esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager class

Dynamic stage and object manager interfacing with Bullet physics engine:

See btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.

Enables RigidObject simulation with MotionType::DYNAMIC.

This class handles initialization and stepping of the world as well as getting and setting global simulation parameters. The BulletRigidObject class handles most of the specific implementations for object interactions with Bullet.

Base classes

class PhysicsManager
Kinematic and dynamic scene and object manager. Responsible for tracking, updating, and synchronizing the state of the physical world and all non-static geometry in the scene as well as interfacing with specific physical simulation implementations.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

BulletPhysicsManager(assets::ResourceManager& _resourceManager, const std::shared_ptr<const metadata::attributes::PhysicsManagerAttributes>& _physicsManagerAttributes) explicit
Construct a BulletPhysicsManager with access to specific resources assets.
~BulletPhysicsManager() override
Destructor which destructs necessary Bullet physics structures.

Public functions

auto attachLinkGeometry(ArticulatedLink* linkObject, const std::shared_ptr<metadata::URDF::Link>& link, gfx::DrawableGroup* drawables, const std::string& lightSetup, int semanticId) -> bool
Use the metadata stored in metadata::URDF::Link to instance all visual shapes for a link into the SceneGraph.
void removeObject(int objectId, bool deleteObjectNode = true, bool deleteVisualNode = true) override
Override of PhysicsManager::removeObject to also remove any active Bullet physics constraints for the object.
void removeArticulatedObject(int objectId) override
Override of PhysicsManager::removeArticulatedObject to also remove any active Bullet physics constraints for the object.
void stepPhysics(double dt) override
Step the physical world forward in time. Time may only advance in increments of fixedTimeStep_. See btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation.
void setGravity(const Magnum::Vector3& gravity) override
Set the gravity of the physical world.
auto getGravity() const -> Magnum::Vector3 override
Get the current gravity in the physical world.
void setStageFrictionCoefficient(double frictionCoefficient) override
Set the friction coefficient of the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_. See BulletRigidObject::setFrictionCoefficient.
void setStageRestitutionCoefficient(double restitutionCoefficient) override
Set the coefficient of restitution for the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_. See BulletRigidObject::setRestitutionCoefficient.
auto getStageFrictionCoefficient() const -> double override
Get the current friction coefficient of the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_ and BulletRigidObject::getFrictionCoefficient.
auto getStageRestitutionCoefficient() const -> double override
Get the current coefficient of restitution for the stage collision geometry. This determines the ratio of initial to final relative velocity between the stage and colliding object. See staticStageObject_ and BulletRigidObject::getRestitutionCoefficient.
auto getCollisionShapeAabb(int physObjectID) const -> Magnum::Range3D
Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of a rigid body in its local space. See btCompoundShape::getAabb.
auto getStageCollisionShapeAabb() const -> Magnum::Range3D
Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of the static stage in its local space. See btCompoundShape::getAabb.
void debugDraw(const Magnum::Matrix4& projTrans) const override
Render the debugging visualizations provided by Magnum::BulletIntegration::DebugDraw. This draws wireframes for all collision objects.
auto getContactPoints() const -> std::vector<ContactPointData> override
Return ContactPointData objects describing the contacts from the most recent physics substep.
auto castRay(const esp::geo::Ray& ray, double maxDistance = 100.0, double bufferDistance = 0.08) -> RaycastResults override
Cast a ray into the collision world and return a RaycastResults with hit information.
auto getNumActiveContactPoints() -> int override
Query the number of contact points that were active during the collision detection check.
auto getNumActiveOverlappingPairs() -> int override
Query the number of overlapping pairs that were active during the collision detection check.
auto getStepCollisionSummary() -> std::string override
Get a summary of collision-processing from the last physics step.
void performDiscreteCollisionDetection() override
Perform discrete collision detection for the scene.
auto createRigidConstraint(const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) -> int override
Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.
void updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId, const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) override
Update the settings of a rigid constraint.
void removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId) override
Remove a rigid constraint by id.
auto shared_from_this() -> BulletPhysicsManager::ptr
utilize PhysicsManager's enable shared

