#include <esp/physics/ArticulatedObject.h>
ArticulatedObject An articulated rigid object (i.e. kinematic chain). Abstract class to be derived by physics simulator specific implementations.
Base classes
- class PhysicsObjectBase
Derived classes
- class BulletArticulatedObject
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
SceneNode* rootNode, assets:: ResourceManager& resMgr, int objectId) - ~ArticulatedObject() override
Public functions
- auto getGlobalScale() const -> float
- Get the uniform global scaling applied to this object during import.
auto getLinkSceneNode(int linkId = BASELINK_
ID) const -> const scene:: SceneNode& - Get a const reference to an ArticulatedLink SceneNode for info query purposes.
auto getLinkVisualSceneNodes(int linkId = BASELINK_
ID) const -> std:: vector<scene:: SceneNode*> - Get pointers to a link's visual SceneNodes.
auto getVisualSceneNodes() const -> std::
vector<scene:: SceneNode*> override - Get pointers to all visual SceneNodes associated to this ArticulatedObject.
void initializeFromURDF(const std::
shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes>& initAttributes, URDFImporter& urdfImporter, const Magnum:: Matrix4& worldTransform, scene:: SceneNode* physicsNode) virtual - Initialize this ArticulatedObject from a parsed URDF stored in a URDFImporter.
- auto getLink(int id) -> ArticulatedLink&
- Get a link by index.
- auto getNumLinks() const -> int
- Get the number of links for this object (not including the baseLink_
== BASELINK_ ID.). -
auto getLinkIds() const -> std::
vector<int> - Get a list of link ids, not including the baseLink_
auto getLinkIdsWithBase() const -> std::
vector<int> - Get a list of link ids including the baseLink_
auto getLinkIdFromName(const std::
string& _name) const -> int - Find the link ID for the given link name.
auto getLinkObjectIds() const -> std::
unordered_map<int, int> - Get a map of object ids to link ids.
auto getLinkIdsToObjectIds() const -> std::
unordered_map<int, int> - Get a map of link ids to object ids.
auto transformLocalPointsToWorld(const std::
vector<Mn:: Vector3>& points, int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const -> std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3> override - Given the list of passed points in this object's local space, return those points transformed to world space.
auto transformWorldPointsToLocal(const std::
vector<Mn:: Vector3>& points, int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const -> std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3> override - Given the list of passed points in world space, return those points transformed to this object's local space.
auto getMarkerPointsGlobal() const -> std::
unordered_map<std:: string, std:: unordered_map<std:: string, std:: unordered_map<std:: string, std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3>>>> override - Retrieves the hierarchical map-of-map-of-maps containing the MarkerSets constituent marker points, in local space (which is the space they are given in).
void setJointForces(const std::
vector<float>& forces) virtual - Set forces/torques for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
void addJointForces(const std::
vector<float>& forces) virtual - Add forces/torques to all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
auto getJointForces() -> std::
vector<float> virtual - Get current forces/torques for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
void setJointVelocities(const std::
vector<float>& vels) virtual - Set velocities for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
auto getJointVelocities() -> std::
vector<float> virtual - Get current velocities for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
void setJointPositions(const std::
vector<float>& positions) virtual - Set positions for all joints.
auto getJointPositions() -> std::
vector<float> virtual - Get positions for all joints.
auto getJointMotorTorques(double fixedTimeStep) -> std::
vector<float> virtual - Get the torques on each joint.
auto getJointPositionLimits() -> std::
pair<std:: vector<float>, std:: vector<float>> virtual - Get position limits for all joints.
auto getRootLinearVelocity() const -> Mn::
Vector3 virtual - Get the linear velocity of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
void setRootLinearVelocity(const Mn::
Vector3& linVel) virtual - Set the linear velocity of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
auto getRootAngularVelocity() const -> Mn::
Vector3 virtual - Get the angular velocity (omega) of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
void setRootAngularVelocity(const Mn::
Vector3& angVel) virtual - Set the angular velocity (omega) of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
void addArticulatedLinkForce(int linkId,
Vector3 force) virtual - Add linear force to a link's COM specified in the global frame.
