attributesMetadata Attributes library.
- class AbstractAttributes
- Base class for all implemented attributes. Inherits from esp::
core:: managedContainers:: AbstractFileBasedManagedObject so the attributes can be managed by a esp:: core:: managedContainers:: ManagedContainer. - class AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes
- class AbstractObjectAttributes
- base attributes object holding attributes shared by all esp::
metadata:: attributes:: ObjectAttributes and esp:: metadata:: attributes:: StageAttributes objects; Should be treated as abstract - should never be instanced directly - class AbstractPrimitiveAttributes
- class AbstractSensorAttributes
- Attributes object holding the descriptions of a Sensor object.
- class AbstractVisualSensorAttributes
- Class to suppoort creating visual sensors by providing common attributes.
- class ArticulatedObjectAttributes
- attributes class describing essential and default quantities used to instantiate an Articulated object
- class AudioSensorAttributes
- Class to support creating audio sensors.
- class CameraSensorAttributes
- Class to suppoort creating camera sensors.
- class CapsulePrimitiveAttributes
- attributes describing primitive capsule objects
- class ConePrimitiveAttributes
- class CubePrimitiveAttributes
- class CustomSensorAttributes
- Class to support creating custom sensors via python that will be managed in Sim.
- class CylinderPrimitiveAttributes
- class EquirectangularSensorAttributes
- Class holding attributes for CubeMap-based Equirectangular sensor.
- class FisheyeSensorAttributes
- Class holding attributes for CubeMap-based Fisheye sensor.
- class IcospherePrimitiveAttributes
- class LightInstanceAttributes
- This class describes an instance of a light - its template name, location/direction, color, intensity, type and other parameters if appropriate.
- class LightLayoutAttributes
- This class describes a lighting layout, consisting of a series of lights.
- class LinkSet
- This class provides an alias for the nested Configuration tree used for a single link's 1 or more MarkerSets that should be attached to the named link.
- class MarkerSet
- This class provides an alias for a single Configuration holding 1 or more marker points within a particular LinkSet.
- class MarkerSets
- This class provides an alias for the nested Configuration tree used to hold multiple TaskSets.
- class ObjectAttributes
- Specific Attributes instance describing a rigid object, constructed with a default set of object-specific required attributes.
- class PbrShaderAttributes
- attributes class describing essential and default quantities and settings for configuring PBR shader calculations.
- class PhysicsManagerAttributes
- attributes class describing essential and default quantities used to instantiate a physics manager.
- class SceneAOInstanceAttributes
- This class describes an instance of an articulated object in a scene.
- class SceneDatasetAttributes
- class SceneInstanceAttributes
- class SceneObjectInstanceAttributes
- This class describes an instance of a stage, object or articulated object in a scene - its template name, translation from the origin, rotation, motiontype, and other values required to instantiate the construct described.
- class SemanticAttributes
- This class describes the semantic attributes for a specific scene. This includes semantic region description and annotation.
- class SemanticVolumeAttributes
- This class describes the attributes describing some Semantic Volume. Currently only used for region annotations.
- class StageAttributes
- Specific Attributes instance describing a rigid stage, constructed with a default set of stage-specific required attributes.
- class TaskSet
- This class provides an alias for the nested Configuration tree used for a single TaskSet, holding 1 or more LinkSets.
- class UVSpherePrimitiveAttributes
- enum class AssetType { Unknown, Mp3dMesh, InstanceMesh, Navmesh, Primitive, EndAssetType }
- Supported Asset types.
- enum class ArticulatedObjectBaseType { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Free, Fixed, EndAOBaseType }
- This enum class defines possible options for the type of joint that connects the base of the Articulated Object to the world (the root 6 dofs)
- enum class ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Computed, URDF, EndAOInertiaSource }
- This enum class defines the source of the inertia values to use for the Articulated Object.
- enum class ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, URDFOrder, TreeTraversal, EndAOLinkOrder }
- This enum class defines how the links in the Articulated Object should be ordered.
