every object that needs to be rearranged in composite tasks, in 2D polar coordinates.
class InitialGpsCompassSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the relative distance to the initial starting location of the agent in 2D polar coordinates.
class TargetGoalGpsCompassSensorConfig
Rearrangement only. Returns the desired goal position of every object that needs to be rearranged in composite tasks, in 2D polar coordinates.
class EndEffectorToRestDistanceMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement only. Distance between current end effector position and the resting position of the end effector. Requires that the RelativeRestingPositionSensor is attached to the agent.
class RobotForceMeasurementConfig
The amount of force in newton’s applied by the robot. It computes both the instant and accumulated.
class DoesWantTerminateMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Only. Measures 1 if the agent has called the stop action and 0 otherwise.
class ForceTerminateMeasurementConfig
If the force is greater than a certain threshold, this measure will be 1.0 and 0.0 otherwise. Note that if the measure is 1.0, the task will end as a result.
class ObjectToGoalDistanceMeasurementConfig
In rearrangement only. The distance between the target object and the goal position for the object.
class ObjAtGoalMeasurementConfig
The measure is a dictionary of target indexes to float. The values are 1 if the object is within succ_thresh of the goal position for that object.
class ArtObjAtDesiredStateMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement open/close container tasks only. Whether the articulated object (fridge or cabinet door) towards a desired state (open or closed) as defined by the task.
class RotDistToGoalMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Navigation task only. The angle between the forward direction of the agent and the direction to the goal location.
class PddlStageGoalsMeasurementConfig
PDDL Rearrangement only. 1.0 if the agent complete a particular stage defined in stage_goals and 0.0 otherwise. Stage goals are specified in the pddl task description.
class NavToPosSuccMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Navigation task only. The value is 1.0 if the robot is within success_distance of the goal position.
class SocialNavStatsMeasurementConfig
Social nav stats computation
class NavSeekSuccessMeasurementConfig
Social nav seek success measurement
class RearrangePickSuccessMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Only. Requires the end_effector_sensor lab sensor. 1.0 if the robot picked the target object.
class RearrangePickRewardMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Only. Requires the end_effector_sensor lab sensor. The reward for the pick task.
class PlaceSuccessMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Only. Requires the end_effector_sensor lab sensor. 1.0 if the robot placed the target object on the goal position and has its end effector within ee_resting_success_threshold of its resting position.
class PlaceRewardMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Only. Requires the end_effector_sensor lab sensor. The reward for the place task.
class ArtObjSuccessMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement open/close container tasks only. Requires art_obj_at_desired_state. Is 1.0 if the articulated object is in desired state and the end effector is within rest_dist_threshold of the resting position. If must_call_stop is True, the robot must also call the rearrange_stop action.
class ArtObjRewardMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement open/close container tasks only. Requires art_obj_at_desired_state.
class NavToObjSuccessMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Navigation only. Takes the value 1.0 when the Robot successfully navigated to the target object. Depends on nav_to_pos_succ.
class NavToObjRewardMeasurementConfig
Rearrangement Navigation task only. The reward for rearrangement navigation.
class PddlSuccessMeasurementConfig
PDDL rearrangement tasks only (rearrange, set_table, tidy_house). It uses a goal pddl expression to validate the success.
class RuntimePerfStatsMeasurementConfig
If added to the measurements, this will time various sections of code in the simulator and task logic. If using with a multi-environment trainer (like DD-PPO) it is recommended to only log this stat for one environment since this metric can include many numbers.