- auto getArticulatedLinkFriction(int linkId) -> float virtual
- Get the friction coefficient for a link.
- void setArticulatedLinkFriction(int linkId, float friction) virtual
- Set the friction coefficient for a link.
- auto getLinkJointType(int linkId) const -> JointType virtual
- Get the type of the link's parent joint.
auto getLinkJointAxes(int linkId) const -> std::
pair<Mn:: Vector3, Mn:: Vector3> virtual - Get the top and bottom axis vectors for the link's parent joint.
auto getLinkJointToCoM(int linkId) const -> Mn::
Vector3 virtual - gets a local vector pointing from the parent joint to the CoM of the link.
auto getLinkJointName(int linkId) const -> std::
string virtual - Get the name of the link's parent joint.
auto getLinkName(int linkId) const -> std::
string virtual - Get the name of the link.
- auto getLinkDoFOffset(int linkId) const -> int virtual
- Get the starting position for this link's parent joint in the global DoFs array.
- auto getLinkNumDoFs(int linkId) const -> int virtual
- Get the number of DoFs for this link's parent joint.
- auto getLinkJointPosOffset(int linkId) const -> int virtual
- Get the starting position for this link's parent joint in the global positions array.
- auto getLinkNumJointPos(int linkId) const -> int virtual
- Get the number of positions for this link's parent joint.
- void reset() virtual
- reset the articulated object state by clearing forces and zeroing positions and velocities. Does not change root state.
- auto getCanSleep() -> bool virtual
- Check if this object can be de-activated (i.e. sleep).
- void setAutoClampJointLimits(bool autoClamp)
- Set whether articulated object state is automatically clamped to configured joint limits before physics simulation.
- auto getAutoClampJointLimits() const -> bool
- Query whether articulated object state is automatically clamped to configured joint limits before physics simulation.
- void clampJointLimits() virtual
- Clamp current pose to joint limits. See derived implementations.
- auto createJointMotor(const int index, const JointMotorSettings& settings) -> int virtual
- Create a new JointMotor from a JointMotorSettings.
- void removeJointMotor(const int motorId) virtual
- Remove and destroy a joint motor.
- auto getJointMotorSettings(const int motorId) -> JointMotorSettings virtual
- Get a copy of the JointMotorSettings for an existing motor.
- void updateJointMotor(const int motorId, const JointMotorSettings& settings) virtual
- Update a JointMotor with new settings.
auto getExistingJointMotors() -> std::
unordered_map<int, int> virtual - Query a map of motorIds -> links/joints for all active JointMotors.
auto createMotorsForAllDofs(const JointMotorSettings& settings = JointMotorSettings()) -> std::
unordered_map<int, int> virtual - Create a new set of default JointMotors for all valid dofs in an ArticulatedObject.
void updateAllMotorTargets(const std::
vector<float>& stateTargets, bool velocities = false) virtual - Update all motors targets for this object's joints which support motors (Revolute, Prismatic, Spherical) from a state array.
auto getInitObjectInstanceAttr() const -> std::
shared_ptr<const metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> - Returns the metadata::
attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes used to place this Articulated Object initially in the scene. -
auto getInitObjectInstanceAttrCopy() const -> std::
shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> - Returns a mutable copy of the metadata::
attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes used to place this Articulated Object initially in the scene. -
auto getCurrentStateInstanceAttr() -> std::
shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> virtual - Return a metadata::
attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes reflecting the current state of this Articulated Object. Note : base PhysicsManager implementation does not support state changes on ArticulatedObjects, so no change will occur from initialization InstanceAttributes. -
auto getInitializationAttributes() const -> std::
shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes> - Get a copy of the template attributes describing the initial state of this articulated object. These attributes have the combination of date from the original articulated object attributes and specific instance attributes used to create this articulated object. Note : values will reflect both sources, and should not be saved to disk as articulated object attributes, since instance attribute modifications will still occur on subsequent loads.
