habitat_sim.nav.VectorGreedyCodes class


def append(self, x: GreedyFollowerCodes) -> None
Add an item to the end of the list
def clear(self, /) -> None
Clear the contents
def count(self, x: GreedyFollowerCodes) -> int
Return the number of times x appears in the list
def extend(self, L: VectorGreedyCodes) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
def extend(self, L: typing.Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
def insert(self, i: int, x: GreedyFollowerCodes) -> None
Insert an item at a given position.
def pop(self, /) -> GreedyFollowerCodes
Remove and return the last item
def pop(self, i: int) -> GreedyFollowerCodes
Remove and return the item at index i
def remove(self, x: GreedyFollowerCodes) -> None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

Special methods

def __bool__(self, /) -> bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
def __contains__(self, x: GreedyFollowerCodes) -> bool
Return true the container contains x
def __delitem__(self, arg0: int, /) -> None
Delete the list elements at index i
def __delitem__(self, arg0: slice, /) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
def __eq__(self, arg0: VectorGreedyCodes, /) -> bool
def __getitem__(self, s: slice) -> VectorGreedyCodes
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
def __getitem__(self, arg0: int, /) -> GreedyFollowerCodes
def __init__(self, /) -> None
def __init__(self, arg0: VectorGreedyCodes, /) -> None
Copy constructor
def __init__(self, arg0: typing.Iterable, /) -> None
def __iter__(self, /) -> typing.Iterator
def __len__(self, /) -> int
def __ne__(self, arg0: VectorGreedyCodes, /) -> bool
def __setitem__(self, arg0: int, arg1: GreedyFollowerCodes, /) -> None
def __setitem__(self, arg0: slice, arg1: VectorGreedyCodes, /) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object