#include <esp/physics/PhysicsManager.h>
PhysicsManager Kinematic and dynamic scene and object manager. Responsible for tracking, updating, and synchronizing the state of the physical world and all non-static geometry in the scene as well as interfacing with specific physical simulation implementations.
The physical world in this case consists of any objects which can be manipulated:addObject : (kinematically or dynamically) or simulated and anything such objects must be aware of (e.g. static scene collision geometry).
May eventually manage multiple physical scenes, but currently assumes only one unique physical world can exist.
Derived classes
- class BulletPhysicsManager
- Dynamic stage and object manager interfacing with Bullet physics engine: https:/
/ bulletphysics/ bullet3.
Public types
- enum class PhysicsSimulationLibrary { NoPhysics, Bullet }
- ==== physics engines ====
using DrawableGroup = gfx::
DrawableGroup - Stores references to a set of drawable elements.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
ResourceManager& _resourceManager, const std:: shared_ptr<const metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes>& _physicsManagerAttributes) explicit - Construct a ref PhysicsManager with access to specific resource assets.
- ~PhysicsManager() virtual
- Destructor.
Public functions
void setSimulator(esp::
sim:: Simulator* _simulator) - Set a pointer to this physics manager's owning simulator.
auto initPhysics(scene::
SceneNode* node) -> bool - Initialization: load physical properties and setup the world.
- void reset() virtual
- Reset the simulation and physical world. Sets the worldTime_
to 0.0, changes the physical state of all objects back to their initial states. Only changes motion_type when scene_instance specified a motion type. - auto addStageInstance(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes, const metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr& stageInstanceAttributes) -> bool
- Initialize static scene collision geometry from loaded mesh data. Only one 'scene' may be initialized per simulated world, but this scene may contain several components (e.g. GLB hierarchy).
auto addObjectInstance(const esp::metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr& objInstAttributes,
bool defaultCOMCorrection = false,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance and place a physics object from a esp::
metadata:: attributes:: SceneObjectInstanceAttributes file. - auto cloneExistingObject(int objectID) -> int
- Duplicate an existing rigid using its esp::
metadata:: attributes:: SceneObjectInstanceAttributes template. -
auto addObject(const std::
string& attributesHandle, DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr, scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance a physical object from an object properties template in the esp::
metadata:: managers:: ObjectAttributesManager. This method will query for a drawable group from simulator. -
auto addObject(int attributesID,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance a physical object from an object properties template in the esp::
metadata:: managers:: ObjectAttributesManager by template ID. This method will query for a drawable group from simulator. - auto getRigidObjectWrapper() -> ManagedRigidObject::ptr virtual
- Create an object wrapper appropriate for this physics manager. Overridden if called by dynamics-library-enabled PhysicsManager.
- void removeObject(int objectId, bool deleteObjectNode = true, bool deleteVisualNode = true) virtual
- Remove an object instance from the pysical scene by ID, destroying its scene graph node and removing it from PhysicsManager::
existingObjects_. - auto getNumRigidObjects() const -> int
- Get the number of objects mapped in PhysicsManager::
existingObjects_. -
auto getExistingObjectIDs() const -> std::
vector<int> - Get a list of existing object IDs (i.e., existing keys in PhysicsManager::
existingObjects_.) -
auto addArticulatedObjectInstance(const std::
shared_ptr<const esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes>& aObjInstAttributes, DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance and place an ArticulatedObject from a esp::
metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes template. - auto cloneExistingArticulatedObject(int aObjectID) -> int
- Duplicate an existing ArticulatedObject using its esp::
metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes template. -
auto addArticulatedObject(const std::
string& attributesHandle, DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr, bool forceReload = false, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance an ArticulatedObject from an esp::
metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes retrieved from the esp:: metadata:: managers:: AOAttributesManager by the given attributesHandle
. -
auto addArticulatedObject(int attributesID,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool forceReload = false,
const std::
string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance an ArticulatedObject from an esp::
metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes retrieved from the esp:: metadata:: managers:: AOAttributesManager by the given attributesID
. -
auto addArticulatedObjectFromURDF(const std::
string& filepath, DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr, bool fixedBase = false, float globalScale = 1.0, float massScale = 1.0, bool forceReload = false, bool maintainLinkOrder = false, bool intertiaFromURDF = false, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world.