Protected functions

auto addArticulatedObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes, DrawableGroup* drawables, bool forceReload = false, const std::string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY) -> int override
Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world based on the urdf filepath specified in esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes. This version requires drawables to be provided.
auto initPhysicsFinalize() -> bool override
Finalize physics initialization: Setup staticStageObject_ and initialize any other physics-related values.
auto getRigidObjectWrapper() -> esp::physics::ManagedRigidObject::ptr override
Create an object wrapper appropriate for this physics manager. Overridden if called by dynamics-library-enabled PhysicsManager.
auto getArticulatedObjectWrapper() -> esp::physics::ManagedArticulatedObject::ptr override
Create an articulated object wrapper appropriate for this physics manager. Overridden if called by dynamics-library-enabled PhysicsManager.
auto addStageFinalize(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes) -> bool override
Finalize stage initialization. Checks that the collision mesh can be used by Bullet. See BulletRigidObject::initializeStage. Bullet mesh conversion adapted from:
auto makeAndAddRigidObject(int newObjectID, const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes, scene::SceneNode* objectNode) -> bool override
Create and initialize an RigidObject and add it to existingObjects_ map keyed with newObjectID.

Protected variables

int nextConstraintId_
counter for constraint id generation
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<btMultiBodyPoint2Point>> articulatedP2PConstraints_
caches for various types of Bullet rigid constraint objects.
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<btMultiBodyFixedConstraint>> articulatedFixedConstraints_
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<btPoint2PointConstraint>> rigidP2PConstraints_
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<btFixedConstraint>> rigidFixedConstraints_
std::unique_ptr<btRigidBody> globalFrameObject
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> objectConstraints_
btDbvtBroadphase bBroadphase_
btDefaultCollisionConfiguration bCollisionConfig_
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver bSolver_
btCollisionDispatcher bDispatcher_
std::shared_ptr<btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld> bWorld_
A pointer to the Bullet world. See btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.
std::unique_ptr<Magnum::BulletIntegration::DebugDraw> debugDrawer_
std::shared_ptr<std::map<const btCollisionObject*, int>> collisionObjToObjIds_
double recentTimeStep_
necessary to acquire forces from impulses
int recentNumSubStepsTaken_
for recent call to stepPhysics

Function documentation

esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::BulletPhysicsManager(assets::ResourceManager& _resourceManager, const std::shared_ptr<const metadata::attributes::PhysicsManagerAttributes>& _physicsManagerAttributes) explicit

Construct a BulletPhysicsManager with access to specific resources assets.

_resourceManager The esp::assets::ResourceManager which tracks the assets this BulletPhysicsManager will have access to.

bool esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::attachLinkGeometry(ArticulatedLink* linkObject, const std::shared_ptr<metadata::URDF::Link>& link, gfx::DrawableGroup* drawables, const std::string& lightSetup, int semanticId)

Use the metadata stored in metadata::URDF::Link to instance all visual shapes for a link into the SceneGraph.

linkObject The Habitat-side ArticulatedLink to which visual shapes will be attached.
link The metadata::URDF::Model's link with visual shape and transform metadata.
drawables The SceneGraph's DrawableGroup with which the visual shapes will be rendered.
lightSetup The string name of the desired lighting setup to use.
Returns Whether or not the render shape instancing was successful.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::stepPhysics(double dt) override

Step the physical world forward in time. Time may only advance in increments of fixedTimeStep_. See btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation.

dt The desired amount of time to advance the physical world.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::setGravity(const Magnum::Vector3& gravity) override

Set the gravity of the physical world.

gravity The desired gravity force of the physical world.

Magnum::Vector3 esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getGravity() const override

Get the current gravity in the physical world.

Returns The current gravity vector in the physical world.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::setStageFrictionCoefficient(double frictionCoefficient) override

Set the friction coefficient of the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_. See BulletRigidObject::setFrictionCoefficient.

frictionCoefficient The scalar friction coefficient of the stage geometry.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::setStageRestitutionCoefficient(double restitutionCoefficient) override

Set the coefficient of restitution for the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_. See BulletRigidObject::setRestitutionCoefficient.

restitutionCoefficient The scalar coefficient of restitution to set.

double esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getStageFrictionCoefficient() const override

Get the current friction coefficient of the stage collision geometry. See staticStageObject_ and BulletRigidObject::getFrictionCoefficient.

Returns The scalar friction coefficient of the stage geometry.

double esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getStageRestitutionCoefficient() const override

Get the current coefficient of restitution for the stage collision geometry. This determines the ratio of initial to final relative velocity between the stage and colliding object. See staticStageObject_ and BulletRigidObject::getRestitutionCoefficient.

Returns The scalar coefficient of restitution for the stage geometry.

Magnum::Range3D esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getCollisionShapeAabb(int physObjectID) const

Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of a rigid body in its local space. See btCompoundShape::getAabb.

physObjectID The object ID and key identifying the object in PhysicsManager::existingObjects_.
Returns The Aabb.

