esp/io/JsonMagnumTypes.h file

See JsonAllTypes.h. Don't include this header directly in user code.


namespace esp
Root namespace.
namespace esp::io


auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Matrix3& mat, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix3 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Matrix3& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix3 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Matrix4& mat, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix4 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Matrix4& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix4 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector2& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector2& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector2i& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2i values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector2i& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2i values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector3& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector3 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector3& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector3 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector4& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector4 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector4& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector4 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
auto toJsonValue(const Magnum::Quaternion& quat, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Specialization to handle Magnum::Quaternion values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Quaternion& val) -> bool
Specialization to handle Magnum::Quaternion values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.
template<typename T>
void addMember(rapidjson::Value& value, rapidjson::GenericStringRef<char> name, const Corrade::Containers::Optional<T>& x, JsonAllocator& allocator)
template<typename T>
auto readMember(const rapidjson::Value& value, const char* name, Corrade::Containers::Optional<T>& x) -> bool
auto fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Rad& val) -> bool
Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

Function documentation

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Matrix3& mat, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix3 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

mat Source Magnum::Matrix3 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Matrix3& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix3 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Matrix4& mat, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix4 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

mat Source Magnum::Matrix3 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Matrix4& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Matrix4 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector2& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

vec Source Magnum::Vector2 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector2& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector2i& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2i values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

vec Source Magnum::Vector2 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector2i& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector2i values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector3& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector3 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

vec Source Magnum::Vector3 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector3& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector3 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Vector4& vec, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector4 values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

vec Source Magnum::Vector4 to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Vector4& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Vector4 values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

JsonGenericValue toJsonValue(const Magnum::Quaternion& quat, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Quaternion values. Parses passed value into JsonGenericValue.

quat Source Magnum::Quaternion to parse into Json
Returns Json value containing data

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Quaternion& val)

Specialization to handle Magnum::Quaternion values. Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not

bool fromJsonValue(const JsonGenericValue& obj, Magnum::Rad& val)

Populate passed val with value. Returns whether successfully populated, or not. Logs an error if inappropriate type.

obj json value to parse
val destination value to be populated
Returns whether successful or not