- def _create_obj_viz(self)
- Adds a visualization of the goal for each of the target objects in the scene. This is the same as the target object, but is a render only object. This also places dots around the bounding box of the object to further distinguish the goal from the target object.
- def _get_target_trans(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, _magnum.Matrix4]]
- This is how the target transforms should be accessed since multiprocessing does not allow pickling.
- Recompute the navmesh including STATIC objects and using agent parameters.
- def _set_ao_states_from_ep(self, ep_info: datasets.rearrange.rearrange_dataset.RearrangeEpisode) -> None
- Sets the ArticulatedObject states for the episode which are differ from base scene state.
- def _sleep_all_objects(self)
- De-activate (sleep) all rigid objects in the scene, assuming they are already in a dynamically stable state.
- def action_space_shortest_path(self, source: core.simulator.AgentState, targets: typing.Sequence[core.simulator.AgentState], agent_id: int = 0) -> typing.List[core.simulator.ShortestPathPoint]
- Returns: List of agent states and actions along the shortest path from source to the nearest target (both included). If one of the target(s) is identical to the source, a list containing only one node with the identical agent state is returned. Returns an empty list in case none of the targets are reachable from the source. For the last item in the returned list the action will be None.
- def add_gradient_trajectory_object(self, traj_vis_name: str, points: typing.List[_magnum.Vector3], colors: typing.List[_magnum.Color3], num_segments: int = 3, radius: float = 0.001, smooth: bool = False, num_interpolations: int = 10) -> int
- def add_keyframe_to_observations(self, observations)
- Adds an item to observations that contains the latest gfx-replay keyframe. This is used to communicate the state of concurrent simulators to the batch renderer between processes.
- def add_perf_timing(self, desc: str, t_start: float) -> None
- Records a duration since t_start into the perf stats. Note that this is additive, so times between successive calls accumulate, not reset. Also note that this will only log if self._perf_logging_enabled=True.
- def add_sensor(self, sensor_spec: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SensorSpec, agent_id: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> None
- def add_trajectory_object(self, traj_vis_name: str, points: typing.List[_magnum.Vector3], num_segments: int = 3, radius: float = 0.001, color: _magnum.Color4 = Vector(0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 1), smooth: bool = False, num_interpolations: int = 10) -> int
- Build a tube visualization around the passed trajectory of points. points : (list of 3-tuples of floats) key point locations to use to create trajectory tube. num_segments : (Integer) the number of segments around the tube to be used to make the visualization. radius : (Float) the radius of the resultant tube. color : (4-tuple of float) the color of the trajectory tube. smooth : (Bool) whether or not to smooth trajectory using a Catmull-Rom spline interpolating spline. num_interpolations : (Integer) the number of interpolation points to find between successive key points.
- def build_semantic_CC_objects(self, /) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.List[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.CCSemanticObject]]
- Get a dictionary of the current semantic scene’s connected components keyed by color or id, where each value is a list of Semantic Objects corresponding to an individual connected component.
- def build_vertex_color_map_report(self, /) -> typing.List[str]
- Get a list of strings describing first each color found on vertices in the semantic mesh that is not present in the loaded semantic scene descriptor file, and then a list of each semantic object whose specified color is not found on any vertex in the mesh.
- def capture_state(self, with_articulated_agent_js = False) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
- Record and return a dict of state info.
- def cast_ray(self, ray: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Ray, max_distance: float = 100.0, buffer_distance: float = 0.08) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.RaycastResults
- Cast a ray into the collidable scene and return hit results. Physics must be enabled. max_distance in units of ray length.
- def close(self, destroy: bool = True) -> None
- Close the simulator instance.
- def create_rigid_constraint(self, settings: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.RigidConstraintSettings) -> int
- Create a rigid constraint between two objects or an object and the world from a RigidConstraintsSettings.
- def create_sim_config(self, _sensor_suite: core.simulator.SensorSuite) -> habitat_sim.simulator.Configuration
- def distance_to_closest_obstacle(self, position: numpy.ndarray, max_search_radius: float = 2.0) -> float
- def enable_perf_logging(self)
- Will turn on the performance logging (by default this is off).
- def geodesic_distance(self, position_a: typing.Union[typing.Sequence[float], numpy.ndarray], position_b: typing.Union[typing.Sequence[float], typing.Sequence[typing.Sequence[float]], numpy.ndarray], episode: typing.Optional[core.dataset.Episode] = None) -> float
- def get_active_scene_graph(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SceneGraph
- def get_active_semantic_scene_graph(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SceneGraph
- def get_agent(self, agent_id: int) -> habitat_sim.agent.agent.Agent
- def get_agent_data(self, agent_idx: typing.Optional[int]) -> articulated_agent_manager.ArticulatedAgentData
- def get_agent_state(self, agent_id: int = 0) -> habitat_sim.agent.agent.AgentState
- def get_all_markers(self)
- def get_articulated_object_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ArticulatedObjectManager
- Get the manager responsible for organizing and accessing all the currently constructed articulated objects.