- void removeArticulatedObject(int objectId) virtual
- Remove an ArticulatedObject from the world by unique id.
- auto getNumArticulatedObjects() -> int
- Get the current number of instanced articulated objects in the world.
- auto getArticulatedObject(int objectId) -> ArticulatedObject&
- auto getArticulatedObjectWrapper() -> ManagedArticulatedObject::ptr virtual
- Create an articulated object wrapper appropriate for this physics manager. Overridden if called by dynamics-library-enabled PhysicsManager.
auto getExistingArticulatedObjectIds() const -> std::
vector<int> - Get a list of existing object IDs for articulated objects (i.e., existing keys in PhysicsManager::
existingArticulatedObjects_.) - void stepPhysics(double dt = 0.0) virtual
- Step the physical world forward in time. Time may only advance in increments of fixedTimeStep_
. - void deferNodesUpdate() virtual
- Defers the update of the scene graph nodes until updateNodes is called This is needed to do ownership transfer of the scene graph to a background thread.
- void updateNodes() virtual
- Syncs the state of physics simulation to the rendering scene graph.
- void setTimestep(double dt) virtual
- Set the fixedTimeStep_
of the physical world. See stepPhysics. -
void setGravity(const Magnum::
Vector3& gravity) virtual - Set the gravity of the physical world if the world is dyanmic and therefore has a notion of force. By default does nothing since the world is kinematic. Exact implementations of gravity will depend on the specific dynamics of the derived physical simulator class.
- auto getTimestep() const -> double virtual
- Get the fixedTimeStep_
of the physical world. See stepPhysics. - auto getWorldTime() const -> double virtual
- Get the current worldTime_
of the physical world. See stepPhysics. -
auto getGravity() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 virtual - Get the current gravity in the physical world. By default returns [0,0,0] since their is no notion of force in a kinematic world.
- auto getStageFrictionCoefficient() const -> double virtual
- Get the current friction coefficient of the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
. - void setStageFrictionCoefficient(const double frictionCoefficient) virtual
- Set the friction coefficient of the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
. - auto getStageRestitutionCoefficient() const -> double virtual
- Get the current coefficient of restitution for the scene collision geometry. This determines the ratio of initial to final relative velocity between the scene and collidiing object. See staticStageObject_
. By default this will always return 0, since kinametic scenes have no dynamics. - void setStageRestitutionCoefficient(const double restitutionCoefficient) virtual
- Set the coefficient of restitution for the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
. By default does nothing since kinametic scenes have no dynamics. - auto checkActiveObjects() -> int
- Get the number of objects in PhysicsManager::
existingObjects_ considered active by the physics simulator currently in use. See RigidObject:: isActive. - void setObjectBBDraw(int physObjectID, DrawableGroup* drawables, bool drawBB)
- Set bounding box rendering for the object true or false.
auto getObjectVisualSceneNode(int physObjectID) const -> const scene::
SceneNode& - Get the root node of an object's visual SceneNode subtree.
void debugDraw(const Magnum::
Matrix4& projTrans) const virtual - Render any debugging visualizations provided by the underlying physics simulator implementation. By default does nothing. See BulletPhysicsManager::
debugDraw. - void performDiscreteCollisionDetection() virtual
- Perform discrete collision detection for the scene with the derived PhysicsManager implementation. Not implemented for default PhysicsManager. See BulletPhysicsManager.
- auto getNumActiveContactPoints() -> int virtual
- Query the number of contact points that were active during the most recent collision detection check.
- auto getNumActiveOverlappingPairs() -> int virtual
- See BulletPhysicsManager.h getNumActiveOverlappingPairs.
auto getStepCollisionSummary() -> std::
string virtual - See BulletPhysicsManager.h getStepCollisionSummary.
auto getContactPoints() const -> std::
vector<ContactPointData> virtual - Query physics simulation implementation for contact point data from the most recent collision detection cache.
- void setStageIsCollidable(bool collidable)
- Set the stage to collidable or not.
- auto getStageIsCollidable() -> bool
- Get whether or not the stage is collision active.
- auto getPhysicsSimulationLibrary() const -> const PhysicsSimulationLibrary&
- Return the library implementation type for the simulator currently in use. Use to check for a particular implementation.
