esp/physics/ArticulatedObject.h file

Class esp::physics::ArticulatedLink, class esp::physics::ArticulatedObject, enum class JointType, enum class JointMotorType, struct JointMotorSettings.


namespace esp
Root namespace.
namespace esp::gfx
GFX library.
namespace esp::assets
Assets library.
namespace esp::physics
Physics library.


struct esp::physics::JointMotorSettings
Stores JointMotor (i.e. per-DoF PD control) parameters for creation and updates.
struct esp::physics::JointMotor
A general wrapper class for JointMotor (e.g. PD control) implementation.
class esp::physics::ArticulatedLink
A single rigid link in a kinematic chain. Abstract class. Feature attaches to a SceneNode.
class esp::physics::ArticulatedObject
An articulated rigid object (i.e. kinematic chain). Abstract class to be derived by physics simulator specific implementations.


enum class JointMotorType { SingleDof, Spherical }
describes the type of a motor for generality.