esp::gfx_batch::Hbao class

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Hbao(const HbaoConfiguration& configuration) explicit
Hbao(const Hbao&) deleted
Hbao(Hbao&&) noexcept

Public functions

auto operator=(const Hbao&) -> Hbao& deleted
auto operator=(Hbao&&) -> Hbao& noexcept
void setConfiguration(const HbaoConfiguration& configuration)
Set the configurable quantities of the HBAO algorithm based on user settings and defaults.
void drawEffect(const Magnum::Matrix4& projection, HbaoType algType, Magnum::GL::Texture2D& inputDepthStencil, Magnum::GL::AbstractFramebuffer& output)
Draw the HBAO effect on top of the current framebuffer.
auto getFrameBufferSize() const -> Magnum::Vector2i
Retrieve the size of the framebuffer used to build the components of the HBAO algorithms.

Function documentation

void esp::gfx_batch::Hbao::drawEffect(const Magnum::Matrix4& projection, HbaoType algType, Magnum::GL::Texture2D& inputDepthStencil, Magnum::GL::AbstractFramebuffer& output)

Draw the HBAO effect on top of the current framebuffer.

projection The current visual sensor's projection matrix. perspective projection matrix.
algType Either the classic algorithm or the cache-aware algorithm The cache-aware algorithm has performance optimizations.
inputDepthStencil The owning RenderTarget's depthRenderTexture
output The owning RenderTarget's framebuffer the effect is to be written to.