AbstractSensorAttributesAttributes object holding the descriptions of a Sensor object.
Base classes
- class AbstractAttributes
- Base class for all implemented attributes. Inherits from esp::
core:: managedContainers:: AbstractFileBasedManagedObject so the attributes can be managed by a esp:: core:: managedContainers:: ManagedContainer.
Derived classes
- class AbstractVisualSensorAttributes
- Class to suppoort creating visual sensors by providing common attributes.
- class AudioSensorAttributes
- Class to support creating audio sensors.
- class CustomSensorAttributes
- Class to support creating custom sensors via python that will be managed in Sim.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
AbstractSensorAttributes(const std::
string& classKey, const std:: string& handle)
Public functions
- void populateWithSensorSpec(const sensor::SensorSpec::ptr& spec) virtual
- Populate this attributes from an appropriate sensor::
SensorSpec. -
void setPosition(const Magnum::
Vector3& position) - Set the position of the sensor.
auto getPosition() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 - Get the position of the sensor.
void setOrientation(const Magnum::
Vector3& orientation) - Set the position of the sensor.
auto getOrientation() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 - Get the position of the sensor.
void setNoiseModel(const std::
string& noise_model) - Sets the noise model to use for this sensor.
auto getNoiseModel() const -> std::
string - Gets the noise model to use for this sensor.
void setSensorType(const std::
string& sensorType) - Set the sensor type for this sensor.
- void setSensorTypeEnum(sensor::SensorType sensorTypeEnum)
- Set the sensor type for this sensor as specified by given SensorType.
- auto getSensorType() const -> sensor::SensorType
- Get the sensor type for this sensor.
void setSensorSubType(const std::
string& sensorSubType) - Set the sensor type for this sensor.
- void setSensorSubTypeEnum(sensor::SensorSubType sensorSubTypeEnum)
- Set the sensor subtype for this sensor as specified by given SensorSubType.
- auto getSensorSubType() const -> sensor::SensorSubType
- Get the sensor subtype for this sensor.
- void writeValuesToJson(io::JsonGenericValue& jsonObj, io::JsonAllocator& allocator) const override
- Populate a json object with all the first-level values held in this configuration. Default is overridden to handle special cases for AbstractSensorAttributes and deriving (i.e. AudioSensorAttributes or VisualSensorAttributes) classes.
Protected functions
- void writeValuesToJsonInternal(io::JsonGenericValue& jsonObj, io::JsonAllocator& allocator) const virtual
- Write child-class-specific values to json object.
auto getObjectInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::
string override - Retrieve a comma-separated string holding the header values for the info returned for this managed object, type-specific.
auto getAbstractSensorInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::
string virtual - get AbstractSensorAttributes-specific info header
auto getObjectInfoInternal() const -> std::
string override - Retrieve a comma-separated informational string about the contents of this managed object.
auto getAbstractSensorInfoInternal() const -> std::
string virtual - get AbstractSensorAttributes specific info for csv string