- auto getStageInitAttributes() const -> metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr
- Get a copy of the template used to initialize the stage.
auto getInitializationAttributes() const -> std::
shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes> - Get a copy of the template used to initialize this physics manager.
auto castRay(const esp::
geo:: Ray& ray, double maxDistance = 100.0, double bufferDistance = 0.08) -> RaycastResults virtual - Cast a ray into the collision world and return a RaycastResults with hit information.
auto getRigidObjectManager() const -> std::
shared_ptr<RigidObjectManager> - returns the wrapper manager for the currently created rigid objects.
auto getArticulatedObjectManager() -> std::
shared_ptr<ArticulatedObjectManager> - returns the wrapper manager for the currently created articulated objects.
- auto isValidRigidObjectId(const int physObjectID) const -> bool
- Check if
represents an existing rigid object. - auto isValidArticulatedObjectId(const int physObjectID) const -> bool
- Check if
represents an existing articulated object. - auto createRigidConstraint(const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) -> int virtual
- Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.
- void updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId, const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) virtual
- Update the settings of a rigid constraint.
- void removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId) virtual
- Remove a rigid constraint by id.
- auto getRigidConstraintSettings(int constraintId) const -> RigidConstraintSettings
- Get a copy of the settings for an existing rigid constraint.
- void buildCurrentStateSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::ptr& sceneInstanceAttrs) const
- This will populate the passed
with the current stage, object and articulated object instances reflecting the current state of the physics world. -
auto addTrajectoryObject(const std::
string& trajVisName, const std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3>& pts, const std:: vector<Mn:: Color3>& colorVec, int numSegments = 3, float radius = .001, bool smooth = false, int numInterp = 10, DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr) -> int - Compute a trajectory visualization for the passed points.
auto removeTrajVisByName(const std::
string& trajVisName) -> bool - Remove a trajectory visualization by name.
- auto removeTrajVisByID(int trajVisObjID) -> bool
- Remove a trajectory visualization by object ID.
Protected functions
auto addObjectAndSaveAttributes(const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY, bool defaultCOMCorrection = false, esp::metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr objInstAttributes = nullptr) -> int - This method will create a physical object using the passed values by calling addObjectInternal, will initialize its state and save it's instantiation attributes.
auto addObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables,
SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr, const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int - Instance a physical object from an ObjectAttributes template.
auto addArticulatedObjectAndSaveAttributes(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool forceReload = false,
const std::
string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY, esp::metadata::attributes::SceneAOInstanceAttributes::cptr artObjInstAttributes = nullptr) -> int - This method will create a physical object using the passed values by calling addArticulatedObjectInternal, will initialize its state and save it's instantiation attributes.
auto addArticulatedObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables,
bool forceReload = false,
const std::
string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) -> int virtual - Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world based on the urdf filepath specified in esp::
metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes. This version requires drawables to be provided. -
auto removeTrajVisObjectAndAssets(int trajVisObjID,
const std::
string& trajVisName) -> bool - Internal use only. Remove a trajectory object, its mesh, and all references to it.
auto getRigidObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) -> std::
map<int, RigidObject::ptr>::iterator - Retrieve an iterator to a given object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing rigid object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
auto getArticulatedObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) -> std::
map<int, ArticulatedObject::ptr>::iterator - Retrieve an iterator to a given articulated object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing articulated object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
auto getConstRigidObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) const -> std::
map<int, RigidObject::ptr>::const_iterator - Retrieve an iterator to a given object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing rigid object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
auto getConstArticulatedObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) const -> std::
map<int, ArticulatedObject::ptr>::const_iterator - Retrieve an iterator to a given articulated object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing articulated object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
- auto allocateObjectID() -> int
- Acquire a new ObjectID by recycling the ID of an object removed with removeObject or by incrementing nextObjectID_
. See addObject. - auto deallocateObjectID(int physObjectID) -> int
- Recycle the ID of an object removed with removeObject by adding it to the list of available IDs: recycledObjectIDs_
. - auto initPhysicsFinalize() -> bool virtual
- Finalize physics initialization. Setup staticStageObject_ and initialize any other physics-related values for physics-based scenes. Overidden by instancing class if physics is supported.
- auto addStageFinalize(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes) -> bool virtual
- Finalize stage initialization for kinematic stage. Overidden by instancing class if physics is supported.
auto makeAndAddRigidObject(int newObjectID,
const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
SceneNode* objectNode) -> bool virtual - Create and initialize a RigidObject, assign it an ID and add it to existingObjects_ map keyed with newObjectID.
