esp::geo::VoxelWrapper class

When an object is voxelized, it is given a VoxelWrapper which points to an underlying VoxelGrid and the scene node of the object. This class handles object-specific functionality. Multiple objects will each have there own VoxelWrapper, but each of those VoxelWrappers could share a VoxelGrid if they have the same underlying RenderAssetHandle and Voxel resolution.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

VoxelWrapper(const std::string& renderAssetHandle, esp::scene::SceneNode* sceneNode, esp::assets::ResourceManager& resourceManager, Mn::Vector3& voxelSize, Mn::Vector3i& voxelDimensions)
Generates a voxelization with a specified size and dimensions. The voxelization is corner aligned with the object's cumulative bounding box's corner.

Public functions

auto getVoxelIndexFromGlobalCoords(const Mn::Vector3& coords) -> Mn::Vector3i
Converts a global coordinate into voxel coordinates.
auto getGlobalCoordsFromVoxelIndex(const Mn::Vector3i& index) -> Mn::Vector3
Converts a voxel coordinate into the global coordinates of the middle of the specified voxel cell.
auto getVoxelGrid() -> std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid>
Returns the underlying voxel grid for direct manipulation.
auto getExistingGrids() -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, esp::geo::VoxelGridType>>
Returns a list of existing voxel grids and their types.
auto gridExists(const std::string& gridName) -> bool
Returns a bool true if a grid exists, false otherwise.
template<typename T>
void addGrid(const std::string& gridName)
Generates a new empty voxel grid of a specified type.
void removeGrid(const std::string& gridName)
Removes a grid and frees up memory.
template<typename T>
auto getGrid(const std::string& gridName) -> Cr::Containers::StridedArrayView<3, T>
Returns a StridedArrayView3D of a grid for easy index access and manipulation.
template<typename T>
void setVoxel(const Mn::Vector3i& index, const std::string& gridName, const T& value)
Sets a voxel at a specified index for a specified grid to a value.
template<typename T>
auto getVoxel(const Mn::Vector3i& index, const std::string& gridName) -> T
Retrieves the voxel value from a grid of a specified type (bool, int, float, Mn::Vector3).
auto getVoxelGridDimensions() -> Mn::Vector3i
Returns the dimensions of the voxel grid.
auto getVoxelSize() -> Mn::Vector3
Returns the size of a voxel.
auto getOffset() -> Mn::Vector3
Returns the bounding box minimum offset used for generating an aligned mesh.
auto getMaxOffset() -> Mn::Vector3
Returns the bounding box maximum offset used for generating an aligned mesh.
auto getMeshData(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary") -> std::shared_ptr<Mn::Trade::MeshData>
Retrieves the MeshData for a particular voxelGrid. If it does not exist, it will generate the mesh for that grid.
auto getMeshGL(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary") -> Mn::GL::Mesh&
Retrieves the MeshGL used for rendering for a particular voxelGrid. If it does not exist, it will generate the mesh for that grid.
void setSceneNode(esp::scene::SceneNode* sceneNode_)
Sets the SceneNode of the voxel grid.
void setOffset(const Mn::Vector3& coords)
Sets the offset of the voxel grid.
void generateMesh(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary")
Generates both a MeshData and MeshGL for a particular voxelGrid. Can be a Bool grid or a Vector3 grid.
template<typename T>
void generateSliceMesh(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary", int ind = 0, T minVal = 0, T maxVal = 1)
Generates a colored slice of a mesh.

Function documentation

esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::VoxelWrapper(const std::string& renderAssetHandle, esp::scene::SceneNode* sceneNode, esp::assets::ResourceManager& resourceManager, Mn::Vector3& voxelSize, Mn::Vector3i& voxelDimensions)

Generates a voxelization with a specified size and dimensions. The voxelization is corner aligned with the object's cumulative bounding box's corner.

renderAssetHandle The handle for the render asset to which the voxel grid corresponds.
sceneNode The scene node the voxel wrapper will be pointing to.
resourceManager Used for registering the voxel grid.
voxelSize The size of an individual voxel cell.
voxelDimensions The dimensions of the voxel grid.

