esp::sim::Simulator class

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Simulator(const SimulatorConfiguration& cfg, std::shared_ptr<metadata::MetadataMediator> _metadataMediator = nullptr) explicit
~Simulator() virtual
Simulator() protected defaulted

Public functions

void close(bool destroy = true)
Closes the simulator and frees all loaded assets and GPU contexts.
void reconfigure(const SimulatorConfiguration& cfg)
void reset()
void seed(uint32_t newSeed)
auto getRenderer() -> std::shared_ptr<gfx::Renderer>
void getRenderGLContext()
auto getGfxReplayManager() -> std::shared_ptr<gfx::replay::ReplayManager>
void saveFrame(const std::string& filename)
auto gpuDevice() const -> int
The ID of the CUDA device of the OpenGL context owned by the simulator. This will only be nonzero if the simulator is built in –headless mode on linux.
auto getAOAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::AOAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to articulated object attributes for the current dataset.
auto getAssetAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::AssetAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to asset attributes for the current dataset.
auto getLightLayoutAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::LightLayoutAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to light attributes and layouts for the current dataset.
auto getObjectAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::ObjectAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to object attributes and layouts for the current dataset.
auto getPhysicsAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::PhysicsAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to physics world attributes.
auto getStageAttributesManager() const -> const std::shared_ptr<metadata::managers::StageAttributesManager>&
Return manager for construction and access to scene attributes for the current dataset.
auto getActiveSceneDatasetName() -> std::string
Get current active dataset name from metadataMediator_.
void setActiveSceneDatasetName(const std::string& _dsHandle)
Set current active dataset name from metadataMediator_.
auto getPhysicsSimulationLibrary() const -> const esp::physics::PhysicsManager::PhysicsSimulationLibrary&
Return the library implementation type for the simulator currently in use. Use to check for a particular implementation.
void physicsDebugDraw(const Magnum::Matrix4& projTrans) const
Render any debugging visualizations provided by the underlying physics simulator implementation. By default does nothing. See BulletPhysicsManager::debugDraw.
auto getStageInitializationTemplate() const -> metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::cptr
Get a copy of a stage's template when the stage was instanced.
auto getActiveSceneGraph() -> scene::SceneGraph&
get the current active scene graph
auto getSemanticScene() -> std::shared_ptr<scene::SemanticScene>
auto getSemanticSceneColormap() const -> const std::vector<Mn::Vector3ub>&
Return a view of the currently set Semantic scene colormap.
auto semanticSceneExists() const -> bool
check if the semantic scene exists.
auto semanticSceneGraphExists() const -> bool
Check to see if there is a SemanticSceneGraph for rendering.
auto getActiveSemanticSceneGraph() -> scene::SceneGraph&
get the semantic scene's SceneGraph for rendering
auto buildSemanticCCObjects() const -> std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<scene::CCSemanticObject::ptr>>
Build a map keyed by semantic color/id referencing a list of connected component-based Semantic objects.
auto buildVertexColorMapReport() const -> std::vector<std::string>
Build a report on vertex color mappings to semantic scene descriptor object colors, to show whether any verts have unknown colors and whether any semantic object colors are not present in the mesh.
auto saveCurrentSceneInstance(const std::string& saveFilename) const -> bool
Builds a esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes describing the current scene configuration, and saves it to a JSON file, using saveFileName .
auto saveCurrentSceneInstance(bool overwrite = false) const -> bool
Builds a esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes describing the current scene configuration, and saves it to a JSON file, using the current scene attributes' filename, or an incremented version if overwrite == false.
auto getExistingObjectIDs() -> std::vector<int>
Get the IDs of the physics objects instanced in a physical scene. See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::getExistingObjectIDs.
void setObjectBBDraw(bool drawBB, int objectId)
Turn on/off rendering for the bounding box of the object's visual component.
auto contactTest(int objectID) -> bool
Discrete collision check for contact between an object and the collision world.
void performDiscreteCollisionDetection()
Perform discrete collision detection for the scene.
auto getPhysicsContactPoints() -> std::vector<esp::physics::ContactPointData>
Query physics simulation implementation for contact point data from the most recent collision detection cache.
auto getPhysicsNumActiveContactPoints() -> int
Query the number of contact points that were active during the collision detection check.
auto getPhysicsNumActiveOverlappingPairs() -> int
See BulletPhysicsManager.h getNumActiveOverlappingPairs.
auto getPhysicsStepCollisionSummary() -> std::string
See BulletPhysicsManager.h getStepCollisionSummary.
void setStageIsCollidable(bool collidable)
Set the stage to collidable or not.
auto getStageIsCollidable() -> bool
Get whether or not the stage is collision active.
auto getRigidObjectManager() const -> std::shared_ptr<esp::physics::RigidObjectManager>
returns the wrapper manager for the currently created rigid objects.
auto getArticulatedObjectManager() const -> std::shared_ptr<esp::physics::ArticulatedObjectManager>
returns the wrapper manager for the currently created articulated objects.
auto castRay(const esp::geo::Ray& ray, double maxDistance = 100.0) -> esp::physics::RaycastResults
Raycast into the collision world of a scene.
auto stepWorld(double dt = 1.0/60.0) -> double