- enum class ArticulatedObjectRenderMode { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Default, Skin, LinkVisuals, None, Both, EndAORenderMode }
- This enum class defines the possible options for what will be rendered for a particular Articulated Object.
- enum class ObjectInstanceShaderType { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Material, Flat, Phong, PBR, EndShaderType }
- This enum class defines the possible shader options for rendering instances of objects or stages in Habitat-sim.
- enum class SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin { Unknown = ID_UNDEFINED, AssetLocal, COM, EndTransOrigin }
- This enum class describes whether an object instance position is relative to its COM or the asset's local origin. Depending on this value, we may take certain actions when instantiating a scene described by a scene instance. For example, scene instances exported from Blender will have no conception of an object's configured COM, and so will require adjustment to translations to account for COM location when the object is placed.
auto getAssetTypeName(AssetType meshTypeEnum) -> std::
string - Get a string name representing the specified AssetType enum value.
auto getAOBaseTypeName(ArticulatedObjectBaseType aoBaseType) -> std::
string - This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectBaseType value to the string key that maps to it in the AOBaseTypeMap.
auto getAOInertiaSourceName(ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource aoInertiaSource) -> std::
string - This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource value to the string key that maps to it in the AOInertiaSourceMap.
auto getAOLinkOrderName(ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder aoLinkOrder) -> std::
string - This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder value to the string key that maps to it in the AOLinkOrderMap.
auto getAORenderModeName(ArticulatedObjectRenderMode aoRenderMode) -> std::
string - This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectRenderMode value to the string key that maps to it in the AORenderModesMap.
auto getShaderTypeName(ObjectInstanceShaderType shaderTypeVal) -> std::
string - This method will convert a ObjectInstanceShaderType value to the string key that maps to it in the ShaderTypeNamesMap.
auto getTranslationOriginName(SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin translationOrigin) -> std::
string - This method will convert a SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin value to the string key that maps to it in the InstanceTranslationOriginMap.
auto getLightTypeName(esp::
gfx:: LightType lightTypeEnum) -> std:: string - This method will convert a esp::
gfx:: LightType value to the string key it maps to in the LightTypeNamesMap. -
auto getLightPositionModelName(esp::
gfx:: LightPositionModel lightPositionEnum) -> std:: string - This method will convert a esp::
gfx:: LightPositionModel value to the string key it maps to in the LightPositionNamesMap. -
auto getMotionTypeName(esp::
physics:: MotionType motionTypeEnum) -> std:: string - This method will convert a esp::
physics:: MotionType value to the string key it maps to in the MotionTypeNamesMap. -
auto getSensorTypeName(esp::sensor::SensorType sensorTypeEnum) -> std::
string - This method will convert a esp::sensor::SensorType value to the string key it maps to in the SensorTypeNamesMap.
auto getSensorSubTypeName(esp::sensor::SensorSubType sensorSubTypeEnum) -> std::
string - This method will convert a esp::sensor::SensorSubType value to the string key it maps to in the SensorSubTypeNamesMap.
auto getSemanitcSensorTargetName(esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget semanticSensorTargetEnum) -> std::
string - This method will convert a esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget value to the string key it maps to in the SensorSubTypeNamesMap.
auto getFisheyeSensorModelTypeName(esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType fisheyeSensorModelTypeEnum) -> std::
string - This method will convert a esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType value to the string key it maps to in the FisheyeSensorModelTypeMap.
