#include <esp/metadata/URDFParser.h>
Joint Parsed from a URDF joint (<joint>), connects two links.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- Joint() defaulted
Public variables
string m_name - Joint name.
- JointTypes m_type
- Type of the joint, used to pivot on relevant fields for instancing.
Matrix4 m_parentLinkToJointTransform - Relative transform of the joint from its parent link.
string m_parentLinkName - Name of the parent link and key in the link cache.
string m_childLinkName - Name of the child link and key in the link cache.
Vector3 m_localJointAxis - Some joints (e.g. revolute) have a local axis (e.g. X, Y, Z)
- double m_lowerLimit
- Joint limits if provided.
- double m_upperLimit
- double m_effortLimit
- Joint force/torque limits if provided.
- double m_velocityLimit
- double m_jointDamping
- double m_jointFriction
Variable documentation
double esp::metadata::URDF::Joint::m_jointDamping
Joint damping and friction. Used to generate default JointMotors for BulletArticulatedObjects.