- void computeAOCumulativeBB()
- Compute the cumulative bbox for this AO.
- void recomputeAabb()
- Accumulate the collective AABBs of all child links to compute a cumulative AABB for the object in root local space.
auto getAabb() -> const Mn::
Range3D& override - Return the root local axis-aligned bounding box (aabb) of the this articulated object. Will recompute the aabb when the object's kinematic state has been changed between queries.
template<class T>void assignManagedAOtoLinks()
- Map this AO's ManagedArticulatedObject to each link as their owning ManagedAO.
template<class T>auto getManagedArticulatedObject() const -> std::
shared_ptr<T> - Get the ManagedArticulatedObject or BulletManagedArticulatedObject referencing this object.
Public variables
unordered_map<int, int> objectIdToLinkId_ - map PhysicsManager objectId to local multibody linkId
unordered_map<int, int> linkIdToObjectId_ - map local multibody linkId to PhysicsManager objectId
Protected functions
- void syncPose() override
- Used to synchronize simulator's notion of the object state after it was changed kinematically. Must be called automatically on kinematic updates. For ArticulatedObjects, the transformation of the root node is used to transform the root physical constructs.
void setRootState(const Magnum::
Matrix4& state) virtual - Called internally from syncPose() Used to update physics constructs when kinematic transformations are performed manually. See esp::
physics:: PhysicsObjectBase for the transformations.
Protected variables
map<int, ArticulatedLink::uptr> links_ - map linkId to ArticulatedLink
map<std:: string, int> linkNamesToIDs_ - convenience mapping from link name to link id
- ArticulatedLink::uptr baseLink_
- link object for the AO base
unordered_map<int, JointMotor::uptr> jointMotors_ - map motorId to JointMotor
- bool autoClampJointLimits_
- float globalScale_
- Cache the global scaling from the source model. Set during import.
Range3D aabb_ - bool dirtyAabb_
- Track when the aabb is outdated so it can be re-computed at the next query.
Function documentation
float esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getGlobalScale() const
Get the uniform global scaling applied to this object during import.
Returns | The global scaling applied to the object. |
const scene:: SceneNode& esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkSceneNode(int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const
Get a const reference to an ArticulatedLink SceneNode for info query purposes.
Parameters | |
linkId | The ArticulatedLink ID or BASELINK_ |
Returns | Const reference to the SceneNode. |
std:: vector<scene:: SceneNode*> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkVisualSceneNodes(int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const
Get pointers to a link's visual SceneNodes.
Parameters | |
linkId | The ArticulatedLink ID or BASELINK_ |
Returns | vector of pointers to the link's visual scene nodes. |
std:: vector<scene:: SceneNode*> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getVisualSceneNodes() const override
Get pointers to all visual SceneNodes associated to this ArticulatedObject.
Returns | vector of pointers to base and all links' visual scene nodes. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: initializeFromURDF(const std:: shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes>& initAttributes,
URDFImporter& urdfImporter,
const Magnum:: Matrix4& worldTransform,
scene:: SceneNode* physicsNode) virtual
Initialize this ArticulatedObject from a parsed URDF stored in a URDFImporter.
Parameters | |
initAttributes | The ArticulatedObjectAttributes used to build this ArticulatedObject. |
urdfImporter | The URDFImporter which will initialize this object from a parsed URDF file. |
worldTransform | Desired global root state of the ArticulatedObject. |
physicsNode | The parent node of this object. |
ArticulatedLink& esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLink(int id)
Get a link by index.
Parameters | |
id | The id of the desired link. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The desired link. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getNumLinks() const
Get the number of links for this object (not including the baseLink_
Returns | The number of non-base links. |
std:: vector<int> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkIds() const
Get a list of link ids, not including the baseLink_
Returns | A list of link ids for this object. |
std:: vector<int> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkIdsWithBase() const
Get a list of link ids including the baseLink_
Returns | A list of link ids for this object. |
std:: unordered_map<int, int> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkObjectIds() const
Get a map of object ids to link ids.
