habitat.sims.habitat_simulator module


module actions
This module provides an extendable Enum singleton manager for mapping simulator action names to integer id values. Be default it provides cylinder agent move and look actions.
module debug_visualizer
The DebugVisualizer (DBV) module provides a singleton class for quickly generating custom debug RGB images from an already instantiated Simulator instance. DebugObservation provides a wrapper class for accessing, saving, showing, and manipulating numpy image matrices with PIL. The module also provides some helper functions for highlighting objects with DebugLineRender and stitching images together into a matrix of images.
module habitat_simulator
module kinematic_relationship_manager
This module implements a singleton manager class for tracking and applying kinematic relationships between objects in the simulation. It is meant to be instantiated upon Simulator init and then updated and applied as objects are moved, applying relative transformations down a parent->child kinematic tree.
module object_state_machine
This module implements a singleton state-machine architecture for representing and managing non-geometric object states via metadata manipulation. For example, tracking and manipulating state such as “powered on” or “clean vs dirty”. This interface is intended to provide a foundation which can be extended for downstream applications.
module sim_utilities
This module provides a diverse set of functional utilities for common operations involving the Simulator and ManagedObjects including: object getters from id and handle, geometric utilities, prepositional logic, region queries, articulated object interactions, and more.