the physical world has a notion of time which passes during animation/simulation/action/etc... Step the physical world forward in time by a desired duration. Note that the actual duration of time passed by this step will depend on simulation time stepping mode (todo). See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::stepPhysics.
auto getWorldTime() -> double
Get the current time in the simulated world. This is always 0 if no esp::physics::PhysicsManager is initialized. See stepWorld. See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::getWorldTime.
auto getPhysicsTimeStep() -> double
Get the last physics timestep in seconds.
auto getCurSceneInstanceName() const -> std::string
Get the simplified name of the esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes used to create the scene currently being simulated/displayed.
void setGravity(const Magnum::Vector3& gravity)
Set the gravity in a physical scene.
auto getGravity() const -> Magnum::Vector3
Get the gravity in a physical scene.
auto getDebugLineRender() -> std::shared_ptr<esp::gfx::DebugLineRender>
auto recomputeNavMesh(nav::PathFinder& pathfinder, const nav::NavMeshSettings& navMeshSettings) -> bool
Compute the navmesh for the simulator's current active scene and assign it to the referenced nav::PathFinder.
auto getJoinedMesh(bool includeStaticObjects = false) -> assets::MeshData::ptr
Get the joined mesh data for all objects in the scene.
auto getJoinedSemanticMesh(std::vector<std::uint16_t>& objectIds) -> assets::MeshData::ptr
Get the joined semantic mesh data for all objects in the scene.
auto setNavMeshVisualization(bool visualize) -> bool
Set visualization of the current NavMesh pathfinder_ on or off.
auto isNavMeshVisualizationActive() -> bool
Query active state of the current NavMesh pathfinder_ visualization.
auto getDrawableGroup() -> esp::gfx::DrawableGroup&
Return a ref to a new drawables in the currently active scene, for object creation.
auto addTrajectoryObject(const std::string& trajVisName, const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, const std::vector<Mn::Color3>& colorVec, int numSegments = 3, float radius = .001, bool smooth = false, int numInterp = 10) -> int
Compute a trajectory visualization for the passed points.
auto removeTrajVisByName(const std::string& trajVisName) -> bool
Remove a trajectory visualization by name.
auto removeTrajVisByID(int trajVisObjID) -> bool
Remove a trajectory visualization by object ID.
auto getAgent(int agentId) -> agent::Agent::ptr
auto addAgent(const agent::AgentConfiguration& agentConfig, scene::SceneNode& agentParentNode) -> agent::Agent::ptr
auto addAgent(const agent::AgentConfiguration& agentConfig) -> agent::Agent::ptr
auto addSensorToObject(int objectId, const esp::sensor::SensorSpec::ptr& sensorSpec) -> esp::sensor::Sensor&
Initialize sensor and attach to sceneNode of a particular object.
auto displayObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId) -> bool
Displays observations on default frame buffer for a particular sensor of an agent.
auto getRenderTarget(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId) -> gfx::RenderTarget*
get the render target of a particular sensor of an agent
auto drawObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId) -> bool
draw observations to the frame buffer stored in that particular sensor of an agent. Unlike the @displayObservation, it will not display the observation on the default frame buffer
auto visualizeObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId, float colorMapOffset, float colorMapScale) -> bool
visualize the undisplayable observations such as depth, semantic, to the frame buffer stored in the SensorInfoVisualizer Note: it will not display the observation on the default frame buffer
auto visualizeObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId) -> bool
auto getAgentObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId, sensor::Observation& observation) -> bool
auto getAgentObservations(int agentId, std::map<std::string, sensor::Observation>& observations) -> int
auto getAgentObservationSpace(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId, sensor::ObservationSpace& space) -> bool
auto getAgentObservationSpaces(int agentId, std::map<std::string, sensor::ObservationSpace>& spaces) -> int
auto getPathFinder() -> nav::PathFinder::ptr
void setPathFinder(nav::PathFinder::ptr pf)
void setFrustumCullingEnabled(bool val)
Enable or disable frustum culling (enabled by default)
auto isFrustumCullingEnabled() const -> bool
Get status, whether frustum culling is enabled or not.
auto getLightSetup(const std::string& key = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY) -> gfx::LightSetup
Get a copy of an existing gfx::LightSetup by its key.
auto getCurrentLightSetup() -> gfx::LightSetup
Get a copy of the currently set existing gfx::LightSetup.
void setLightSetup(gfx::LightSetup lightSetup, const std::string& key = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY)
Register a gfx::LightSetup with a key name.
auto createRigidConstraint(const physics::RigidConstraintSettings& settings) -> int
Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.
void updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId, const physics::RigidConstraintSettings& settings)
Update the settings of a rigid constraint.
void removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId)
Remove a rigid constraint by id.
auto getRigidConstraintSettings(int constraintId) const -> physics::RigidConstraintSettings
Get a copy of the settings for an existing rigid constraint.
auto random() -> core::Random::ptr
Getter for PRNG.
auto getMetadataMediator() const -> std::shared_ptr<metadata::MetadataMediator>
Get this simulator's MetadataMediator.
void setMetadataMediator(std::shared_ptr<metadata::MetadataMediator> _metadataMediator)
Set this simulator's MetadataMediator.
auto loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance(const assets::AssetInfo& assetInfo, const assets::RenderAssetInstanceCreationInfo& creation) -> scene::SceneNode*
Load and add a render asset instance to the current scene graph(s).
auto getRuntimePerfStatNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf.
auto getRuntimePerfStatValues() -> std::vector<float>
Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf.

