esp::gfx::PbrIBLHelper class

This class performs 2 functions. It derives the Irradiance and Precomputed Cubemaps based on an Enironment map texture, and it provides references to all the assets that are then consumed by the PBR shader for IBL functionality.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

PbrIBLHelper(ShaderManager& shaderManager, const std::shared_ptr<Mn::GL::Texture2D>& brdfLUT, const std::shared_ptr<Mn::GL::Texture2D>& envMapTexture) explicit

Public functions

auto getIrradianceMap() -> CubeMap&
get the irradiance cube map
auto getPrefilteredMap() -> CubeMap&
get the pre-filtered cube map
auto getBrdfLookupTable() -> Magnum::GL::Texture2D&
get the brdf lookup table

Function documentation

esp::gfx::PbrIBLHelper::PbrIBLHelper(ShaderManager& shaderManager, const std::shared_ptr<Mn::GL::Texture2D>& brdfLUT, const std::shared_ptr<Mn::GL::Texture2D>& envMapTexture) explicit


shaderManager in the shader manager that manages all the shaders
brdfLUT in the brdf lookup table texture being used.
envMapTexture in the texture to use to build the environment cube maps.