esp/geo/Geo.h file


namespace esp
Root namespace.
namespace esp::geo


struct esp::geo::Ray


enum class ColorSpace { RGBA, sRGBA, HSV, XYZ }
This enum describes the various colorspaces that colors in Habitat can occupy. This is currently governed by the supported color space conversions built into the Magnum Color types. This is provided for easy user access to these conversion mechansims.


auto convexHull2D(const std::vector<Mn::Vector2>& points) -> std::vector<Mn::Vector2>
auto getTransformedBB(const Magnum::Range3D& range, const Magnum::Matrix4& xform) -> Magnum::Range3D
Compute the axis-aligned bounding box which results from applying a transform to an existing bounding box.
auto getPointDistsAlongTrajectory(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts) -> std::vector<float>
Return a vector of L2/Euclidean distances of points along a trajectory. First point will always be 0, and last point will give length of trajectory.
auto interp2Points(const Mn::Vector3& a, float ta, const Mn::Vector3& b, float tb, float t) -> Mn::Vector3
Interpolate between two points to find a third at a specified t between them.
auto calcWeightedDistance(const Mn::Vector3& a, const Mn::Vector3& b, float alpha = .5f) -> float
Determine the weighted distance of point b from point a. Used to derive relative knot value for point b as a function of distance from point a for Catmull-Rom spline derivation.
auto buildCatmullRomTrajOfPoints(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, int numInterp, float alpha = .5f) -> std::vector<Mn::Vector3>
Build a smooth trajectory of interpolated points from key points along a path using Catmull-Rom Spline of type determined by chosen alpha.
auto buildTrajectoryTubeSolid(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, const std::vector<Mn::Color3>& interpColors, int numSegments, float radius, bool smooth, int numInterp, ColorSpace clrSpace = ColorSpace::HSV) -> Mn::Trade::MeshData
Build a mesh representing a tube of given radius around the trajectory given by the passed points. Will either build cylinders between each pair of points in pts, or between sequential points in a smoothed trajectory derived using centripetal Catmull-Rom spline between points in pts.
auto getColorAsString(const Magnum::Color3ub& color) -> std::string
Returns a nicely formatted hex string representation of color.
template<class T>
auto getValueAsUInt(T color) -> uint32_t
Return an unsigned int encoding of passed color value.
auto getValueAsUInt(const Mn::Color3ub& color) -> uint32_t
Return an unsigned int encoding of passed color for type Mn::Color3ub.
auto getValueAsUInt(const Mn::Color4ub& color) -> uint32_t
Return an unsigned int encoding of passed color for type Mn::Color4ub.
auto getValueAsUInt(int color) -> uint32_t
Return an unsigned int encoding of passed color for type int - provided to support vector of per-vertex IDs .
auto buildAdjList(int numVerts, const std::vector<uint32_t>& indexBuffer) -> std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>
Build an adjacency list using the passed index buffer. Assumes each sequence of 3 indices describesd a poly.
template<class T>
void conditionalDFS(const std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>& adjList, const std::vector<T>& clrVec, uint32_t vIDX, std::vector<bool>& visited, const T& clr, std::set<uint32_t>& setOfVerts)
Build a connected component recursively on an unconnected graph (i.e. mesh vertices), building from passed vIDX from adjecent verts that match the passed clr value, which can be any per-vertex identifier or tag.
template<class T>
auto findCCsByGivenColor(const std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>& adjList, const std::vector<T>& clrVec) -> std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>>
Find and return all connected components in a graph (represented by the adjList ), that match some specified per-vertex tag/"color".
template<typename T>
auto clamp(const T& n, const T& low, const T& high) -> T


static const Mn::Vector3 ESP_UP
global/world up direction
static const Mn::Vector3 ESP_GRAVITY
global/world gravity (down) direction
static const Mn::Vector3 ESP_FRONT
global/world front direction
static const Mn::Vector3 ESP_BACK
global/world back direction

Enum documentation

enum class ColorSpace

This enum describes the various colorspaces that colors in Habitat can occupy. This is currently governed by the supported color space conversions built into the Magnum Color types. This is provided for easy user access to these conversion mechansims.




HSV represent Hue, Saturation and Value, where the color space is modeled on a cylinder, hue is an angle, saturation is a radius and value is measured along the height of the cylinder.


CIE XYZ, where Y is luminance, and x-z plane describes chromaticity.

Function documentation

Magnum::Range3D getTransformedBB(const Magnum::Range3D& range, const Magnum::Matrix4& xform)

Compute the axis-aligned bounding box which results from applying a transform to an existing bounding box.

range The initial axis-aligned bounding box.
xform The desired transform to apply.
Returns The resulting, transformed axis-aligned bounding box.

std::vector<float> getPointDistsAlongTrajectory(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts)

Return a vector of L2/Euclidean distances of points along a trajectory. First point will always be 0, and last point will give length of trajectory.

pts Vector of points along trajectory.