Protected functions

void resetNavMeshVisIfActive()
if Navmesh visualization is active, reset the visualization.
auto createSceneInstance(const std::string& activeSceneName) -> bool
Builds a scene instance and populates it with initial object layout, if appropriate, based on esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes referenced by activeSceneName .
auto instanceStageForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes, const std::shared_ptr<esp::metadata::attributes::SemanticAttributes>& semanticAttr) -> bool
Instance the stage for the current scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.
auto instanceObjectsForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes) -> bool
Instance all the objects in the scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.
auto instanceArticulatedObjectsForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes) -> bool
Instance all the articulated objects in the scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.
auto buildCurrentStateSceneAttributes() const -> metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::ptr
Build a metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes describing the current scene's present state.
void sampleRandomAgentState(agent::AgentState& agentState)
sample a random valid AgentState in passed agentState
auto sceneHasPhysics() const -> bool
auto queryArticulatedObjWrapper(int objID) const -> esp::physics::ManagedArticulatedObject::ptr
TEMPORARY until sim access to objects is completely removed. This method will return an object's wrapper if the passed objID is valid. This wrapper will then be used by the calling function to access components of the object.
void reconfigureReplayManager(bool enableGfxReplaySave)

Protected variables

gfx::WindowlessContext::uptr context_
std::shared_ptr<gfx::Renderer> renderer_
std::unique_ptr<assets::ResourceManager> resourceManager_
std::shared_ptr<metadata::MetadataMediator> metadataMediator_
Owns and manages the metadata/attributes managers.
metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr curSceneInstanceAttributes_
Configuration describing currently active scene.
scene::SceneManager::uptr sceneManager_
int activeSceneID_
int activeSemanticSceneID_
bool semanticSceneMeshLoaded_
Whether or not the loaded scene has a semantic scene mesh loaded.
std::vector<int> sceneID_
std::shared_ptr<physics::PhysicsManager> physicsManager_
std::shared_ptr<esp::gfx::replay::ReplayManager> gfxReplayMgr_
core::Random::ptr random_
SimulatorConfiguration config_
std::vector<agent::Agent::ptr> agents_
nav::PathFinder::ptr pathfinder_
bool frustumCulling_
int navMeshVisPrimID_
NavMesh visualization variables.
esp::scene::SceneNode* navMeshVisNode_
Corrade::Containers::Optional<bool> requiresTextures_
Tracks whether or not the simulator was initialized to load textures. Because we cache mesh loading, this should not be changed without calling close() first.
std::shared_ptr<esp::gfx::DebugLineRender> debugLineRender_
std::vector<float> runtimePerfStatValues_

Function documentation

void esp::sim::Simulator::close(bool destroy = true)

Closes the simulator and frees all loaded assets and GPU contexts.

destroy When set, destroy the background rendering thread and gl context also. Otherwise these persist if the background rendering thread was used. This is done because the OpenGL driver leaks memory on thread destroy on some systems.

void esp::sim::Simulator::setActiveSceneDatasetName(const std::string& _dsHandle)

Set current active dataset name from metadataMediator_.