const std::
map<std:: string, AssetType> AssetTypeNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to AssetType values. This will be used to map string values used for mesh type to AssetType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectBaseType> AOBaseTypeMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectBaseType values. This will be used to map string values used for AO base_type to ArticulatedObjectBaseType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource> AOInertiaSourceMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource values. This will be used to map string values used for AO inertia_source to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder> AOLinkOrderMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder values. This will be used to map string values used for AO link_order to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectRenderMode> AORenderModesMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode values. This will be used to map string values used for AO render_mode to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, ObjectInstanceShaderType> ShaderTypeNamesMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ObjectInstanceShaderType values. This will be used to map string values used for shader type to ObjectInstanceShaderType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin> InstanceTranslationOriginMap - Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin values. This will be used to map string values used for translation origin to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, esp:: gfx:: LightType> LightTypeNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
gfx:: LightType values. This will be used to map string values used for light type to esp:: gfx:: LightType. Keys must be lowercase - will support any case values in JSON. -
const std::
map<std:: string, esp:: gfx:: LightPositionModel> LightPositionNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
gfx:: LightPositionModel values. This will be used to map string values used to specify what translations are measured from for a lighting instance placement. Keys must be lowercase. -
const std::
map<std:: string, esp:: physics:: MotionType> MotionTypeNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
physics:: MotionType values. This will be used to map string values used for motion type to esp:: physics:: MotionType. Keys must be lowercase. -
const std::
map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SensorType> SensorTypeNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SensorType values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor type to esp::sensor::SensorType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SensorSubType> SensorSubTypeNamesMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SensorSubType values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor sub type to esp::sensor::SensorSubType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget> SemanticSensorTargetMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor sub type to esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::
map<std:: string, esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType> FisheyeSensorModelTypeMap - Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType values. This will be used to map string values used for to esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType. Keys must be lowercase.
Enum documentation
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AssetType
Supported Asset types.
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectBaseType
This enum class defines possible options for the type of joint that connects the base of the Articulated Object to the world (the root 6 dofs)
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Represents the user not specifying the type of base/root joint. Resorts to any previously known/set value. |
Free |
The Articulated Object is joined to the world with a free joint and is free to move around in the world. |
Fixed |
The Articulated Object is connected to the world with a fixed joint at a specific location in the world and is unable to move within the world. |
EndAOBaseType |
End cap value - no Articulated Object base type enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource
This enum class defines the source of the inertia values to use for the Articulated Object.
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Represents the user not specifying the source of the inertia values to use. Resorts to any previously known/set value. |
Computed |
Use inertia values computed from the collision shapes when the model is loaded. This is usually more stable and is the default value. |
Use the inertia values specified in the URDF file. |
EndAOInertiaSource |
End cap value - no Articulated Object intertia source enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder
This enum class defines how the links in the Articulated Object should be ordered.
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Represents the user not specifying which link ordering to use. Resorts to any previously known/set value. |
URDFOrder |
Use the link order specified in the source URDF file. |
TreeTraversal |
Use the link order derived from a tree traversal of the Articulated Object. |
EndAOLinkOrder |
End cap value - no Articulated Object link order enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ArticulatedObjectRenderMode
This enum class defines the possible options for what will be rendered for a particular Articulated Object.
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Represents the user not specifying which rendering mode to use. Resorts to any previously known/set value. |
Default |
Render the Articulated Object using its skin if it has one, otherwise render it using the urdf-defined link meshes/primitives. |
Skin |
Render the Articulated Object using its skin. |
LinkVisuals |
Render the Articulated Object using urdf-defined meshes/primitives to represent each link. |
None |
Do not render the Articulated Object. |
Both |
Render the Articulated Object using both the skin and the urdf-defined link meshes/primitives. |
EndAORenderMode |
End cap value - no Articulated Object render mode enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ObjectInstanceShaderType
This enum class defines the possible shader options for rendering instances of objects or stages in Habitat-sim.
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Represents the user not specifying which shader type choice to use. Resort to defaults for object type. |
Material |
Override any config-specified or default shader-type values to use the material-specified shader. |
Flat |
Refers to flat shading, pure color and no lighting. This is often used for textured objects. |
Phong |
Refers to phong shading with pure diffuse color. |
Refers to using a shader built with physically-based rendering models. |
EndShaderType |
End cap value - no shader type enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
enum class esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin
This enum class describes whether an object instance position is relative to its COM or the asset's local origin. Depending on this value, we may take certain actions when instantiating a scene described by a scene instance. For example, scene instances exported from Blender will have no conception of an object's configured COM, and so will require adjustment to translations to account for COM location when the object is placed.