Mn::Vector3 interp2Points(const Mn::Vector3& a, float ta, const Mn::Vector3& b, float tb, float t)

Interpolate between two points to find a third at a specified t between them.

a first point
ta a 's time along trajectory
b second point
tb b 's time along trajectory
t the time along the trajectory for the desired point
Returns the interpolated point at time t

float calcWeightedDistance(const Mn::Vector3& a, const Mn::Vector3& b, float alpha = .5f)

Determine the weighted distance of point b from point a. Used to derive relative knot value for point b as a function of distance from point a for Catmull-Rom spline derivation.

a a point whose knot value is known
b a point whose knot value is unkknown
alpha Exponent for distance calculation used to derive time parameter for splines. Determines nature of resultant CR spline. 0 yields a standard uniform Catmull-Rom spline (which may have cusps), .5 yields centrepital CR spline, 1.0 yields chordal CR spline. Default is .5. Use alpha == 1.0f for L2 distance calc.
Returns b's knot valute relative to a / distance from a

std::vector<Mn::Vector3> buildCatmullRomTrajOfPoints(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, int numInterp, float alpha = .5f)

Build a smooth trajectory of interpolated points from key points along a path using Catmull-Rom Spline of type determined by chosen alpha.

pts The key points of the trajectory
numInterp The number of interpolations between each trajectory point
alpha Exponent for distance calculation used to derive time parameter. Determines nature of resultant CR spline. 0 yields a standard uniform Catmull-Rom spline (which may have cusps), .5 yields centrepital CR spline, 1.0 yields chordal CR spline. Default is .5.
Returns interpolated points for trajectory

Mn::Trade::MeshData buildTrajectoryTubeSolid(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& pts, const std::vector<Mn::Color3>& interpColors, int numSegments, float radius, bool smooth, int numInterp, ColorSpace clrSpace = ColorSpace::HSV)

Build a mesh representing a tube of given radius around the trajectory given by the passed points. Will either build cylinders between each pair of points in pts, or between sequential points in a smoothed trajectory derived using centripetal Catmull-Rom spline between points in pts.

pts The key points of the trajectory, in order
interpColors The list of one or more colors to assign in sequence to vertices along the length of the tube, interpolating if necessary.
numSegments The number of segments around the circumference of the tube.
radius The radius of the tube
smooth Whether to smooth the points or not
numInterp The number of interpolations between each trajectory point, if smoothing
clrSpace The color space to interpolate the given colrs in
Returns The resultant meshdata for the tube

std::string getColorAsString(const Magnum::Color3ub& color)

Returns a nicely formatted hex string representation of color.

color Color to build string from.

std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>> buildAdjList(int numVerts, const std::vector<uint32_t>& indexBuffer)

Build an adjacency list using the passed index buffer. Assumes each sequence of 3 indices describesd a poly.

numVerts Number of verts found in mesh.
Returns vector of sets, where each set's index corresponds to the src vert in the vertex buffer, and each element is a set containing the indices of the adjacent verts.

template<class T>
void conditionalDFS(const std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>& adjList, const std::vector<T>& clrVec, uint32_t vIDX, std::vector<bool>& visited, const T& clr, std::set<uint32_t>& setOfVerts)

Build a connected component recursively on an unconnected graph (i.e. mesh vertices), building from passed vIDX from adjecent verts that match the passed clr value, which can be any per-vertex identifier or tag.

adjList A reference to the mesh's adjacency list. IDX of list is src vert index in owning vert list, value is dest vert index in vert list.
clrVec A reference to the per-vertex identifiers used to condition the CC (not necessarily a color).
vIDX The index of the src vertex of this part of the CC.
visited Per-vertex visitation record.
clr The CC's identifying "color"/tag, to be matched by adjacent verts for membership in CC.
setOfVerts Aggregation of verts in the CC.

template<class T>
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>> findCCsByGivenColor(const std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>>& adjList, const std::vector<T>& clrVec)

Find and return all connected components in a graph (represented by the adjList ), that match some specified per-vertex tag/"color".

adjList A reference to the mesh's per-vertex adjacency list. IDX of list is src vert index in owning vert list, value is dest vert index in vert list.
clrVec A reference to the per-vertex identifiers used to condition the CC (not necessarily a color).
Returns an unordered map, keyed by tag/color value encoded as int, where the value is a vector of all sets of CCs consisting of verts with specified tag/"color".