esp::assets namespace

Assets library.

Asset management namespace.


template<typename T>
struct Asset
Wrapper for all valid asset types.
struct AssetInfo
AssetInfo stores information necessary to identify and load an Asset.
class BaseMesh
Base class for storing mesh asset data including geometry and topology.
struct CollisionMeshData
Provides references to geometry and topology for an individual component of an asset for use in generating collision shapes for simulation.
class GenericMeshData
Mesh data storage and loading for gltf format assets. See ResourceManager::loadMeshes.
class GenericSemanticMeshData
Mesh data storage and loading for ply format assets used primarily for Semantic Scene meshes, including manage vertex colors and vertex IDs for semantic visualization and rendering.
struct MeshData
Raw mesh data storage.
struct MeshMetaData
Stores meta data for an asset possibly containing multiple meshes, materials, textures, and a hierarchy of component transform relationships.
struct MeshTransformNode
Stores meta data for objects with a multi-component transformation hierarchy.
struct PhongMaterialColor
stores basic Phong compatible color properties for procedural override material construction
struct RenderAssetInstanceCreationInfo
class ResourceManager
Singleton class responsible for loading and managing common simulator assets such as meshes, textures, and materials.
class RigManager
Tracks the rig instances in a simulator (skinned articulated objects).


Enumeration of mesh types supported by the simulator.


auto operator==(const PhongMaterialColor& a, const PhongMaterialColor& b) -> bool
Verify PhongMaterialColor equality.
auto operator!=(const PhongMaterialColor& a, const PhongMaterialColor& b) -> bool
Verify PhongMaterialColor inequality.
auto operator==(const AssetInfo& a, const AssetInfo& b) -> bool
Verify AssetInfo equality.
auto operator!=(const AssetInfo& a, const AssetInfo& b) -> bool
Verify AssetInfo equality.
auto espLoggingSubsystem() -> logging::Subsystem

Enum documentation

enum esp::assets::SupportedMeshType

Enumeration of mesh types supported by the simulator.

Each entry suggests a derived class of BaseMesh implementing the specific storage and processing interface to accommodate differing asset formats. Identifies the derived variant of this object.


Undefined mesh types are created programmatically without a specific format or loaded from an unknown format. Support for this type and behavior is likely limited. Object type is likely BaseMesh.


Instance meshes loaded from sources including segmented object identifier data (e.g. semantic data: chair, table, etc...). Sources include .ply files and reconstructions of Matterport scans. Object is likely of type GenericSemanticMeshData.


Meshes loaded from gltf format (i.e. .glb file), or instances of Magnum Primitives. Object is likely type GenericMeshData.


Number of enumerated supported types.

Function documentation

bool esp::assets::operator==(const PhongMaterialColor& a, const PhongMaterialColor& b)

Verify PhongMaterialColor equality.

bool esp::assets::operator!=(const PhongMaterialColor& a, const PhongMaterialColor& b)

Verify PhongMaterialColor inequality.

bool esp::assets::operator==(const AssetInfo& a, const AssetInfo& b)

Verify AssetInfo equality.

bool esp::assets::operator!=(const AssetInfo& a, const AssetInfo& b)

Verify AssetInfo equality.