_dsHandle The desired dataset to switch to. If has not been loaded, an attempt will be made to load it.

const esp::physics::PhysicsManager::PhysicsSimulationLibrary& esp::sim::Simulator::getPhysicsSimulationLibrary() const

Return the library implementation type for the simulator currently in use. Use to check for a particular implementation.

Returns The implementation type of this simulator.

void esp::sim::Simulator::physicsDebugDraw(const Magnum::Matrix4& projTrans) const

Render any debugging visualizations provided by the underlying physics simulator implementation. By default does nothing. See BulletPhysicsManager::debugDraw.

projTrans The composed projection and transformation matrix for the render camera.

metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::cptr esp::sim::Simulator::getStageInitializationTemplate() const

Get a copy of a stage's template when the stage was instanced.

Use this to query the stage's properties when it was initialized.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::saveCurrentSceneInstance(const std::string& saveFilename) const

Builds a esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes describing the current scene configuration, and saves it to a JSON file, using saveFileName .

saveFilename The name to use to save the current scene instance.
Returns whether successful or not.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::saveCurrentSceneInstance(bool overwrite = false) const

Builds a esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes describing the current scene configuration, and saves it to a JSON file, using the current scene attributes' filename, or an incremented version if overwrite == false.

overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing file with the same name, should one exist.
Returns whether successful or not.

std::vector<int> esp::sim::Simulator::getExistingObjectIDs()

Get the IDs of the physics objects instanced in a physical scene. See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::getExistingObjectIDs.

Returns A vector of ID keys into esp::physics::PhysicsManager::existingObjects_.

void esp::sim::Simulator::setObjectBBDraw(bool drawBB, int objectId)

Turn on/off rendering for the bounding box of the object's visual component.

drawBB Whether or not the render the bounding box.
objectId The object ID and key identifying the object in esp::physics::PhysicsManager::existingObjects_.

Assumes the new esp::gfx::Drawable for the bounding box should be added to the active esp::gfx::SceneGraph's default drawable group. See esp::gfx::SceneGraph::getDrawableGroup().

bool esp::sim::Simulator::contactTest(int objectID)

Discrete collision check for contact between an object and the collision world.

Returns Whether or not the object is in contact with any other collision enabled objects.

std::vector<esp::physics::ContactPointData> esp::sim::Simulator::getPhysicsContactPoints()

Query physics simulation implementation for contact point data from the most recent collision detection cache.

Returns a vector with each entry corresponding to a single contact point.

int esp::sim::Simulator::getPhysicsNumActiveContactPoints()

Query the number of contact points that were active during the collision detection check.

Returns the number of active contact points.

std::shared_ptr<esp::physics::RigidObjectManager> esp::sim::Simulator::getRigidObjectManager() const

returns the wrapper manager for the currently created rigid objects.

Returns RigidObject wrapper manager.

std::shared_ptr<esp::physics::ArticulatedObjectManager> esp::sim::Simulator::getArticulatedObjectManager() const

returns the wrapper manager for the currently created articulated objects.

Returns ArticulatedObject wrapper manager

esp::physics::RaycastResults esp::sim::Simulator::castRay(const esp::geo::Ray& ray, double maxDistance = 100.0)

Raycast into the collision world of a scene.

ray The ray to cast. Need not be unit length, but returned hit distances will be in units of ray length.
maxDistance The maximum distance along the ray direction to search. In units of ray length.
Returns Raycast results sorted by distance.

Note: A default physics::PhysicsManager has no collision world, so physics must be enabled for this feature.

double esp::sim::Simulator::stepWorld(double dt = 1.0/60.0)

the physical world has a notion of time which passes during animation/simulation/action/etc... Step the physical world forward in time by a desired duration. Note that the actual duration of time passed by this step will depend on simulation time stepping mode (todo). See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::stepPhysics.

dt The desired amount of time to advance the physical world.
Returns The new world time after stepping. See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::worldTime_.

double esp::sim::Simulator::getWorldTime()

Get the current time in the simulated world. This is always 0 if no esp::physics::PhysicsManager is initialized. See stepWorld. See esp::physics::PhysicsManager::getWorldTime.

