esp/io/JsonAllTypes.h file

Include file for all helper functions for serializing types to rapidjson.

These helpers are designed so that every builtin type and user type can be serialized/deserialized with esp::io::addMember/readMember. The leads to uniform and readable serialization code. To achieve this, every user type defines toJsonValue/fromJsonValue, and then template versions of addMember/readMember will automatically use these.

toJsonValue/fromJsonValue for all types should go in the headers below. If the implementation is short, prefer an inline definition (for brevity). If the implementation is long, prefer a separate definition in the corresponding cpp.

See IOTest.cpp for example usage.


namespace esp
Root namespace.
namespace esp::io


template<typename T>
auto toJsonArrayHelper(const T* objects, int count, JsonAllocator& allocator) -> JsonGenericValue
Helper to convert an array of objects to a json array object.
template<typename T>
void addMember(rapidjson::Value& value, rapidjson::GenericStringRef<char> name, const T& obj, JsonAllocator& allocator)
template<typename T>
auto readMember(const rapidjson::Value& value, const char* tag, T& x) -> bool

Function documentation

template<typename T>
JsonGenericValue toJsonArrayHelper(const T* objects, int count, JsonAllocator& allocator)

Helper to convert an array of objects to a json array object.

objects pointer to objects
Returns serialized json value

Don't use this directly to serialize stl vectors; use addMember(d, "myvec", myvec, allocator) instead.

Note there is no corresponding "from" helper because that operation requires more error-handling and must be done case-by-case.