Mn::Vector3i esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getVoxelIndexFromGlobalCoords(const Mn::Vector3& coords)

Converts a global coordinate into voxel coordinates.

coords The global coordinate.
Returns The voxel index corresponding to the global coordinate.

Mn::Vector3 esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getGlobalCoordsFromVoxelIndex(const Mn::Vector3i& index)

Converts a voxel coordinate into the global coordinates of the middle of the specified voxel cell.

index The voxel index.
Returns The global coordinate of the middle of the specified voxel cell.

std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getVoxelGrid()

Returns the underlying voxel grid for direct manipulation.

Returns The underlying voxel grid.

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, esp::geo::VoxelGridType>> esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getExistingGrids()

Returns a list of existing voxel grids and their types.

Returns A vector of pairs, where the first element is the voxel grid's name, and the second element is the string of the object's type.

bool esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::gridExists(const std::string& gridName)

Returns a bool true if a grid exists, false otherwise.

gridName The name of the grid.
Returns A bool representing whether or not the specified grid exists.

template<typename T>
void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::addGrid(const std::string& gridName)

Generates a new empty voxel grid of a specified type.

gridName The key underwhich the grid will be registered and accessed.
Returns a StridedArrayView3D for the newly created grid.

void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::removeGrid(const std::string& gridName)

Removes a grid and frees up memory.

gridName The name of the grid to be removed.

template<typename T>
Cr::Containers::StridedArrayView<3, T> esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getGrid(const std::string& gridName)

Returns a StridedArrayView3D of a grid for easy index access and manipulation.

gridName The name of the grid to be removed.
Returns A StridedArrayView3D of the specified grid.

template<typename T>
void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::setVoxel(const Mn::Vector3i& index, const std::string& gridName, const T& value)

Sets a voxel at a specified index for a specified grid to a value.

index The index of the voxel
gridName The voxel grid.
value The new value.

template<typename T>
T esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getVoxel(const Mn::Vector3i& index, const std::string& gridName)

Retrieves the voxel value from a grid of a specified type (bool, int, float, Mn::Vector3).

index The index of the voxel
gridName The voxel grid.
Returns The value from the specified voxel grid.

Mn::Vector3i esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getVoxelGridDimensions()

Returns the dimensions of the voxel grid.

Returns The Vector3i value representing the dimensions.

Mn::Vector3 esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getVoxelSize()

Returns the size of a voxel.

Returns The Vector3 value representing the size of a voxel.

Mn::Vector3 esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getOffset()

Returns the bounding box minimum offset used for generating an aligned mesh.

Returns The Vector3 value representing the offset.

Mn::Vector3 esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getMaxOffset()

Returns the bounding box maximum offset used for generating an aligned mesh.

Returns The Vector3 value representing the offset.

std::shared_ptr<Mn::Trade::MeshData> esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getMeshData(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary")

Retrieves the MeshData for a particular voxelGrid. If it does not exist, it will generate the mesh for that grid.

gridName The key underwhich the desired voxel grid is registered.
Returns A shared pointer to the MeshData.

Mn::GL::Mesh& esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::getMeshGL(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary")

Retrieves the MeshGL used for rendering for a particular voxelGrid. If it does not exist, it will generate the mesh for that grid.

gridName The key underwhich the desired voxel grid is registered.
Returns A reference to the MeshGL.

void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::setSceneNode(esp::scene::SceneNode* sceneNode_)

Sets the SceneNode of the voxel grid.

sceneNode_ The new sceneNode.

void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::setOffset(const Mn::Vector3& coords)

Sets the offset of the voxel grid.

coords The new offset.

void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::generateMesh(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary")

Generates both a MeshData and MeshGL for a particular voxelGrid. Can be a Bool grid or a Vector3 grid.

gridName The name of the voxel grid to be converted into a mesh.

template<typename T>
void esp::geo::VoxelWrapper::generateSliceMesh(const std::string& gridName = "Boundary", int ind = 0, T minVal = 0, T maxVal = 1)

Generates a colored slice of a mesh.

gridName The name of the voxel grid to be converted into a mesh slice.
ind The index long the x axis for the slicing plane.
minVal The minimum value of the grid. Used for determining heatmap colors.
maxVal The maximum value of the grid. Used for determining heatmap colors.