esp::physics::RigidConstraintSettings struct

Stores rigid constraint parameters for creation and updates.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

RigidConstraintSettings() defaulted

Public variables

RigidConstraintType constraintType
The type of constraint described by these settings. Determines which parameters to use for creation and update.
double maxImpulse
The maximum impulse applied by this constraint. Should be tuned relative to physics timestep.
int objectIdA
objectIdA must always be >= 0. For mixed type constraints, objectA must be the ArticulatedObject.
int objectIdB
objectIdB == ID_UNDEFINED indicates "world".
int linkIdA
link of objectA if articulated. ID_UNDEFINED(-1) refers to base.
int linkIdB
link of objectB if articulated. ID_UNDEFINED(-1) refers to base.
Mn::Vector3 pivotA
constraint point in local space of respective objects
Mn::Vector3 pivotB
Mn::Matrix3x3 frameA
constraint orientation frame in local space of respective objects for RigidConstraintType::Fixed
Mn::Matrix3x3 frameB