esp::metadata::attributes::CustomSensorAttributes class

Class to support creating custom sensors via python that will be managed in Sim.

Base classes

class AbstractSensorAttributes
Attributes object holding the descriptions of a Sensor object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CustomSensorAttributes(const std::string& handle = "") explicit

Public functions

void populateWithSensorSpec(const sensor::SensorSpec::ptr& spec) override
Populate this CustomSensorAttributes from an appropriate sensor::SensorSpec.
auto getCustomAttrFields() const -> std::shared_ptr<Configuration>
Gets a smart pointer reference to a copy of the custom attributes configuration data from config file. Habitat does not parse or process this data, but it will be available to the user via python bindings for each object.
auto getCustomAttrFieldsView() const -> std::shared_ptr<const Configuration>
Gets a const smart pointer reference to a view of the custom attributes configuration data from config file. Habitat does not parse or process this data, but it will be available to the user via python bindings for each object.
auto editCustomAttrFields() -> std::shared_ptr<Configuration>
Gets a smart pointer reference to the actual custom attributes configuration data from config file. Habitat does not parse or process this data, but it will be available to the user via python bindings for each object. This method is for editing the configuration.
void setCustomAttrFields(std::shared_ptr<Configuration>& custAttrs)
Move an existing custom_attributes subconfiguration into this configuration, overwriting the existing copy if it exists. Habitat does not parse or process this data, but it will be available to the user via python bindings for each object. This method is for editing the configuration.
auto getNumCustomAttrFields() const -> int
Returns the number of custom attributes values (within the "custom_attributes" sub-Configuration) this attributes has.
auto getTotalNumCustomAttrFields() const -> int
Returns the number of custom attributes values and subconfig values (recursive) (within the "custom_attributes" sub-Configuration) this attributes has in its entire tree.

Protected functions

auto getAbstractSensorInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::string override
get AbstractSensorAttributes-specific info header
auto getAbstractSensorInfoInternal() const -> std::string override
get AbstractSensorAttributes specific info for csv string