- class AbstractFileBasedManagedObject
- class AbstractManagedObject
- This abstract base class provides the interface of expected functionality for an object to be manageable by esp::
core:: managedContainers:: ManagedContainer class template specializations. Any class that inherits from this class properly can be managed by a esp:: core:: managedContainers:: ManagedContainer specialization. -
template<class T, ManagedObjectAccess Access>class ManagedContainer
- Class template defining responsibilities and functionality for managing esp::
core:: managedContainers:: AbstractManagedObject constructs. - class ManagedContainerBase
- Base class of Managed Container, holding template-type-independent functionality.
template<class T, ManagedObjectAccess Access>class ManagedFileBasedContainer
- Class template defining file-io-based responsibilities and functionality for managing esp::
core:: managedContainers:: AbstractFileBasedManagedObject constructs.
- enum class ManagedObjectPreregistration { Failed, Success, Success_Use_Object_Handle }
- This enum describes the return status from preregistration conditioning of attributes. Preregistration is performed by preRegisterObjectFinalize , which will conduct any type-specific initialization and/or validation that might be required before an object is registered (i.e. saved in the ManagedContainer). The return status of this preregistration specifies how the registration proceess should proceed.
- enum class ManagedObjectAccess { Copy, Share }
- This enum describes how objects held in the ManagedConatainer are accessed.