esp::sensor namespace


class AudioEmptyStubChannelLayoutClass
class AudioEmptyStubConfigurationClass
class AudioSensor
struct AudioSensorSpec
class CameraSensor
struct CameraSensorSpec
class CubeMapSensorBase
struct CubeMapSensorBaseSpec
class EquirectangularSensor
struct EquirectangularSensorSpec
class FisheyeSensor
struct FisheyeSensorDoubleSphereSpec
struct FisheyeSensorSpec
struct Observation
struct ObservationSpace
struct RedwoodNoiseModelGPUImpl
class Sensor
class SensorFactory
struct SensorSpec
class SensorSuite
class VisualSensor
struct VisualSensorSpec


enum class FisheyeSensorModelType: Magnum::UnsignedInt { DoubleSphere = 0 }
enum class SensorType: int32_t { None = 0, Color, Depth, Normal, Semantic, Path, Goal, Force, Tensor, Text, Audio, SensorTypeCount }
enum class ObservationSpaceType { None = 0, Tensor = 1, Text = 2 }
enum class SensorSubType: int32_t { None = 0, Pinhole, Orthographic, Fisheye, Equirectangular, ImpulseResponse, SensorSubTypeCount }


using SensorSetup = std::vector<sensor::SensorSpec::ptr>
using SemanticSensorTarget = esp::scene::SceneNodeSemanticDataIDX
This enum describes the type of information the Semantic Sensor will render. This is an alias for the idx enum defined in scene node.


void initSensorBindings(pybind11::module& m)
Specify bindings for various esp::sensor classes.
auto espLoggingSubsystem() -> logging::Subsystem