- def get_asset_template_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.AssetAttributesManager
- Get the current dataset’s AssetAttributesManager instance for configuring primitive asset templates.
- def get_current_light_setup(self, /) -> typing.List[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.LightInfo]
- Get a copy of the LightSetup used to create the current scene.
- def get_debug_line_render(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.DebugLineRender
- Get visualization helper for rendering lines.
- def get_gravity(self, /) -> _magnum.Vector3
- Query the gravity vector for the scene.
- def get_light_setup(self, key: str = '') -> typing.List[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.LightInfo]
- Get a copy of the LightSetup registered with a specific key.
- def get_lighting_template_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.LightLayoutAttributesManager
- Get the current dataset’s LightLayoutAttributesManager instance for configuring light templates and layouts.
- def get_marker(self, name: str) -> marker_info.MarkerInfo
- def get_n_targets(self) -> int
- Get the number of rearrange targets.
- def get_object_template_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ObjectAttributesManager
- Get the current dataset’s ObjectAttributesManager instance for configuring object templates.
- def get_observations_at(self, position: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] = None, rotation: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] = None, keep_agent_at_new_pose: bool = False) -> typing.Optional[core.simulator.Observations]
- def get_physics_contact_points(self, /) -> typing.List[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ContactPointData]
- Return a list of ContactPointData ” “objects describing the contacts from the most recent physics substep.
- def get_physics_num_active_contact_points(self, /) -> int
- The number of contact points that were active during the last step. An object resting on another object will involve several active contact points. Once both objects are asleep, the contact points are inactive. This count is a proxy for complexity/cost of collision-handling in the current scene.
- def get_physics_num_active_overlapping_pairs(self, /) -> int
- The number of active overlapping pairs during the last step. When object bounding boxes overlap and either object is active, additional “narrowphase” collision-detection must be run. This count is a proxy for complexity/cost of collision-handling in the current scene.
- def get_physics_simulation_library(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.PhysicsSimulationLibrary
- Query the physics library implementation currently configured by this Simulator instance.
- def get_physics_step_collision_summary(self, /) -> str
- Get a summary of collision-processing from the last physics step.
- def get_physics_template_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.PhysicsAttributesManager
- Get the current PhysicsAttributesManager instance for configuring PhysicsManager templates.
- def get_physics_time_step(self, /) -> float
- Get the last used physics timestep
- def get_rigid_constraint_settings(self, constraint_id: int) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.RigidConstraintSettings
- Get a copy of the settings for an existing rigid constraint.
- def get_rigid_object_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.RigidObjectManager
- Get the manager responsible for organizing and accessing all the currently constructed rigid objects.
- def get_runtime_perf_stat_names(self, /) -> typing.List[str]
- Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf. This can be called once at startup. See also get_runtime_perf_stat_values.
- def get_runtime_perf_stat_values(self, /) -> typing.List[float]
- Runtime perf stats are various scalars helpful for troubleshooting runtime perf. These values generally change after every sim step. See also get_runtime_perf_stat_names.
- def get_runtime_perf_stats(self) -> typing.Dict[str, float]
- def get_scene_pos(self) -> numpy.ndarray
- Get the positions of all clutter RigidObjects in the scene as a numpy array.
- def get_sensor_observations(self, agent_ids: typing.Union[int, typing.List[int]] = 0) -> typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[bool, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[bool, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]]
- def get_sensor_observations_async_finish(self) -> typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]]]
- def get_stage_initialization_template(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.StageAttributes
- Get a copy of the StageAttributes template used to instance a scene’s stage or None if it does not exist.
- def get_stage_is_collidable(self, /) -> bool
- Get whether or not the static stage is collidable.
- def get_stage_template_manager(self, /) -> habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.StageAttributesManager
- Get the current dataset’s StageAttributesManager instance for configuring simulation stage templates.
- def get_straight_shortest_path_points(self, position_a, position_b)
- def get_target_objs_start(self) -> numpy.ndarray
- Get the initial positions of all objects targeted for rearrangement as a numpy array.
- def get_targets(self) -> typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
- Get a mapping of object ids to goal positions for rearrange targets.
- def get_world_time(self, /) -> float
- Query the current simulation world time.
- def initialize_agent(self, agent_id: int, initial_state: typing.Optional[habitat_sim.agent.agent.AgentState] = None) -> habitat_sim.agent.agent.Agent
- def internal_step(self, dt: typing.Union[int, float], update_articulated_agent: bool = True) -> None
- Step the world and update the articulated_agent.
