esp/metadata/attributes/AttributesEnumMaps.h file


namespace esp
Root namespace.
namespace esp::asset
namespace esp::physics
Physics library.
namespace esp::metadata
Metadata management.
namespace esp::metadata::attributes
Metadata Attributes library.


enum class ArticulatedObjectBaseType { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Free, Fixed, EndAOBaseType }
This enum class defines possible options for the type of joint that connects the base of the Articulated Object to the world (the root 6 dofs)
enum class ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Computed, URDF, EndAOInertiaSource }
This enum class defines the source of the interia values to use for the Articulated Object.
enum class ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, URDFOrder, TreeTraversal, EndAOLinkOrder }
This enum class defines how the links in the Articulated Object should be ordered.
enum class ArticulatedObjectRenderMode { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Default, Skin, LinkVisuals, None, Both, EndAORenderMode }
This enum class defines the possible options for what will be rendered for a particular Articulated Object.
enum class ObjectInstanceShaderType { Unspecified = ID_UNDEFINED, Material, Flat, Phong, PBR, EndShaderType }
This enum class defines the possible shader options for rendering instances of objects or stages in Habitat-sim.
enum class SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin { Unknown = ID_UNDEFINED, AssetLocal, COM, EndTransOrigin }
This enum class describes whether an object instance position is relative to its COM or the asset's local origin. Depending on this value, we may take certain actions when instantiating a scene described by a scene instance. For example, scene instances exported from Blender will have no conception of an object's configured COM, and so will require adjustment to translations to account for COM location when the object is placed.


auto getAOBaseTypeName(ArticulatedObjectBaseType aoBaseType) -> std::string
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectBaseType value to the string key that maps to it in the AOBaseTypeMap.
auto getAOInertiaSourceName(ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource aoInertiaSource) -> std::string
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource value to the string key that maps to it in the AOInertiaSourceMap.
auto getAOLinkOrderName(ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder aoLinkOrder) -> std::string
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder value to the string key that maps to it in the AOLinkOrderMap.
auto getAORenderModeName(ArticulatedObjectRenderMode aoRenderMode) -> std::string
This method will convert a ArticulatedObjectRenderMode value to the string key that maps to it in the AORenderModesMap.
auto getShaderTypeName(ObjectInstanceShaderType shaderTypeVal) -> std::string
This method will convert a ObjectInstanceShaderType value to the string key that maps to it in the ShaderTypeNamesMap.
auto getTranslationOriginName(SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin translationOrigin) -> std::string
This method will convert a SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin value to the string key that maps to it in the InstanceTranslationOriginMap.
auto getLightTypeName(esp::gfx::LightType lightTypeEnum) -> std::string
This method will convert a esp::gfx::LightType value to the string key it maps to in the LightTypeNamesMap.
auto getLightPositionModelName(esp::gfx::LightPositionModel lightPositionEnum) -> std::string
This method will convert a esp::gfx::LightPositionModel value to the string key it maps to in the LightPositionNamesMap.
auto getMotionTypeName(esp::physics::MotionType motionTypeEnum) -> std::string
This method will convert a esp::gfx::LightPositionModel value to the string key it maps to in the LightPositionNamesMap.


const std::map<std::string, ArticulatedObjectBaseType> AOBaseTypeMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectBaseType values. This will be used to map values set in json for AO base_type to ArticulatedObjectBaseType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource> AOInertiaSourceMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource values. This will be used to map values set in json for AO inertia_source to ArticulatedObjectInertiaSource. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder> AOLinkOrderMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder values. This will be used to map values set in json for AO link_order to ArticulatedObjectLinkOrder. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, ArticulatedObjectRenderMode> AORenderModesMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode values. This will be used to map values set in json for AO render_mode to ArticulatedObjectRenderMode. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, ObjectInstanceShaderType> ShaderTypeNamesMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to ObjectInstanceShaderType values. This will be used to map values set in json for shader type to ObjectInstanceShaderType. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin> InstanceTranslationOriginMap
Constant map to provide mappings from string tags to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin values. This will be used to map values set in json for translation origin to SceneInstanceTranslationOrigin. Keys must be lowercase.
const std::map<std::string, esp::gfx::LightType> LightTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::gfx::LightType values. This will be used to map values set in json for light type to esp::gfx::LightType. Keys must be lowercase - will support any case values in JSON.
const std::map<std::string, esp::gfx::LightPositionModel> LightPositionNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::gfx::LightPositionModel values. This will be used to map values set in json to specify what translations are measured from for a lighting instance.
const std::map<std::string, esp::physics::MotionType> MotionTypeNamesMap
Constant static map to provide mappings from string tags to esp::physics::MotionType values. This will be used to map values set in json for mesh type to esp::physics::MotionType. Keys must be lowercase.