- namespace esp
- Root namespace.
- namespace esp::core
- Core Habitat functionality.
- namespace esp::core::config
- Configuration functionality.
- namespace esp::geo
- namespace esp::gfx
- GFX library.
- namespace esp::gfx::replay
- namespace esp::metadata
- Metadata management.
- namespace esp::metadata::managers
- Metadata Attribute Managers library.
- namespace esp::nav
- NavMesh namespace.
- namespace esp::physics
- Physics library.
- namespace esp::scene
- namespace esp::sensor
- namespace esp::sim
- core physics simulation namespace
- void initCoreBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify core bindings.
- void initConfigBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
core:: config:: Configuration. - void initGeoBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
geo:: OBB and esp:: geo:: Ray. -
auto createRenderCameraBind(pybind11::module& m) -> pybind11::class_<RenderCamera, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyFeature<RenderCamera>, Magnum::
SceneGraph:: Camera3D, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyFeatureHolder<RenderCamera>> - Create pybind class for RenderCamera, and partially define bindings. Bindings should be completed in initGfxBindings, once dependent bindings have been created (i.e. SceneNode)
auto createRendererBind(pybind11::module& m) -> pybind11::class_<esp::
gfx:: Renderer, std:: shared_ptr<Renderer>> - Create pybind class for Renderer, and partially define bindings. Bindings should be completed in initGfxBindings, once dependent bindings have been created (i.e. SceneNode)
void finalInitRenderer(pybind11::class_<Renderer, std::
shared_ptr<Renderer>>& renderer) - Finalize Renderer bindings definitions after sim bindings class defined.
- void initRenderTargetBind(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for RenderTarget. Done separately so that it can be performed before Sensor bindings are defined, which depend on it.
void initGfxBindings(pybind11::module& m,
pybind11::class_<RenderCamera, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyFeature<RenderCamera>, Magnum::
SceneGraph:: Camera3D, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyFeatureHolder<RenderCamera>>& renderCamera) - Specify bindings for constructs in esp::gfx namespace.
- void initGfxReplayBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for constructs in esp::gfx::replay namespace.
- void initAttributesBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for attributes in esp::metadata::attributes namespace.
- void initMetadataMediatorBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
metadata:: MetadataMediator. - void initAttributesManagersBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for attributes in esp::metadata::managers namespace.
- void initShortestPathBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
nav:: HitRecord , esp:: nav:: ShortestPath , esp:: nav:: MultiGoalShortestPath, esp:: nav:: NavMeshSettings, esp:: nav:: PathFinder, and esp:: nav:: GreedyGeodesicFollowerImpl. - void initPhysicsBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
physics:: VelocityControl , esp:: physics:: JointMotorSettings , esp:: physics:: RigidConstraintSettings , esp:: physics:: RayHitInfo , esp:: physics:: RaycastResults , esp:: physics:: ContactPointData , and esp:: physics:: CollisionGroupHelper. - void initPhysicsObjectBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for the various esp::physics wrapper objects.
- void initPhysicsWrapperManagerBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for the various esp::physics wrapper object managers.
auto createSceneNodeBind(pybind11::module& m) -> pybind11::class_<esp::
scene:: SceneNode, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyObject<esp:: scene:: SceneNode>, Magnum:: SceneGraph:: Object<Magnum:: SceneGraph:: BasicTranslationRotationScalingTransformation3D<float>>, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyObjectHolder<esp:: scene:: SceneNode>> -
void initSceneBindings(pybind11::module& m,
scene:: SceneNode, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyObject<esp:: scene:: SceneNode>, Magnum:: SceneGraph:: Object<Magnum:: SceneGraph:: BasicTranslationRotationScalingTransformation3D<float>>, Magnum::SceneGraph::PyObjectHolder<esp:: scene:: SceneNode>>& pySceneNode) - Specify bindings for esp::
scene:: SceneNode , esp:: scene:: SceneGraph , esp:: scene:: SceneManager , esp:: scene:: SemanticCategory , esp:: scene:: Mp3dObjectCategory , esp:: scene:: Mp3dRegionCategory esp:: scene:: SemanticObject , esp:: scene:: SemanticRegion , esp:: scene:: SemanticLevel , esp:: scene:: SemanticScene. - void initSensorBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for various esp::sensor classes.
- void initSimBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
sim:: Simulator and esp:: sim:: AbstractReplayRenderer ,. - void initSimConfigBindings(pybind11::module& m)
- Specify bindings for esp::
sim:: SimulatorConfiguration and esp:: sim:: ReplayRendererConfiguration. - void initRenderInstanceHelperBindings(pybind11::module& m)