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
Default value - in the case of object instances, this means use the specified scene instance default; in the case of a scene instance, this means do not correct for COM. |
AssetLocal |
Indicates scene instance objects were placed without knowledge of their COM location, and so need to be corrected when placed in scene in Habitat. For example, they were exported from an external editor like Blender. |
Indicates scene instance objects' location were recorded at their COM location, and so do not need correction. For example they were exported from Habitat-sim. |
EndTransOrigin |
End cap value - no instance translation origin type enums should be defined at or past this enum. |
Function documentation
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getAssetTypeName(AssetType meshTypeEnum)
Get a string name representing the specified AssetType enum value.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getAOBaseTypeName(ArticulatedObjectBaseType aoBaseType)
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectBaseType value to the string key that maps to it in the AOBaseTypeMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getAOInertiaSourceName(ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource aoInertiaSource)
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource value to the string key that maps to it in the AOInertiaSourceMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getAOLinkOrderName(ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder aoLinkOrder)
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder value to the string key that maps to it in the AOLinkOrderMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getAORenderModeName(ArticulatedObjectRenderMode aoRenderMode)
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectRenderMode value to the string key that maps to it in the AORenderModesMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getShaderTypeName(ObjectInstanceShaderType shaderTypeVal)
This method will convert a ObjectInstanceShaderType value to the string key that maps to it in the ShaderTypeNamesMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getTranslationOriginName(SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin translationOrigin)
This method will convert a SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin value to the string key that maps to it in the InstanceTranslationOriginMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getLightTypeName(esp:: gfx:: LightType lightTypeEnum)
This method will convert a esp::
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getLightPositionModelName(esp:: gfx:: LightPositionModel lightPositionEnum)
This method will convert a esp::
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getMotionTypeName(esp:: physics:: MotionType motionTypeEnum)
This method will convert a esp::
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getSensorTypeName(esp::sensor::SensorType sensorTypeEnum)
This method will convert a esp::sensor::SensorType value to the string key it maps to in the SensorTypeNamesMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getSensorSubTypeName(esp::sensor::SensorSubType sensorSubTypeEnum)
This method will convert a esp::sensor::SensorSubType value to the string key it maps to in the SensorSubTypeNamesMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getSemanitcSensorTargetName(esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget semanticSensorTargetEnum)
This method will convert a esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget value to the string key it maps to in the SensorSubTypeNamesMap.
std:: string esp:: metadata:: attributes:: getFisheyeSensorModelTypeName(esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType fisheyeSensorModelTypeEnum)
This method will convert a esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType value to the string key it maps to in the FisheyeSensorModelTypeMap.
Variable documentation
const std:: map<std:: string, AssetType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AssetTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to AssetType values. This will be used to map string values used for mesh type to AssetType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectBaseType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AOBaseTypeMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectBaseType values. This will be used to map string values used for AO base_type to ArticulatedObjectBaseType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AOInertiaSourceMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource values. This will be used to map string values used for AO inertia_source to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AOLinkOrderMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder values. This will be used to map string values used for AO link_order to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, ArticulatedObjectRenderMode> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: AORenderModesMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode values. This will be used to map string values used for AO render_mode to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, ObjectInstanceShaderType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: ShaderTypeNamesMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ObjectInstanceShaderType values. This will be used to map string values used for shader type to ObjectInstanceShaderType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: InstanceTranslationOriginMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin values. This will be used to map string values used for translation origin to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, esp:: gfx:: LightType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: LightTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
const std:: map<std:: string, esp:: gfx:: LightPositionModel> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: LightPositionNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
const std:: map<std:: string, esp:: physics:: MotionType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: MotionTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::
const std:: map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SensorType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SensorTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SensorType values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor type to esp::sensor::SensorType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SensorSubType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SensorSubTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SensorSubType values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor sub type to esp::sensor::SensorSubType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: SemanticSensorTargetMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget values. This will be used to map string values used for sensor sub type to esp::sensor::SemanticSensorTarget. Keys must be lowercase.
const std:: map<std:: string, esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType> esp:: metadata:: attributes:: FisheyeSensorModelTypeMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType values. This will be used to map string values used for to esp::sensor::FisheyeSensorModelType. Keys must be lowercase.