Protected variables
ResourceManager& resourceManager_ - A reference to a esp::
assets:: ResourceManager which holds assets that can be accessed by this PhysicsManager. -
unique_ptr<URDFImporter> urdfImporter_ - URDF importer implementation and model cache.
sim:: Simulator* simulator_ - A pointer to this physics manager's owning simulator.
const std::
shared_ptr<const metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes> physicsManagerAttributes_ - A pointer to the esp::
metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes describing this physics manager. - PhysicsSimulationLibrary activePhysSimLib_
- The current physics library implementation used by this PhysicsManager. Can be used to correctly cast the PhysicsManager to its derived type if necessary.
SceneNode* physicsNode_ - The scene::
SceneNode which is the parent of all members of the scene graph which exist in the physical world. Used to keep track of all SceneNode's that have physical properties. - physics::RigidStage::ptr staticStageObject_
- The scene::
SceneNode which represents the static collision geometry of the physical world. Only one staticStageObject_ may exist in a physical world. This RigidStage can only have MotionType:: STATIC as it is loaded as static geometry with simulation efficiency in mind. See addStage. -
shared_ptr<RigidObjectManager> rigidObjectManager_ - ==== Rigid object memory management ====
shared_ptr<ArticulatedObjectManager> articulatedObjectManager_ - This manager manages the wrapper objects used to provide safe, direct user access to all existing physics objects.
map<int, RigidObject::ptr> existingObjects_ - Maps object IDs to all existing physical object instances in the world.
map<int, ArticulatedObject::ptr> existingArticulatedObjects_ - Maps articulated object IDs to all existing physical object instances in the world.
- int nextObjectID_
- A counter of unique object ID's allocated thus far. Used to allocate new IDs when recycledObjectIDs_
is empty without needing to check existingObjects_ explicitly. -
vector<int> recycledObjectIDs_ - A list of available object IDs tracked by deallocateObjectID which were previously used by objects since removed from the world with removeObject. These IDs will be re-allocated with allocateObjectID before new IDs are acquired with nextObjectID_
. -
unordered_map<int, RigidConstraintSettings> rigidConstraintSettings_ - Tmaps constraint ids to their settings.
unordered_map<std:: string, int> trajVisIDByName - Maps holding IDs and Names of trajectory visualizations.
unordered_map<int, std:: string> trajVisNameByID - bool initialized_
- Utilities.
- double fixedTimeStep_
- The fixed amount of time over which to integrate the simulation in discrete steps within stepPhysics. Lower values result in better stability at the cost of worse efficiency and vice versa.
- double worldTime_
- The current simulation time. Tracks the total amount of time simulated with stepPhysics up to this point.
Enum documentation
enum class esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: PhysicsSimulationLibrary
==== physics engines ====
The specific physics implementation used by the current PhysicsManager. Each entry suggests a derived class of PhysicsManager and RigidObject implementing the specific interface to a simulation library.
Enumerators | |
NoPhysics |
The default implemenation of kineamtics through the base PhysicsManager class. Supports MotionType:: |
Bullet |
An implemenation of dynamics through the Bullet Physics library. Supports MotionType:: |
Function documentation
esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: PhysicsManager(assets:: ResourceManager& _resourceManager,
const std:: shared_ptr<const metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes>& _physicsManagerAttributes) explicit
Construct a ref PhysicsManager with access to specific resource assets.
Parameters | |
_resourceManager | The esp:: |
_physicsManagerAttributes | The PhysicsManagerAttributes template used to instantiate this physics manager. PhysicsManager will have access to. |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: initPhysics(scene:: SceneNode* node)
Initialization: load physical properties and setup the world.
Parameters | |
node | The scene graph node which will act as the parent of all physical scene and object nodes. |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addStageInstance(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes,
const metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr& stageInstanceAttributes)
Initialize static scene collision geometry from loaded mesh data. Only one 'scene' may be initialized per simulated world, but this scene may contain several components (e.g. GLB hierarchy).
