template<class T>
AbstractManagedRigidBase class
Class template describing wrapper for RigidBase constructions. Provides bindings for all RigidBase functionality.
Base classes
template<class T>class AbstractManagedPhysicsObject<T>
- Base class template for wrapper for physics objects of all kinds to enable Managed Container access.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
AbstractManagedRigidBase(const std::
string& classKey) explicit
Public functions
void applyForce(const Magnum::
Vector3& force, const Magnum:: Vector3& relPos) -
void applyImpulse(const Magnum::
Vector3& impulse, const Magnum:: Vector3& relPos) -
void applyTorque(const Magnum::
Vector3& torque) -
void applyImpulseTorque(const Magnum::
Vector3& impulse) - auto getAngularDamping() const -> double
- void setAngularDamping(const double angDamping)
auto getAngularVelocity() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 -
void setAngularVelocity(const Magnum::
Vector3& angVel) - auto getCollidable() const -> bool
- void setCollidable(bool collidable)
auto getCOM() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 -
void setCOM(const Magnum::
Vector3& COM) -
auto getCOMCorrection() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 - auto getFrictionCoefficient() const -> double
- void setFrictionCoefficient(const double frictionCoefficient)
- auto getRollingFrictionCoefficient() const -> double
- void setRollingFrictionCoefficient(const double rollingFrictionCoefficient)
- auto getSpinningFrictionCoefficient() const -> double
- void setSpinningFrictionCoefficient(const double spinningFrictionCoefficient)
auto getInertiaMatrix() const -> Magnum::
Matrix3 -
auto getInertiaVector() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 -
void setInertiaVector(const Magnum::
Vector3& inertia) - auto getLinearDamping() const -> double
- void setLinearDamping(const double linDamping)
auto getLinearVelocity() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 -
void setLinearVelocity(const Magnum::
Vector3& linVel) - auto getMass() const -> double
- void setMass(const double mass)
- auto getRestitutionCoefficient() const -> double
- void setRestitutionCoefficient(const double restitutionCoefficient)
auto getScale() const -> Magnum::
Vector3 - auto getSemanticId() const -> int
void setSemanticId(uint32_
t semanticId)
Protected functions
auto getPhyObjInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::
string override - Retrieve a comma-separated string holding the header values for the info returned for this managed object, type-specific.
auto getRigidBaseInfoHeaderInternal() const -> std::
string pure virtual - Retrieve a comma-separated string holding the header values for the info returned for this managed object, rigid-base-specific.
auto getPhysObjInfoInternal(std::
shared_ptr<T>& sp) const -> std:: string override - Specialization-specific extension of getObjectInfo, comma separated info ideal for saving to csv.
auto getRigidBaseInfoInternal(std::
shared_ptr<T>& sp) const -> std:: string pure virtual - Specialization-specific extension of getPhysObjInfoInternal, comma separated info ideal for saving to csv information about RigidBase constructs.