Returns The amount of time, esp::physics::PhysicsManager::worldTime_, by which the physical world has advanced.

double esp::sim::Simulator::getPhysicsTimeStep()

Get the last physics timestep in seconds.

Returns The timestep.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::recomputeNavMesh(nav::PathFinder& pathfinder, const nav::NavMeshSettings& navMeshSettings)

Compute the navmesh for the simulator's current active scene and assign it to the referenced nav::PathFinder.

pathfinder The pathfinder object to which the recomputed navmesh will be assigned.
navMeshSettings The nav::NavMeshSettings instance to parameterize the navmesh construction.
Returns Whether or not the navmesh recomputation succeeded.

assets::MeshData::ptr esp::sim::Simulator::getJoinedMesh(bool includeStaticObjects = false)

Get the joined mesh data for all objects in the scene.

includeStaticObjects flag to include static objects
Returns A shared ptr assets::MeshData with required mesh

assets::MeshData::ptr esp::sim::Simulator::getJoinedSemanticMesh(std::vector<std::uint16_t>& objectIds)

Get the joined semantic mesh data for all objects in the scene.

objectIds out will be populated with the object ids for the semantic mesh
Returns A shared ptr assets::MeshData with required mesh and populate the objectIds

bool esp::sim::Simulator::setNavMeshVisualization(bool visualize)

Set visualization of the current NavMesh pathfinder_ on or off.

visualize Whether or not to visualize the navmesh.
Returns Whether or not the NavMesh visualization is active.

int esp::sim::Simulator::addTrajectoryObject(const std::string& trajVisName, const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, const std::vector<Mn::Color3>& colorVec, int numSegments = 3, float radius = .001, bool smooth = false, int numInterp = 10)

Compute a trajectory visualization for the passed points.

trajVisName The name to use for the trajectory visualization
pts The points of a trajectory, in order
colorVec Array of colors for trajectory tube.
numSegments The number of the segments around the circumference of the tube. Must be greater than or equal to 3.
radius The radius of the tube.
smooth Whether to smooth the points in the trajectory or not. Will build a much bigger mesh
numInterp The number of interpolations between each trajectory point, if smoothed
Returns The ID of the object created for the visualization

bool esp::sim::Simulator::removeTrajVisByName(const std::string& trajVisName)

Remove a trajectory visualization by name.

trajVisName The name of the trajectory visualization to remove.
Returns whether successful or not.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::removeTrajVisByID(int trajVisObjID)

Remove a trajectory visualization by object ID.

trajVisObjID The object ID of the trajectory visualization to remove.
Returns whether successful or not.

esp::sensor::Sensor& esp::sim::Simulator::addSensorToObject(int objectId, const esp::sensor::SensorSpec::ptr& sensorSpec)

Initialize sensor and attach to sceneNode of a particular object.

objectId Id of the object to which a sensor will be initialized at its node
sensorSpec SensorSpec of sensor to be initialized
Returns handle to sensor initialized

bool esp::sim::Simulator::displayObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId)

Displays observations on default frame buffer for a particular sensor of an agent.

agentId Id of the agent for which the observation is to be returned
sensorId Id of the sensor for which the observation is to be returned

gfx::RenderTarget* esp::sim::Simulator::getRenderTarget(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId)

get the render target of a particular sensor of an agent

agentId Id of the agent for which the observation is to be returned
sensorId Id of the sensor for which the observation is to be returned
Returns pointer to the render target if it is a valid visual sensor, otherwise nullptr

bool esp::sim::Simulator::drawObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId)

draw observations to the frame buffer stored in that particular sensor of an agent. Unlike the @displayObservation, it will not display the observation on the default frame buffer

agentId Id of the agent for which the observation is to be returned
sensorId Id of the sensor for which the observation is to be returned

bool esp::sim::Simulator::visualizeObservation(int agentId, const std::string& sensorId, float colorMapOffset, float colorMapScale)

visualize the undisplayable observations such as depth, semantic, to the frame buffer stored in the SensorInfoVisualizer Note: it will not display the observation on the default frame buffer

agentId in Id of the agent for which the observation is to be returned
sensorId in Id of the sensor for which the observation is to be returned
colorMapOffset in the offset of the color map
colorMapScale in the scale of the color map See details in TextureVisualizerShader::setColorMapTransformation for more info.
Returns false if the sensor's observation cannot be visualized.