Parameters | |
initAttributes | The attributes structure defining physical properties of the scene. Must be a copy of the attributes stored in the Attributes Manager. |
stageInstanceAttributes | The stage instance attributes that was used to create this stage. Might be empty. |
Returns | true if successful and false otherwise |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addObjectInstance(const esp::metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr& objInstAttributes,
bool defaultCOMCorrection = false,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance and place a physics object from a esp::
Parameters | |
objInstAttributes | The attributes that describe the desired state to set this object. |
defaultCOMCorrection | The default value of whether COM-based translation correction needs to occur. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. Will create object regardless, however. |
attachmentNode | If supplied, attach the new physical object to an existing SceneNode. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: cloneExistingObject(int objectID)
Duplicate an existing rigid using its esp::
Parameters | |
objectID | The ID of the existing RigidObject we wish to duplicate. |
Returns | The instanced RigidObject 's ID, mapping to the rigid object in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addObject(const std:: string& attributesHandle,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance a physical object from an object properties template in the esp::
Parameters | |
attributesHandle | The handle of the object attributes used as the key to query esp:: |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. Will create object regardless, however. |
attachmentNode | If supplied, attach the new physical object to an existing SceneNode. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addObject(int attributesID,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance a physical object from an object properties template in the esp::
Parameters | |
attributesID | The ID of the object's template in esp:: |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. Will create object regardless, however. |
attachmentNode | If supplied, attach the new physical object to an existing SceneNode. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeObject(int objectId,
bool deleteObjectNode = true,
bool deleteVisualNode = true) virtual
Remove an object instance from the pysical scene by ID, destroying its scene graph node and removing it from PhysicsManager::
Parameters | |
objectId | The ID (key) of the object instance in PhysicsManager:: |
deleteObjectNode | If true, deletes the object's scene node. Otherwise detaches the object from simulation. |
deleteVisualNode | If true, deletes the object's visual node. Otherwise detaches the object from simulation. Is not considered if deleteObjectNode==true. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getNumRigidObjects() const
Get the number of objects mapped in PhysicsManager::
Returns | The size of PhysicsManager:: |
std:: vector<int> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getExistingObjectIDs() const
Get a list of existing object IDs (i.e., existing keys in PhysicsManager::
Returns | List of object ID keys from PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObjectInstance(const std:: shared_ptr<const esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes>& aObjInstAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance and place an ArticulatedObject from a esp::
Parameters | |
aObjInstAttributes | The attributes that describe the desired initial state to set for this articulated object. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: cloneExistingArticulatedObject(int aObjectID)
Duplicate an existing ArticulatedObject using its esp::
Parameters | |
aObjectID | The ID of the existing ArticulatedObject we wish to duplicate. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObject(const std:: string& attributesHandle,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool forceReload = false,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance an ArticulatedObject from an esp::attributesHandle
Parameters | |
attributesHandle | The handle of the ArticulatedObjectAttributes to use to create the desired ArticulatedObject |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. |
forceReload | If true, reload the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObject(int attributesID,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool forceReload = false,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Instance an ArticulatedObject from an esp::attributesID
Parameters | |
attributesID | The ID of the ArticulatedObjectAttributes to use to create the desired ArticulatedObject |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. |
forceReload | If true, reload the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObjectFromURDF(const std:: string& filepath,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool fixedBase = false,
float globalScale = 1.0,
float massScale = 1.0,
bool forceReload = false,
bool maintainLinkOrder = false,
bool intertiaFromURDF = false,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY)
Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world.
Parameters | |
filepath | The fully-qualified filename for the URDF file describing the model the articulated object is to be built from. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. |
fixedBase | Whether the base of the ArticulatedObject should be fixed. |
globalScale | A scale multiplier to be applied uniformly in 3 dimensions to the entire ArticulatedObject. |
massScale | A scale multiplier to be applied to the mass of the all the components of the ArticulatedObject. |
forceReload | If true, reload the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model. |
maintainLinkOrder | If true, maintain the order of link definitions from the URDF file as the link indices. |
intertiaFromURDF | If true, load the link inertia matrices from the URDF file instead of computing automatically from collision shapes. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
Not implemented in base PhysicsManager.
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeArticulatedObject(int objectId) virtual
Remove an ArticulatedObject from the world by unique id.
