esp::core::managedContainers namespace


class AbstractFileBasedManagedObject
class AbstractManagedObject
This abstract base class provides the interface of expected functionality for an object to be manageable by esp::core::managedContainers::ManagedContainer class template specializations. Any class that inherits from this class properly can be managed by a esp::core::managedContainers::ManagedContainer specialization.
template<class T, ManagedObjectAccess Access>
class ManagedContainer
Class template defining responsibilities and functionality for managing esp::core::managedContainers::AbstractManagedObject constructs.
class ManagedContainerBase
Base class of Managed Container, holding template-type-independent functionality.
template<class T, ManagedObjectAccess Access>
class ManagedFileBasedContainer
Class template defining file-io-based responsibilities and functionality for managing esp::core::managedContainers::AbstractFileBasedManagedObject constructs.


enum class ManagedObjectPreregistration { Failed, Success, Success_Use_Object_Handle }
This enum describes the return status from preregistration conditioning of attributes. Preregistration is performed by preRegisterObjectFinalize , which will conduct any type-specific initialization and/or validation that might be required before an object is registered (i.e. saved in the ManagedContainer). The return status of this preregistration specifies how the registration proceess should proceed.
enum class ManagedObjectAccess { Copy, Share }
This enum describes how objects held in the ManagedConatainer are accessed.