esp::gfx::DebugLineRender class

Singleton utility class for on-the-fly rendering of lines (e.g. every frame). This is intended for debugging or simple UX for prototype apps. The API prioritizes ease-of-use over maximum runtime performance.

It's easy to add new primitives here; see drawCircle as a reference. In addition, if you're interested to integrate Magnum's line-based primitives, see src/deps/magnum/doc/generated/primitives.cpp and also this discussion:

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Constructor. This allocates GPU resources so it should persist frame-to-frame (don't recreate it every frame).
DebugLineRender(const DebugLineRender&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.

Public functions

void releaseGLResources()
Release GPU resources.
auto operator=(const DebugLineRender&) -> DebugLineRender& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
void setLineWidth(float lineWidth)
Set line width in pixels (approximate).
void drawLine(const Magnum::Vector3& from, const Magnum::Vector3& to, const Magnum::Color4& color)
Draw a line segment in world-space (ignores pushTransform).
void drawLine(const Magnum::Vector3& from, const Magnum::Vector3& to, const Magnum::Color4& fromColor, const Magnum::Color4& toColor)
Draw a line segment in world-space.
void flushLines(const Magnum::Matrix4& camMatrix, const Magnum::Matrix4& projMatrix, const Magnum::Vector2i& viewport)
Submit lines to the GL renderer. Call this once per frame. Because this uses transparency, you should ideally call this after submitting opaque scene geometry.
void flushLines(const Magnum::Matrix4& projCamMatrix, const Magnum::Vector2i& viewport)
void pushTransform(const Magnum::Matrix4& transform)
Push (multiply) a transform onto the transform stack, affecting all line-drawing until popped. Must be paired with popTransform(). For example, push an object's local-to-world transform and then use drawTransformedLine to draw lines in the object's local space.
void popTransform()
See also pushTransform.
void drawTransformedLine(const Magnum::Vector3& from, const Magnum::Vector3& to, const Magnum::Color4& color)
Draw a line segment in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
void drawTransformedLine(const Magnum::Vector3& from, const Magnum::Vector3& to, const Magnum::Color4& fromColor, const Magnum::Color4& toColor)
Draw a line segment in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
void drawBox(const Magnum::Vector3& min, const Magnum::Vector3& max, const Magnum::Color4& color)
Draw a box in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
void drawCircle(const Magnum::Vector3& pos, float radius, const Magnum::Color4& color, int numSegments = 24, const Magnum::Vector3& normal = Magnum::Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
Draw a circle in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform). The circle is an approximation; see numSegments.
void drawCone(const Magnum::Vector3& pos, const Magnum::Vector3& apex, float radius, const Magnum::Color4& color, int numSegments = 24, const Magnum::Vector3& normal = Magnum::Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
Draw a cone in world-space or local-space (see pushTransform). The cone is a circle (see drawCircle) with each segment endpoint having a line drawn to the given apex.
void drawCoordinateAxes(const Magnum::Vector3& pos, const Magnum::Vector3& scale = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, float radius = 0.05)
Draw RGB->XYZ coordinate axes at given location with given scaling. A circle will be placed near the end of each positive axis.
void drawPathWithEndpointCircles(const std::vector<Magnum::Vector3>& points, float radius, const Magnum::Color4& color, int numSegments = 24, const Magnum::Vector3& normal = Magnum::Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
Draw a sequence of line segments with circles at the two endpoints. In world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).
void drawPathWithEndpointCircles(Magnum::Containers::ArrayView<const Magnum::Vector3> points, float radius, const Magnum::Color4& color, int numSegments = 24, const Magnum::Vector3& normal = Magnum::Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
Draw a sequence of line segments with circles at the two endpoints. In world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).

Function documentation

void esp::gfx::DebugLineRender::drawCoordinateAxes(const Magnum::Vector3& pos, const Magnum::Vector3& scale = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, float radius = 0.05)

Draw RGB->XYZ coordinate axes at given location with given scaling. A circle will be placed near the end of each positive axis.

pos The location in world space to place the axes
scale The length of each axis
radius The radius of the positive-direction circle indicators

void esp::gfx::DebugLineRender::drawPathWithEndpointCircles(Magnum::Containers::ArrayView<const Magnum::Vector3> points, float radius, const Magnum::Color4& color, int numSegments = 24, const Magnum::Vector3& normal = Magnum::Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))

Draw a sequence of line segments with circles at the two endpoints. In world-space or local-space (see pushTransform).

points Note that std::vector, std::array, or c-style array can be passed here.