Parameters | |
objectId | The Id of the object to remove |
std:: vector<int> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getExistingArticulatedObjectIds() const
Get a list of existing object IDs for articulated objects (i.e., existing keys in PhysicsManager::
Returns | List of object ID keys from PhysicsManager:: |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: stepPhysics(double dt = 0.0) virtual
Step the physical world forward in time. Time may only advance in increments of fixedTimeStep_
Parameters | |
dt | The desired amount of time to advance the physical world. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setTimestep(double dt) virtual
Set the fixedTimeStep_
Parameters | |
dt | The increment of time by which the physical world will advance. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setGravity(const Magnum:: Vector3& gravity) virtual
Set the gravity of the physical world if the world is dyanmic and therefore has a notion of force. By default does nothing since the world is kinematic. Exact implementations of gravity will depend on the specific dynamics of the derived physical simulator class.
Parameters | |
gravity | The desired gravity force of the physical world. |
double esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getTimestep() const virtual
Get the fixedTimeStep_
Returns | The increment of time, fixedTimeStep_ |
double esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getWorldTime() const virtual
Get the current worldTime_
Returns | The amount of time, worldTime_ |
Magnum:: Vector3 esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getGravity() const virtual
Get the current gravity in the physical world. By default returns [0,0,0] since their is no notion of force in a kinematic world.
Returns | The current gravity vector in the physical world. |
double esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getStageFrictionCoefficient() const virtual
Get the current friction coefficient of the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
Returns | The scalar friction coefficient of the scene geometry. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setStageFrictionCoefficient(const double frictionCoefficient) virtual
Set the friction coefficient of the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
Parameters | |
frictionCoefficient | The scalar friction coefficient of the scene geometry. |
double esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getStageRestitutionCoefficient() const virtual
Get the current coefficient of restitution for the scene collision geometry. This determines the ratio of initial to final relative velocity between the scene and collidiing object. See staticStageObject_
Returns | The scalar coefficient of restitution for the scene geometry. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setStageRestitutionCoefficient(const double restitutionCoefficient) virtual
Set the coefficient of restitution for the scene collision geometry. See staticStageObject_
Parameters | |
restitutionCoefficient | The scalar coefficient of restitution to set. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: checkActiveObjects()
Get the number of objects in PhysicsManager::
Returns | The number of active RigidObject instances. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setObjectBBDraw(int physObjectID,
DrawableGroup* drawables,
bool drawBB)
Set bounding box rendering for the object true or false.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The object ID and key identifying the object in PhysicsManager:: |
drawables | The drawables group with which to render the bounding box. |
drawBB | Set rendering of the bounding box to true or false. |
const scene:: SceneNode& esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getObjectVisualSceneNode(int physObjectID) const
Get the root node of an object's visual SceneNode subtree.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The object ID and key identifying the object in PhysicsManager:: |
Returns | The visual root node. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: debugDraw(const Magnum:: Matrix4& projTrans) const virtual
Render any debugging visualizations provided by the underlying physics simulator implementation. By default does nothing. See BulletPhysicsManager::
Parameters | |
projTrans | The composed projection and transformation matrix for the render camera. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getNumActiveContactPoints() virtual
Query the number of contact points that were active during the most recent collision detection check.
Returns | the number of active contact points. |
Not implemented for default PhysicsManager.
std:: vector<ContactPointData> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getContactPoints() const virtual
Query physics simulation implementation for contact point data from the most recent collision detection cache.
Returns | a vector with each entry corresponding to a single contact point. |
Not implemented for default PhysicsManager implementation.
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: setStageIsCollidable(bool collidable)
Set the stage to collidable or not.
Parameters | |
collidable | Whether or not the object should be collision active |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getStageIsCollidable()
Get whether or not the stage is collision active.
Returns | Whether or not the stage is set to be collision active |
const PhysicsSimulationLibrary& esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getPhysicsSimulationLibrary() const
Return the library implementation type for the simulator currently in use. Use to check for a particular implementation.
Returns | The implementation type of this simulator. |
metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getStageInitAttributes() const
Get a copy of the template used to initialize the stage.
Returns | The initialization settings of the stage or nullptr if the stage is not initialized. |
std:: shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: PhysicsManagerAttributes> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getInitializationAttributes() const
Get a copy of the template used to initialize this physics manager.
Returns | The initialization settings for this physics manager |
RaycastResults esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: castRay(const esp:: geo:: Ray& ray,
double maxDistance = 100.0,
double bufferDistance = 0.08) virtual
Cast a ray into the collision world and return a RaycastResults with hit information.
