#include <esp/physics/bullet/BulletBase.h>
BulletBase This class is intended to implement bullet-specific.
Derived classes
- class BulletArticulatedLink
- class BulletRigidObject
- An individual rigid object instance implementing an interface with Bullet physics to enable dynamic objects. See btRigidBody.
- class BulletRigidStage
- An individual rigid stage instance implementing an interface with Bullet physics to enable dynamics. See btCollisionObject.
Public static functions
static void constructJoinedConvexShapeFromMeshes(const Magnum::
Matrix4& transformFromParentToWorld, const std:: vector<assets:: CollisionMeshData>& meshGroup, const assets:: MeshTransformNode& node, btConvexHullShape* bConvexShape) - Recursively construct a btConvexHullShape for collision by joining loaded mesh assets.
static void constructConvexShapesFromMeshes(const Magnum::
Matrix4& transformFromParentToWorld, const std:: vector<assets:: CollisionMeshData>& meshGroup, const assets:: MeshTransformNode& node, btCompoundShape* bObjectShape, std:: vector<std:: unique_ptr<btConvexHullShape>>& bObjectConvexShapes) - Recursively construct a btCompoundShape for collision from loaded mesh assets. A btConvexHullShape is constructed for each sub-component, transformed to object-local space and added to the compound in a flat manner for efficiency.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
shared_ptr<btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld> bWorld, std:: shared_ptr<std:: map<const btCollisionObject*, int>> collisionObjToObjIds) - ~BulletBase() virtual
- Destructor cleans up simulation structures for the object.
Public functions
- auto getMargin() const -> double virtual
- Get the scalar collision margin of an object. Retun 0.0 for a esp::
physics:: RigidStage. See btCompoundShape:: getMargin. - void setMargin(const double margin) virtual
- Set the scalar collision margin of an object. Does not affect esp::
physics:: RigidStage. See btCompoundShape:: setMargin. -
auto getCollisionShapeAabb() const -> Magnum::
Range3D pure virtual - Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of the rigid body in its local space. See btCompoundShape::
Protected variables
shared_ptr<btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld> bWorld_ - A pointer to the Bullet world to which this object belongs. See btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.
vector<std:: unique_ptr<btRigidBody>> bStaticCollisionObjects_ - Static data: All components of a esp::
physics:: RigidStage are stored here. Also, all objects set to STATIC are stored here. -
vector<std:: unique_ptr<btConvexHullShape>> bObjectConvexShapes_ - Object data: Composite convex collision shape.
vector<std:: unique_ptr<btCollisionShape>> bGenericShapes_ -
shared_ptr<std:: map<const btCollisionObject*, int>> collisionObjToObjIds_
Function documentation
static void esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: constructJoinedConvexShapeFromMeshes(const Magnum:: Matrix4& transformFromParentToWorld,
const std:: vector<assets:: CollisionMeshData>& meshGroup,
const assets:: MeshTransformNode& node,
btConvexHullShape* bConvexShape)
Recursively construct a btConvexHullShape for collision by joining loaded mesh assets.
Parameters | |
transformFromParentToWorld | The cumulative parent-to-world transformation matrix constructed by composition down the MeshTransformNode tree to the current node. |
meshGroup | Access structure for collision mesh data. |
node | The current MeshTransformNode in the recursion. |
bConvexShape | The convex we are building. Should be a new, empty shape when passed into entry point. |
static void esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: constructConvexShapesFromMeshes(const Magnum:: Matrix4& transformFromParentToWorld,
const std:: vector<assets:: CollisionMeshData>& meshGroup,
const assets:: MeshTransformNode& node,
btCompoundShape* bObjectShape,
std:: vector<std:: unique_ptr<btConvexHullShape>>& bObjectConvexShapes)
Recursively construct a btCompoundShape for collision from loaded mesh assets. A btConvexHullShape is constructed for each sub-component, transformed to object-local space and added to the compound in a flat manner for efficiency.
Parameters | |
transformFromParentToWorld | The cumulative parent-to-world transformation matrix constructed by composition down the MeshTransformNode tree to the current node. |
meshGroup | Access structure for collision mesh data. |
node | The current MeshTransformNode in the recursion. |
bObjectShape | The compound shape parent for all generated convexes |
bObjectConvexShapes | Datastructure to cache generated convex shapes |
double esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: getMargin() const virtual
Get the scalar collision margin of an object. Retun 0.0 for a esp::
Returns | The scalar collision margin of the object. |
void esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: setMargin(const double margin) virtual
Set the scalar collision margin of an object. Does not affect esp::
Parameters | |
margin | The new scalar collision margin of the object. |
Magnum:: Range3D esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: getCollisionShapeAabb() const pure virtual
Query the Aabb from bullet physics for the root compound shape of the rigid body in its local space. See btCompoundShape::
Returns | The Aabb. |
Variable documentation
std:: vector<std:: unique_ptr<btCollisionShape>> esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: bGenericShapes_ protected
list of btCollisionShape for storing arbitrary collision shapes referenced within the bObjectShape_.
std:: shared_ptr<std:: map<const btCollisionObject*, int>> esp:: physics:: BulletBase:: collisionObjToObjIds_ protected
keep a map of collision objects to object ids for quick lookups from Bullet collision checking.