habitat.sims.habitat_simulator.debug_visualizer module


class DebugObservation
Observation wrapper to provide a simple interface for managing debug observations and caching the image.
class DebugVisualizer
Support class for simple visual debugging of a Simulator instance. Assumes the default agent (0) is a camera (i.e. there exists an RGB sensor coincident with agent 0 transformation).


def dblr_draw_bb(debug_line_render: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.DebugLineRender, bb: _magnum.Range3D, transform: typing.Optional[_magnum.Matrix4] = None, color: typing.Optional[_magnum.Color4] = None) -> None
Draw an optionally transformed bounding box with the DebugLineRender interface.
def draw_object_highlight(obj: typing.Union[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ManagedRigidObject, habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ManagedArticulatedObject], debug_line_render: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.DebugLineRender, camera_transform: _magnum.Matrix4, color: typing.Optional[_magnum.Color4] = None) -> None
Draw a circle around the object to highlight it. The circle normal is oriented toward the camera_transform.

Function documentation

def habitat.sims.habitat_simulator.debug_visualizer.dblr_draw_bb(debug_line_render: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.DebugLineRender, bb: _magnum.Range3D, transform: typing.Optional[_magnum.Matrix4] = None, color: typing.Optional[_magnum.Color4] = None) -> None

Draw an optionally transformed bounding box with the DebugLineRender interface.

debug_line_render The DebugLineRender instance.
bb The local bounding box to draw.
transform The local to global transformation to apply to the local bb.
color Optional color for the lines. Default is magenta.

def habitat.sims.habitat_simulator.debug_visualizer.draw_object_highlight(obj: typing.Union[habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ManagedRigidObject, habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.ManagedArticulatedObject], debug_line_render: habitat_sim._ext.habitat_sim_bindings.DebugLineRender, camera_transform: _magnum.Matrix4, color: typing.Optional[_magnum.Color4] = None) -> None

Draw a circle around the object to highlight it. The circle normal is oriented toward the camera_transform.

obj The ManagedObject
debug_line_render The DebugLineRender instance for the Simulator.
camera_transform The Matrix4 transform of the camera. Used to orient the circle normal.
color The color of the circle. Default magenta.