esp::gfx::PbrDrawable::PBRMaterialCache::SpecularLayer struct

Structure holding specular layer values

Public variables

float factor
Mn::GL::Texture2D* texture
Mn::Color3 colorFactor
Mn::GL::Texture2D* colorTexture

Variable documentation

float esp::gfx::PbrDrawable::PBRMaterialCache::SpecularLayer::factor

The strength of the specular reflection.

Mn::GL::Texture2D* esp::gfx::PbrDrawable::PBRMaterialCache::SpecularLayer::texture

A texture that defines the strength of the specular reflection, stored in the alpha (A) channel. This will be multiplied by specularFactor.

Mn::Color3 esp::gfx::PbrDrawable::PBRMaterialCache::SpecularLayer::colorFactor

The F0 color of the specular reflection (linear RGB).

Mn::GL::Texture2D* esp::gfx::PbrDrawable::PBRMaterialCache::SpecularLayer::colorTexture

A texture that defines the F0 color of the specular reflection, stored in the RGB channels and encoded in sRGB. This texture will be multiplied by specularColorFactor.