Parameters | |
ray | The ray to cast. Need not be unit length, but returned hit distances will be in units of ray length. |
maxDistance | The maximum distance along the ray direction to search. In units of ray length. |
bufferDistance | The casts the ray from this distance behind the origin in the inverted ray direction to avoid errors related to casting rays inside a collision shape's margin. |
Returns | The raycast results sorted by distance. |
Note: not implemented here in default PhysicsManager as there are no collision objects without a simulation implementation.
std:: shared_ptr<RigidObjectManager> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getRigidObjectManager() const
returns the wrapper manager for the currently created rigid objects.
Returns | RigidObject wrapper manager. |
std:: shared_ptr<ArticulatedObjectManager> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getArticulatedObjectManager()
returns the wrapper manager for the currently created articulated objects.
Returns | ArticulatedObject wrapper manager |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: isValidRigidObjectId(const int physObjectID) const
Check if physObjectID
represents an existing rigid object.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | Object ID to check |
Returns | Whether rigid object exists with this id or not. |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: isValidArticulatedObjectId(const int physObjectID) const
Check if physObjectID
represents an existing articulated object.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | Object ID to check |
Returns | Whether articulated object exists with this id or not. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: createRigidConstraint(const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) virtual
Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.
Parameters | |
settings | The datastructure defining the constraint parameters. |
Returns | The id of the newly created constraint or ID_UNDEFINED if failed. |
Note: Method not implemented for base PhysicsManager.
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId,
const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) virtual
Update the settings of a rigid constraint.
Parameters | |
constraintId | The id of the constraint to update. |
settings | The new settings of the constraint. |
Note: Method not implemented for base PhysicsManager.
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId) virtual
Remove a rigid constraint by id.
Parameters | |
constraintId | The id of the constraint to remove. |
Note: Method not implemented for base PhysicsManager.
RigidConstraintSettings esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getRigidConstraintSettings(int constraintId) const
Get a copy of the settings for an existing rigid constraint.
Parameters | |
constraintId | The id of the constraint. |
Returns | The settings of the constraint. |
void esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: buildCurrentStateSceneAttributes(const metadata::attributes::SceneInstanceAttributes::ptr& sceneInstanceAttrs) const
This will populate the passed sceneInstanceAttrs
with the current stage, object and articulated object instances reflecting the current state of the physics world.
Parameters | |
sceneInstanceAttrs | A copy of the intialization attributes that created the current scene. The various object instance attributes will be overwritten by the current scene state data. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addTrajectoryObject(const std:: string& trajVisName,
const std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3>& pts,
const std:: vector<Mn:: Color3>& colorVec,
int numSegments = 3,
float radius = .001,
bool smooth = false,
int numInterp = 10,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr)
Compute a trajectory visualization for the passed points.
Parameters | |
trajVisName | The name to use for the trajectory visualization |
pts | The points of a trajectory, in order |
colorVec | Array of colors for trajectory tube. |
numSegments | The number of the segments around the circumference of the tube. Must be greater than or equal to 3. |
radius | The radius of the tube. |
smooth | Whether to smooth the points in the trajectory or not. Will build a much bigger mesh |
numInterp | The number of interpolations between each trajectory point, if smoothed |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. If nullptr, will attempt to query Simulator to retrieve a group. |
Returns | The ID of the object created for the visualization |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeTrajVisByName(const std:: string& trajVisName)
Remove a trajectory visualization by name.
Parameters | |
trajVisName | The name of the trajectory visualization to remove. |
Returns | whether successful or not. |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeTrajVisByID(int trajVisObjID)
Remove a trajectory visualization by object ID.
Parameters | |
trajVisObjID | The object ID of the trajectory visualization to remove. |
Returns | whether successful or not. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addObjectAndSaveAttributes(const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY,
bool defaultCOMCorrection = false,
esp::metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes::cptr objInstAttributes = nullptr) protected
This method will create a physical object using the passed values by calling addObjectInternal, will initialize its state and save it's instantiation attributes.
Parameters | |
objectAttributes | The object's template to use to instantiate the object. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. |
attachmentNode | If supplied, attach the new physical object to an existing SceneNode. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
defaultCOMCorrection | The default value of whether COM-based translation correction needs to occur. Only non-default from addObjectInstance method. |
objInstAttributes | The attributes that describe the desired state to set this object on creation. If nullptr, create an empty default instance and populate it properly based on the object config. |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables,
scene:: SceneNode* attachmentNode = nullptr,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) protected
Instance a physical object from an ObjectAttributes template.