Magnum::Range3D esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getStageCollisionShapeAabb() const

Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of the static stage in its local space. See btCompoundShape::getAabb.

Returns The stage collision Aabb.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::debugDraw(const Magnum::Matrix4& projTrans) const override

Render the debugging visualizations provided by Magnum::BulletIntegration::DebugDraw. This draws wireframes for all collision objects.

projTrans The composed projection and transformation matrix for the render camera.

std::vector<ContactPointData> esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getContactPoints() const override

Return ContactPointData objects describing the contacts from the most recent physics substep.

Returns a vector with each entry corresponding to a single contact point.

This implementation is roughly identical to PyBullet's getContactPoints.

RaycastResults esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::castRay(const esp::geo::Ray& ray, double maxDistance = 100.0, double bufferDistance = 0.08) override

Cast a ray into the collision world and return a RaycastResults with hit information.

ray The ray to cast. Need not be unit length, but returned hit distances will be in units of ray length.
maxDistance The maximum distance along the ray direction to search. In units of ray length.
bufferDistance The casts the ray from this distance behind the origin in the inverted ray direction to avoid errors related to casting rays inside a collision shape's margin.
Returns The raycast results sorted by distance.

int esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getNumActiveContactPoints() override

Query the number of contact points that were active during the collision detection check.

Returns the number of active contact points.

An object resting on another object will involve several active contact points. Once both objects are asleep, the contact points are inactive. This count can be used as a metric for the complexity/cost of collision-handling in the current scene.

int esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::getNumActiveOverlappingPairs() override

Query the number of overlapping pairs that were active during the collision detection check.

Returns the number of active overlapping pairs.

When object bounding boxes overlap and either object is active, additional "narrowphase" collision-detection must be run. This count is a proxy for complexity/cost of collision-handling in the current scene. See also getNumActiveContactPoints.

int esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::createRigidConstraint(const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) override

Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world.

settings The datastructure defining the constraint parameters.
Returns The id of the newly created constraint or ID_UNDEFINED if failed.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::updateRigidConstraint(int constraintId, const RigidConstraintSettings& settings) override

Update the settings of a rigid constraint.

constraintId The id of the constraint to update.
settings The new settings of the constraint.

void esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::removeRigidConstraint(int constraintId) override

Remove a rigid constraint by id.

constraintId The id of the constraint to remove.

int esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::addArticulatedObjectInternal(const esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes::ptr& artObjAttributes, DrawableGroup* drawables, bool forceReload = false, const std::string& lightSetup = DEFAULT_LIGHTING_KEY) override protected

Load, parse, and import a URDF file instantiating an ArticulatedObject in the world based on the urdf filepath specified in esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes. This version requires drawables to be provided.

artObjAttributes The ArticulatedObject's template to use to create it.
drawables Reference to the scene graph drawables group to enable rendering of the newly initialized ArticulatedObject.
forceReload If true, force the reload of the source URDF from file, replacing the cached model if it exists.
lightSetup The string name of the desired lighting setup to use.
Returns The instanced ArticulatedObject 's ID, mapping to the articulated object in PhysicsManager::existingObjects_ if successful, or esp::ID_UNDEFINED. These values come from the same pool used by rigid objects.

bool esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::addStageFinalize(const metadata::attributes::StageAttributes::ptr& initAttributes) override protected

Finalize stage initialization. Checks that the collision mesh can be used by Bullet. See BulletRigidObject::initializeStage. Bullet mesh conversion adapted from:

initAttributes The attributes structure defining physical properties of the stage.
Returns true if successful and false otherwise

bool esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::makeAndAddRigidObject(int newObjectID, const esp::metadata::attributes::ObjectAttributes::ptr& objectAttributes, scene::SceneNode* objectNode) override protected

Create and initialize an RigidObject and add it to existingObjects_ map keyed with newObjectID.

newObjectID valid object ID for the new object
objectAttributes The object's template
objectNode Valid, existing scene node
Returns whether the object has been successfully initialized and added to existingObjects_ map

Variable documentation

std::unique_ptr<btRigidBody> esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::globalFrameObject protected

when constraining objects to the global frame, a dummy object with 0 mass is required.

std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::objectConstraints_ protected

Maps object ids to a list of active constraints referencing the object for use in constraint clean-up and object sleep state management.

std::shared_ptr<std::map<const btCollisionObject*, int>> esp::physics::BulletPhysicsManager::collisionObjToObjIds_ protected

keep a map of collision objects to object ids for quick lookups from Bullet collision checking.