habitat.gym.gym_env_obs_dict_wrapper.EnvObsDictWrapper class

Class methods

def class_name()


def close(self)
def render(self, mode = 'human', **kwargs)
def reset(self, **kwargs) -> typing.Union[ObsType, typing.Tuple[ObsType, dict]]
def seed(self, seed = None)
def step(self, action: ActType) -> typing.Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, dict]

Special methods

def __enter__(self)
Support with-statement for the environment.
def __exit__(self, *args)
Support with-statement for the environment.
def __getattr__(self, name)
def __init__(self, env: gym.core.Env)
Wraps a VectorEnv environment and makes sure its obervation space is a Dictionary (If it is a Box, it will be wrapped into a dictionary)
def __repr__(self)
def __str__(self)


action_space get set
metadata: dict get set
np_random: gym.utils.seeding.RandomNumberGenerator get set
Initializes the np_random field if not done already.
observation_space: gym.spaces.space.Space get set
reward_range: tuple get set
spec get
unwrapped: gym.core.Env get
