esp::metadata::attributes::AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes class

Base classes

class AbstractVisualSensorAttributes
Class to suppoort creating visual sensors by providing common attributes.

Derived classes

class EquirectangularSensorAttributes
Class holding attributes for CubeMap-based Equirectangular sensor.
class FisheyeSensorAttributes
Class holding attributes for CubeMap-based Fisheye sensor.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes(const std::string& classKey, const std::string& handle)
Class to suppoort creating CubeMap-based sensors by providing common attributes.

Public functions

void populateWithSensorSpec(const sensor::SensorSpec::ptr& spec) override
Populate this AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes from an appropriate sensor::SensorSpec.
void setUseSpecifiedCubeMapSize(bool _useCubeMapSize)
Set whether to use a user-specified CubeMap size. Otherwise, should be the smallest of the x or y resolution values.
auto getUseSpecifiedCubeMapSize() const -> bool
Get whether to use a user-specified CubeMap size. Otherwise, should be the smallest of the x or y resolution values.
void setCubeMapSize(int cubemap_size)
Set user-specified CubeMap Size. 0 means ignore this field and use the min dimension of the resolution as the size.
void clearCubeMapSize()
auto getCubeMapSize() const -> int
Get user-specified CubeMap Size. 0 means ignore this field and use the max dimension of the resolution as the size.
auto getCubeMapSizeToUse() const -> int
Get the actual cube map size to use when constructing the cube map - either the user's specified value or the minimum resolution dimension. This should not be saved, and is just offered as a convenience accessor.

Protected functions

void writeVisualSensorValuesToJsonInternal(io::JsonGenericValue& jsonObj, io::JsonAllocator& allocator) const override
Write CubeMap Sensor-specific values to json object.
void writeCubeMapSensorValuesToJsonInternal(io::JsonGenericValue& jsonObj, io::JsonAllocator& allocator) const virtual
auto getAbstractVisualSensorInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::string override
get AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes-specific info header
auto getAbstractVisualSensorInfoInternal() const -> std::string override
get AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes specific info for csv string
auto getCubeMapSensorInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::string virtual
get AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes-child class info header
auto getCubeMapSensorInfoInternal() const -> std::string virtual
get AbstractCubeMapSensorAttributes-child class info for csv string