Returns | A a map of Habitat object ids to link ids for this AO's links. |
std:: unordered_map<int, int> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkIdsToObjectIds() const
Get a map of link ids to object ids.
Returns | A a map of link ids to Habitat object ids for this AO's links. |
std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: transformLocalPointsToWorld(const std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3>& points,
int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const override
Given the list of passed points in this object's local space, return those points transformed to world space.
Parameters | |
points | vector of points in object local space |
linkId | The ArticulatedLink ID or BASELINK_ |
Returns | vector of points transformed into world space |
std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: transformWorldPointsToLocal(const std:: vector<Mn:: Vector3>& points,
int linkId = BASELINK_ ID) const override
Given the list of passed points in world space, return those points transformed to this object's local space.
Parameters | |
points | vector of points in world space |
linkId | The ArticulatedLink ID or BASELINK_ |
Returns | vector of points transformed to be in local space |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setJointForces(const std:: vector<float>& forces) virtual
Set forces/torques for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
Parameters | |
forces | The desired joint forces/torques. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: addJointForces(const std:: vector<float>& forces) virtual
Add forces/torques to all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
Parameters | |
forces | The desired joint forces/torques to add. |
std:: vector<float> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getJointForces() virtual
Get current forces/torques for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
Returns | The current joint forces/torques. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setJointVelocities(const std:: vector<float>& vels) virtual
Set velocities for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
Parameters | |
vels | The desired joint velocities. |
std:: vector<float> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getJointVelocities() virtual
Get current velocities for all joints indexed by degrees of freedom.
Returns | The current joint velocities. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setJointPositions(const std:: vector<float>& positions) virtual
Set positions for all joints.
Parameters | |
positions | The desired joint positions. |
Note that positions are not indexed by DoF because some joints (spherical) have a different number of DoFs from positions. For spherical joints, a block of 4 position values should specify the state as a unit quaternion (x y z w).
std:: vector<float> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getJointPositions() virtual
Get positions for all joints.
Returns | The current joint positions. |
Note that positions are not indexed by DoF because some joints (spherical) have a different number of DoFs from positions. For spherical joints, a block of 4 position values should specify the state as a unit quaternion (x y z w).
std:: vector<float> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getJointMotorTorques(double fixedTimeStep) virtual
Get the torques on each joint.
Parameters | |
fixedTimeStep | The physics timestep used by the simulator. Necessary to convert impulse into torque. |
Returns | Vector of torques on each joint |
std:: pair<std:: vector<float>, std:: vector<float>> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getJointPositionLimits() virtual
Get position limits for all joints.
Returns | The active joint position limits. Default implementation returns empty list. |
Mn:: Vector3 esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getRootLinearVelocity() const virtual
Get the linear velocity of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
Returns | The root linear velocity. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setRootLinearVelocity(const Mn:: Vector3& linVel) virtual
Set the linear velocity of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
Parameters | |
linVel | The root linear velocity. |
Mn:: Vector3 esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getRootAngularVelocity() const virtual
Get the angular velocity (omega) of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
Returns | The root angular velocity (omega). |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setRootAngularVelocity(const Mn:: Vector3& angVel) virtual
Set the angular velocity (omega) of the articulated object's root in the global frame.
