esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera class

Base classes

class RenderCamera

Public static functions

static auto cubeMapCoordinate(unsigned int cubeSideIndex) -> Magnum::GL::CubeMapCoordinate
static auto getCameraLocalTransform(Mn::GL::CubeMapCoordinate cubeSideIndex) -> Magnum::Matrix4
return the camera local transformation matrix when it is about to render a specific cube face.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CubeMapCamera(scene::SceneNode& node, esp::scene::SceneNodeSemanticDataIDX semanticDataIDX) explicit
CubeMapCamera(scene::SceneNode& node, esp::scene::SceneNodeSemanticDataIDX semanticDataIDX, const Magnum::Vector3& eye, const Magnum::Vector3& target, const Magnum::Vector3& up) explicit
~CubeMapCamera() defaulted override

Public functions

auto switchToFace(Magnum::GL::CubeMapCoordinate cubeSide) -> CubeMapCamera&
Move the camera towards a specified cube face.
auto switchToFace(unsigned int cubeSideIndex) -> CubeMapCamera&
Overload, move the camera towards a specified cube face.
auto setProjectionMatrix(int width, int height, float znear, float zfar, float hfov) -> RenderCamera& deleted
auto setProjectionMatrix(int width, float znear, float zfar) -> CubeMapCamera&
Set the projection matrix.
auto updateOriginalViewingMatrix() -> CubeMapCamera&
Update the original viewing matrix. It MUST be called after each time the local transformation of camera node has been set.
auto restoreTransformation() -> CubeMapCamera&
restore the local transformation of the camera node using the stored original viewing matrix. It is useful, since switchToFace() will change the local transformations and user want to revert such changes.

Protected variables

Magnum::Matrix4 originalViewingMatrix_

Function documentation

esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::CubeMapCamera(scene::SceneNode& node, esp::scene::SceneNodeSemanticDataIDX semanticDataIDX) explicit


node the scene node to which the camera is attached

esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::CubeMapCamera(scene::SceneNode& node, esp::scene::SceneNodeSemanticDataIDX semanticDataIDX, const Magnum::Vector3& eye, const Magnum::Vector3& target, const Magnum::Vector3& up) explicit


node the scene node to which the camera is attached
eye the eye position (parent node space)
target the target position (parent node space)
up the up direction (parent node space)

CubeMapCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::switchToFace(Magnum::GL::CubeMapCoordinate cubeSide)

Move the camera towards a specified cube face.

cubeSide the cube map coordinate, see the following pictures NOTE: +Y is top CAREFUL! the local transformation of the camera node will be set after calling this function.
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)
          | -Y |
| -Z | -X | +Z | +X |
          | +Y |

CubeMapCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::switchToFace(unsigned int cubeSideIndex)

Overload, move the camera towards a specified cube face.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)
          | -Y |
| -Z | -X | +Z | +X |
          | +Y |

RenderCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::setProjectionMatrix(int width, int height, float znear, float zfar, float hfov) deleted

Calling the the setProjectionMatrix from the base class is not allowed. Use the new one instead.

CubeMapCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::setProjectionMatrix(int width, float znear, float zfar)

Set the projection matrix.

width the width of the square image plane
znear the far clipping plane

CubeMapCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::updateOriginalViewingMatrix()

Update the original viewing matrix. It MUST be called after each time the local transformation of camera node has been set.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

CubeMapCamera& esp::gfx::CubeMapCamera::restoreTransformation()

restore the local transformation of the camera node using the stored original viewing matrix. It is useful, since switchToFace() will change the local transformations and user want to revert such changes.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)