- def is_point_within_bounds(self, pos)
- def island_radius(self, position: typing.Sequence[float]) -> float
- def last_state(self, agent_id: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> habitat_sim.agent.agent.AgentState
- def make_greedy_follower(self, agent_id: typing.Optional[int] = None, goal_radius: typing.Optional[float] = None, *, stop_key: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, forward_key: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, left_key: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, right_key: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, fix_thrashing: bool = True, thrashing_threshold: int = 16)
- def maybe_update_articulated_agent(self)
- Calls the update agents method on the articulated agent manager if the update_articulated_agent configuration is set to True. Among other things, this will set the articulated agent’s sensors’ positions to their new positions.
- def perform_discrete_collision_detection(self, /) -> None
- Perform discrete collision detection for the scene. Physics must be enabled. Warning: may break simulation determinism.
- def physics_debug_draw(self, projMat: _magnum.Matrix4) -> None
- Render any debugging visualizations provided by the underlying physics simulator implementation given the composed projection and transformation matrix for the render camera.
- Recompute the NavMesh for a given PathFinder instance using configured NavMeshSettings.
- def reconfigure(self, config: DictConfig, ep_info: datasets.rearrange.rearrange_dataset.RearrangeEpisode)
- def remove_rigid_constraint(self, constraint_id: int) -> None
- Remove a rigid constraint by id.
- def render(self, mode: str = 'rgb') -> typing.Any
- def reset(self) -> None
- Reset the Simulator instance. NOTE: this override does not return an observation.
- def reset_agent(self, agent_id: int) -> None
- def safe_snap_point(self, pos: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray
- Returns the 3D coordinates corresponding to a point belonging to the biggest navmesh island in the scene and closest to pos. When that point returns NaN, computes a navigable point at increasing distances to it.
- def save_current_scene_config(self, file_name: str) -> bool
- Save the current simulation world’s state as a Scene Instance Config JSON using the passed name. This can be used to reload the stage, objects, articulated objects and other values as they currently are.
- def save_current_scene_config(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> bool
- Save the current simulation world’s state as a Scene Instance Config JSON using the name of the loaded scene, either overwritten, if overwrite is True, or with an incrementer in the file name of the form (copy xxxx) where xxxx is a number. This can be used to reload the stage, objects, articulated objects and other values as they currently are.
- def seed(self, new_seed: int) -> None
- def semantic_annotations(self)
- Returns: SemanticScene which is a three level hierarchy of semantic annotations for the current scene. Specifically this method returns a SemanticScene which contains a list of SemanticLevel’s where each SemanticLevel contains a list of SemanticRegion’s where each SemanticRegion contains a list of SemanticObject’s.
- def set_agent_state(self, position: typing.List[float], rotation: typing.List[float], agent_id: int = 0, reset_sensors: bool = True) -> bool
- Sets agent state similar to initialize_agent, but without agents creation. On failure to place the agent in the proper position, it is moved back to its previous pose.
- def set_articulated_agent_base_to_random_point(self, max_attempts: int = 50, agent_idx: typing.Optional[int] = None, filter_func: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[numpy.ndarray, float], bool]] = None) -> typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]
- def set_gravity(self, gravity: _magnum.Vector3) -> None
- Set the gravity vector for the scene.
- def set_light_setup(self, light_setup: typing.List[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.LightInfo], key: str = '') -> None
- Register a LightSetup with a specific key. If a LightSetup is already registered with this key, it will be overridden. All Drawables referencing the key will use the newly registered LightSetup.
- def set_stage_is_collidable(self, collidable: bool) -> None
- Set whether or not the static stage is collidable.
- def set_state(self, state: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], set_hold: bool = False) -> None
- Sets the simulation state from a cached state info dict. See capture_state().
- def start_async_render(self, agent_ids: typing.Union[int, typing.List[int]] = 0)
- def start_async_render_and_step_physics(self, dt: float, agent_ids: typing.Union[int, typing.List[int]] = 0)
- def step(self, action: typing.Union[str, int]) -> core.simulator.Observations
- def step_filter(self, start_pos: _magnum.Vector3, end_pos: _magnum.Vector3) -> _magnum.Vector3
- Computes a valid navigable end point given a target translation on the NavMesh. Uses the configured sliding flag.
- def step_physics(self, dt: float) -> None
- def step_world(self, dt: float = 0.016666666666666666) -> float
- Step the physics simulation by a desired timestep (dt). Note that resulting world time after step may not be exactly t+dt. Use get_world_time to query current simulation time.
- def update_rigid_constraint(self, constraint_id: int, settings: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.RigidConstraintSettings) -> None
- Update the settings of a rigid constraint.
