esp::metadata::attributes::ArticulatedObjectAttributes class

attributes class describing essential and default quantities used to instantiate an Articulated object

Base classes

class AbstractAttributes
Base class for all implemented attributes. Inherits from esp::core::managedContainers::AbstractFileBasedManagedObject so the attributes can be managed by a esp::core::managedContainers::ManagedContainer.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ArticulatedObjectAttributes(const std::string& handle = "") explicit

Public functions

void setURDFPath(const std::string& urdfFilepath)
Sets the string name for the Articulated Object URDF relative path.
auto getURDFPath() const -> std::string
Gets the string name for the Articulated Object URDF relative path.
void setURDFFullPath(const std::string& urdfFilepath)
Sets the fully-qualified filepath for for the Articulated Object URDF to be used to create the articulated object this attributes describes. This is only used internally and should not be saved to disk.
auto getURDFFullPath() const -> std::string
Gets the fully-qualified filepath for for the Articulated Object URDF to be used to create the articulated object this attributes describes. This is only used internally and should not be saved to disk.
void setRenderAssetHandle(const std::string& renderAsset)
Sets the string name for the render asset relative path.
auto getRenderAssetHandle() const -> std::string
Gets the string name for the render asset relative path.
void setRenderAssetFullPath(const std::string& renderAssetHandle)
Sets the fully-qualified filepath for the render asset to be used to render the construct this attributes describes. This is only used internally and should not be saved to disk.
auto getRenderAssetFullPath() const -> std::string
Gets the fully-qualified filepath for the render asset to be used to render the construct this attributes describes. This is only used internally and should not be saved to disk.
void setUniformScale(float scale)
Set uniform scaling of the articulated object.
auto getUniformScale() const -> float
Get uniform scaling of the articulated object.
void setMassScale(double scale)
Set mass scaling of the articulated object.
auto getMassScale() const -> double
Get mass scaling of the articulated object.
void setBaseType(const std::string& baseType)
Set the type of base/root joint to use to add this Articulated Object to the world. Cannot be "UNSPECIFIED".
auto getBaseType() const -> ArticulatedObjectBaseType
Get the type of base/root joint to use to add this Articulated Object to the world.
void setInertiaSource(const std::string& inertiaSrc)
Set the source of the inertia tensors to use for this Articulated Object.
auto getInertiaSource() const -> ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource
Get the source of the inertia tensors to use for this Articulated Object.
void setLinkOrder(const std::string& linkOrder)
Set the link order to use for the linkages of this Articulated Object.
auto getLinkOrder() const -> ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder
Get the link order to use for the linkages of this Articulated Object.
void setRenderMode(const std::string& renderMode)
Set the render mode to use to render this Articulated Object.
auto getRenderMode() const -> ArticulatedObjectRenderMode
Get the render mode to use to render this Articulated Object.
void setShaderType(const std::string& shader_type)
Set the default shader to use for this Articulated Object. This may be overridden by a scene instance specification.
auto getShaderType() const -> ObjectInstanceShaderType
Get the default shader to use for this Articulated Object. This may be overridden by a scene instance specification.
void setSemanticId(int semanticId)
Sets the semantic ID for instanced Articulated Objects.
auto getSemanticId() const -> uint32_t
Gets the semantic ID for instanced Articulated Objects.
void writeValuesToJson(io::JsonGenericValue& jsonObj, io::JsonAllocator& allocator) const override
Populate a json object with all the first-level values held in this configuration. Default is overridden to handle special cases for ArticulatedObjectAttributes.
auto getMarkerSetsConfiguration() const -> std::shared_ptr<MarkerSets>
Gets a smart pointer reference to a copy of the marker_sets configuration data from config file.
auto editMarkerSetsConfiguration() -> std::shared_ptr<MarkerSets>
Gets a smart pointer reference to the actual marker_sets configuration data from config file. This method is for editing the configuration.
auto rekeyAllMarkerSets() -> int
Rekey all the markers in the marker_sets subconfiguration such that each point is keyed by a sequential numeric string that preserves the natural ordering of the key strings.

Protected functions

auto getObjectInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::string override
Retrieve a comma-separated string holding the header values for the info returned for this managed object, type-specific.
auto getObjectInfoInternal() const -> std::string override
Retrieve a comma-separated informational string about the contents of this managed object.