NOTE: it assumes: -) it is a non-rgb sensor (such as a depth or semantic sensor); -) the drawObservation is called; -) when the render target is bound to the sensor, "VisualizeTexture" is enabled. See Renderer::bindRenderTarget and Renderer::RenderTargetBindingFlag for more info

void esp::sim::Simulator::setFrustumCullingEnabled(bool val)

Enable or disable frustum culling (enabled by default)

val true = enable, false = disable

bool esp::sim::Simulator::isFrustumCullingEnabled() const

Get status, whether frustum culling is enabled or not.

Returns true if enabled, otherwise false

gfx::LightSetup esp::sim::Simulator::getLightSetup(const std::string& key = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY)

Get a copy of an existing gfx::LightSetup by its key.

key The string key of the gfx::LightSetup.

void esp::sim::Simulator::setLightSetup(gfx::LightSetup lightSetup, const std::string& key = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY)

Register a gfx::LightSetup with a key name.

lightSetup The gfx::LightSetup this key will now reference.
key Key to identify this gfx::LightSetup.

If this name already exists, the gfx::LightSetup is updated and all esp::gfx::Drawable s using this setup are updated.

int esp::sim::Simulator::createRigidConstraint(const physics::RigidConstraintSettings& settings)

Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.

settings The datastructure defining the constraint parameters.
Returns The id of the newly created constraint or ID_UNDEFINED if failed.

Note: requires Bullet physics to be enabled.

void esp::sim::Simulator::updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId, const physics::RigidConstraintSettings& settings)

Update the settings of a rigid constraint.

constraintId The id of the constraint to update.
settings The new settings of the constraint.

Note: requires Bullet physics to be enabled.

void esp::sim::Simulator::removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId)

Remove a rigid constraint by id.

constraintId The id of the constraint to remove.

Note: requires Bullet physics to be enabled.

physics::RigidConstraintSettings esp::sim::Simulator::getRigidConstraintSettings(int constraintId) const

Get a copy of the settings for an existing rigid constraint.

constraintId The id of the constraint.
Returns The settings of the constraint.

Note: requires Bullet physics to be enabled.

core::Random::ptr esp::sim::Simulator::random()

Getter for PRNG.

Use this where-ever possible so that habitat won't be effected by python random or numpy.random modules.

scene::SceneNode* esp::sim::Simulator::loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance(const assets::AssetInfo& assetInfo, const assets::RenderAssetInstanceCreationInfo& creation)

Load and add a render asset instance to the current scene graph(s).

assetInfo the asset to load
creation how to create the instance

std::vector<std::string> esp::sim::Simulator::getRuntimePerfStatNames()

Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf.

Returns A vector of stat names; currently, this is constant so it can be called once at startup. See also getRuntimePerfStatValues.

std::vector<float> esp::sim::Simulator::getRuntimePerfStatValues()

Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf.

Returns a vector of stat values. Stat values generally change after every physics step. See also getRuntimePerfStatNames.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::createSceneInstance(const std::string& activeSceneName) protected

Builds a scene instance and populates it with initial object layout, if appropriate, based on esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes referenced by activeSceneName .

activeSceneName The name of the desired SceneInstanceAttributes to use to instantiate a scene.
Returns Whether successful or not.

bool esp::sim::Simulator::instanceStageForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes, const std::shared_ptr<esp::metadata::attributes::SemanticAttributes>& semanticAttr) protected

Instance the stage for the current scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.

curSceneInstanceAttributes The attributes describing the current scene instance.
Returns whether stage creation is completed successfully

bool esp::sim::Simulator::instanceObjectsForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes) protected

Instance all the objects in the scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.

curSceneInstanceAttributes The attributes describing the current scene instance.
Returns whether object creation and placement is completed successfully

bool esp::sim::Simulator::instanceArticulatedObjectsForSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::cptr& curSceneInstanceAttributes) protected

Instance all the articulated objects in the scene based on curSceneInstanceAttributes_, the currently active scene's esp::metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes.

curSceneInstanceAttributes The attributes describing the current scene instance.
Returns whether articulated object creation and placement is completed successfully

void esp::sim::Simulator::sampleRandomAgentState(agent::AgentState& agentState) protected

sample a random valid AgentState in passed agentState

agentState [out] The placeholder for the sampled agent state.

esp::physics::ManagedArticulatedObject::ptr esp::sim::Simulator::queryArticulatedObjWrapper(int objID) const protected

TEMPORARY until sim access to objects is completely removed. This method will return an object's wrapper if the passed objID is valid. This wrapper will then be used by the calling function to access components of the object.

objID The ID of the desired object
Returns A smart pointer to the wrapper referencing the desired object, or nullptr if DNE.