Parameters | |
angVel | The root angular velocity (omega). |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: addArticulatedLinkForce(int linkId,
Magnum:: Vector3 force) virtual
Add linear force to a link's COM specified in the global frame.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
force | The desired force to add. |
float esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getArticulatedLinkFriction(int linkId) virtual
Get the friction coefficient for a link.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
Returns | The link's friction coefficient. |
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: setArticulatedLinkFriction(int linkId,
float friction) virtual
Set the friction coefficient for a link.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
friction | The link's friction coefficient. |
JointType esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkJointType(int linkId) const virtual
Get the type of the link's parent joint.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
Returns | The link's parent joint's type. |
std:: pair<Mn:: Vector3, Mn:: Vector3> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkJointAxes(int linkId) const virtual
Get the top and bottom axis vectors for the link's parent joint.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
Returns | The link's parent joint's type. |
Mn:: Vector3 esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkJointToCoM(int linkId) const virtual
gets a local vector pointing from the parent joint to the CoM of the link.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
Returns | The a local vector from joint to link CoM. |
std:: string esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkJointName(int linkId) const virtual
Get the name of the link's parent joint.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. |
Returns | The link's parent joint's name. |
std:: string esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkName(int linkId) const virtual
Get the name of the link.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The link's name. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkDoFOffset(int linkId) const virtual
Get the starting position for this link's parent joint in the global DoFs array.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The link's starting DoF index. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkNumDoFs(int linkId) const virtual
Get the number of DoFs for this link's parent joint.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The number of DoFs for this link's parent joint. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkJointPosOffset(int linkId) const virtual
Get the starting position for this link's parent joint in the global positions array.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The link's starting position index. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getLinkNumJointPos(int linkId) const virtual
Get the number of positions for this link's parent joint.
Parameters | |
linkId | The link's index. BASELINK_ |
Returns | The number of positions for this link's parent joint. |
bool esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getCanSleep() virtual
Check if this object can be de-activated (i.e. sleep).
Returns | Whether or not the object is able to deactivate. |
int esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: createJointMotor(const int index,
const JointMotorSettings& settings) virtual
Create a new JointMotor from a JointMotorSettings.
Parameters | |
index | DoF (for revolute or prismatic joints) or Link (spherical joints) |
settings | The settings for the joint motor. Must have JointMotorType correctly configured. |
Returns | The motorId for the new joint motor or ID_UNDEFINED (-1) if failed. |
Note: No base implementation. See BulletArticulatedObject.
std:: unordered_map<int, int> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: createMotorsForAllDofs(const JointMotorSettings& settings = JointMotorSettings()) virtual
Create a new set of default JointMotors for all valid dofs in an ArticulatedObject.
Returns | A map motorIds to link/joint indices for the new motors. |
Note: No base implementation. See BulletArticulatedObject.
void esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: updateAllMotorTargets(const std:: vector<float>& stateTargets,
bool velocities = false) virtual
Update all motors targets for this object's joints which support motors (Revolute, Prismatic, Spherical) from a state array.
Parameters | |
stateTargets | Full length joint position or velocity array for this object. |
velocities | Whether to interpret stateTargets as velocities or positions. |
By default, state is interpreted as position targets unless velocities
is specified. Expected input is the full length position or velocity array for this object. This function will safely skip states for jointa which don't support JointMotors.
Note: No base implementation. See BulletArticulatedObject.
std:: shared_ptr<const metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getInitObjectInstanceAttr() const
Returns the metadata::
Returns | a read-only copy of the metadata:: |
std:: shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getInitObjectInstanceAttrCopy() const
Returns a mutable copy of the metadata::
Returns | a read-only copy of the metadata:: |
std:: shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: SceneAOInstanceAttributes> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getCurrentStateInstanceAttr() virtual
Return a metadata::
Returns | a SceneAOInstanceAttributes reflecting this Articulated Object's current state |
std:: shared_ptr<metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectAttributes> esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: getInitializationAttributes() const
Get a copy of the template attributes describing the initial state of this articulated object. These attributes have the combination of date from the original articulated object attributes and specific instance attributes used to create this articulated object. Note : values will reflect both sources, and should not be saved to disk as articulated object attributes, since instance attribute modifications will still occur on subsequent loads.
Returns | A copy of the esp:: |
Variable documentation
bool esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: autoClampJointLimits_ protected
if true, automatically clamp dofs to joint limits before physics simulation steps
Mn:: Range3D esp:: physics:: ArticulatedObject:: aabb_ protected
Cache the cumulative bounding box of the AO heirarchy in root local space. This is necessary because the child links are not children of the root SceneNode, so the standard cumulative AABB is not correct here.