- def visualize_position(self, position: numpy.ndarray, viz_id: typing.Optional[int] = None, r: float = 0.05) -> int
- Adds the sphere object to the specified position for visualization purpose.
Special methods
- def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None
- def __del__(self) -> None
- def __enter__(self) -> habitat_sim.simulator.Simulator
- def __eq__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
- def __ge__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __gt__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __init__(self, config: DictConfig)
- def __le__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __lt__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __ne__(self, other)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- def __repr__(self)
- Method generated by attrs for class Simulator.
- action_space: get
- active_dataset: str get set
- The currently active dataset being used. Will attempt to load configuration files specified if does not already exist.
- articulated_agent get
- curr_scene_name: str get
- The simplified, but unique, name of the currently loaded scene.
- forward_vector: numpy.ndarray get
- frustum_culling: bool get set
- Enable or disable the frustum culling
- gfx_replay_manager: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ReplayManager get
- Use gfx_replay_manager for replay recording and playback.
- gpu_device: int get
- grasp_mgr: rearrange_grasp_manager.RearrangeGraspManager get
- grasp_mgrs: typing.List[rearrange_grasp_manager.RearrangeGraspManager] get
- handle_to_object_id: typing.Dict[str, int] get
- Maps a handle name to the relative position of an object in self._scene_obj_ids.
- largest_island_idx: int get
- The path finder index of the indoor island that has the largest area.
- metadata_mediator: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.MetadataMediator get set
- This construct manages all configuration template managers and the Scene Dataset Configurations
- Enable or disable wireframe visualization of current pathfinder’s NavMesh.
- num_articulated_agents get
- pathfinder: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.PathFinder get set
- previous_step_collided get
- Whether or not the previous step resulted in a collision
- random: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Random get
- receptacles: typing.Dict[str, datasets.rearrange.samplers.receptacle.Receptacle] get
- Returns a map of all receptacles in the current scene. The key is the unique name associated to the receptacle.
- renderer: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.Renderer get
- scene_aabb: _magnum.Range3D get
- Get the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the scene in global space.
- scene_obj_ids: typing.List[int] get
- The simulator rigid body IDs of all objects in the scene.
- semantic_color_map get
- The list of semantic colors being used for semantic rendering. The index in the list corresponds to the semantic ID.
- semantic_scene: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SemanticScene get
- The semantic scene graph
- sensor_suite: core.simulator.SensorSuite get
- up_vector: numpy.ndarray get
- config: habitat_sim.simulator.Configuration get set del
- agents: typing.List[habitat_sim.agent.agent.Agent] get set del
Method documentation
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. add_keyframe_to_observations(self, observations)
Adds an item to observations that contains the latest gfx-replay keyframe. This is used to communicate the state of concurrent simulators to the batch renderer between processes.
Parameters | |
observations | Original observations upon which the keyframe is added. |
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. capture_state(self,
with_articulated_agent_js = False) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
Record and return a dict of state info.
Parameters | |
with_articulated_agent_js | If true, state dict includes articulated_agent joint positions in addition. |
- State info dict includes:
- Robot transform
- a list of ArticulatedObject transforms
- a list of RigidObject transforms
- a list of ArticulatedObject joint states
- the object id of currently grasped object (or None)
- (optionally) the articulated_agent’s joint positions
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. get_targets(self) -> typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
Get a mapping of object ids to goal positions for rearrange targets.
Returns | ([idx: int], [goal_pos: list]) The index of the target object in self._scene_obj_ids and the 3D goal position, rotation is IGNORED. Note that goal_pos is the desired position of the object, not the starting position. |
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. internal_step(self,
dt: typing.Union[int, float],
update_articulated_agent: bool = True) -> None
Step the world and update the articulated_agent.
Parameters | |
dt | Timestep by which to advance the world. Multiple physics substeps can be executed within a single timestep. -1 indicates a single physics substep. |
update_articulated_agent |
Never call sim.step_world directly or miss updating the articulated_agent.
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. render(self,
mode: str = 'rgb') -> typing.Any
- Returns:
- rendered frame according to the mode
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. set_state(self,
state: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any],
set_hold: bool = False) -> None
Sets the simulation state from a cached state info dict. See capture_state().
- param set_hold:
- If true this will set the snapped object from the state.
TODO: This should probably be True by default, but I am not sure the effect it will have.
def habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. step_filter(self,
start_pos: _magnum.Vector3,
end_pos: _magnum.Vector3) -> _magnum.Vector3
Computes a valid navigable end point given a target translation on the NavMesh. Uses the configured sliding flag.
Parameters | |
start_pos | The valid initial position of a translation. |
end_pos | The target end position of a translation. |
Property documentation
habitat. tasks. rearrange. rearrange_sim. RearrangeSim. semantic_scene: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.SemanticScene get
The semantic scene graph