Parameters | |
objectAttributes | The object's template to use to instantiate the object. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized object. |
attachmentNode | If supplied, attach the new physical object to an existing SceneNode. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObjectAndSaveAttributes(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables = nullptr,
bool forceReload = false,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY,
esp::metadata::attributes::SceneAOInstanceAttributes::cptr artObjInstAttributes = nullptr) protected
This method will create a physical object using the passed values by calling addArticulatedObjectInternal, will initialize its state and save it's instantiation attributes.
Parameters | |
artObjAttributes | The ArticulatedObject's template to use to create it. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized ArticulatedObject. |
forceReload | If true, force the reload of the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model if it exists. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
artObjInstAttributes | |
Returns | the instanced object's ID, mapping to it in PhysicsManager:: |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addArticulatedObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes,
DrawableGroup* drawables,
bool forceReload = false,
const std:: string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_ LIGHTING_ KEY) virtual protected
Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world based on the urdf filepath specified in esp::
Parameters | |
artObjAttributes | The ArticulatedObject's template to use to create it. |
drawables | Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized ArticulatedObject. |
forceReload | If true, force the reload of the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model if it exists. |
lightSetup | The string name of the desired lighting setup to use. |
Returns | The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager:: |
Not implemented in base PhysicsManager.
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: removeTrajVisObjectAndAssets(int trajVisObjID,
const std:: string& trajVisName) protected
Internal use only. Remove a trajectory object, its mesh, and all references to it.
Parameters | |
trajVisObjID | The object ID of the trajectory visualization to remove. |
trajVisName | The name of the trajectory visualization to remove. |
Returns | whether successful or not. |
std:: map<int, RigidObject::ptr>::iterator esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getRigidObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) protected
Retrieve an iterator to a given object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing rigid object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The object ID to validate. |
Returns | iterator to map entry or to end of map if DNE |
std:: map<int, ArticulatedObject::ptr>::iterator esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getArticulatedObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) protected
Retrieve an iterator to a given articulated object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing articulated object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The articulated object ID to validate. |
Returns | iterator to map entry or to end of map if DNE |
std:: map<int, RigidObject::ptr>::const_iterator esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getConstRigidObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) const protected
Retrieve an iterator to a given object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing rigid object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The object ID to validate. |
Returns | iterator to map entry or to end of map if DNE |
std:: map<int, ArticulatedObject::ptr>::const_iterator esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: getConstArticulatedObjIteratorOrAssert(const int physObjectID) const protected
Retrieve an iterator to a given articulated object ID's value if it is valid (i.e. it refers to an existing articulated object). Terminate the program and report an error if not. This function is intended to unify object ID checking for PhysicsManager functions.
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The articulated object ID to validate. |
Returns | iterator to map entry or to end of map if DNE |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: allocateObjectID() protected
Acquire a new ObjectID by recycling the ID of an object removed with removeObject or by incrementing nextObjectID_
Returns | The newly allocated ObjectID. |
int esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: deallocateObjectID(int physObjectID) protected
Recycle the ID of an object removed with removeObject by adding it to the list of available IDs: recycledObjectIDs_
Parameters | |
physObjectID | The ID to recycle. |
Returns | The recycled object ID. |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: addStageFinalize(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes) virtual protected
Finalize stage initialization for kinematic stage. Overidden by instancing class if physics is supported.
Parameters | |
initAttributes | the attributes structure defining physical properties of the stage. |
Returns | true if successful and false otherwise |
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: makeAndAddRigidObject(int newObjectID,
const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes,
scene:: SceneNode* objectNode) virtual protected
Create and initialize a RigidObject, assign it an ID and add it to existingObjects_ map keyed with newObjectID.
Parameters | |
newObjectID | valid object ID for the new object |
objectAttributes | The physical object's template |
objectNode | Valid, existing scene node |
Returns | whether the object has been successfully initialized and added to existingObjects_ map |
Variable documentation
std:: shared_ptr<RigidObjectManager> esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: rigidObjectManager_ protected
==== Rigid object memory management ====
This manager manages the wrapper objects used to provide safe, direct user access to all existing physics objects.
bool esp:: physics:: PhysicsManager:: initialized_ protected
Tracks whether or not this PhysicsManager has already been initialized with initPhysics.