esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase class

Derived classes

class ArticulatedObject
An articulated rigid object (i.e. kinematic chain). Abstract class to be derived by physics simulator specific implementations.
class RigidBase
This class specifies the functionality expected of rigid objects and stages, particularly with regard to dynamic simulation, if such a library, such as bullet, is available.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

PhysicsObjectBase(scene::SceneNode* bodyNode, int objectId, const assets::ResourceManager& resMgr)
~PhysicsObjectBase() defaulted override

Public functions

auto node() -> scene::SceneNode&
Get the scene node being attached to.
auto node() const -> const scene::SceneNode&
auto object() -> scene::SceneNode&
auto object() const -> const scene::SceneNode&
template<class T>
auto getInitializationAttributes() const -> std::shared_ptr<T>
Get a copy of the template used to initialize this object or scene.
auto getMotionType() const -> MotionType
Get the MotionType of the object. See setMotionType.
void setMotionType(MotionType mt) pure virtual
Set the MotionType of the object. If the construct is a physics::RigidStage, it can only be physics::MotionType::STATIC. If the object is physics::RigidObject it can also be set to physics::MotionType::KINEMATIC. Only if a dervied physics::PhysicsManager implementing dynamics is in use can the object be set to physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC.
auto getObjectID() const -> int
Get object's ID.
auto getObjectName() const -> std::string
Object name, to facilitate access.
void setObjectName(const std::string& name)
auto getSceneNode() const -> const scene::SceneNode&
Get a const reference to this physica object's root SceneNode for info query purposes.
auto isActive() const -> bool virtual
Check whether object is being actively simulated, or sleeping. Kinematic objects are always active, but derived dynamics implementations may not be. NOTE: no active objects without a physics engine... (kinematics don't count)
void setActive(bool active) virtual
Set an object as being actively simulated or sleeping. Kinematic objects are always active, but derived dynamics implementations may not be.
auto contactTest() -> bool virtual
Return result of a discrete contact test between the object and collision world.
void overrideCollisionGroup(CollisionGroup group) virtual
Manually set the collision group for an object.
void setLightSetup(const std::string& lightSetupKey)
Set the light setup of this rigid.
void setTransformation(const Magnum::Matrix4& transformation) virtual
Set the 4x4 transformation matrix of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
auto getTransformation() const -> Magnum::Matrix4 virtual
Get the 4x4 transformation matrix of the object.
void setTranslation(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual
Set the 3D position of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
auto transformLocalPointsToWorld(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& points, int linkID) const -> std::vector<Mn::Vector3> virtual
Given the list of passed points in this object's local space, return those points transformed to world space.
auto transformWorldPointsToLocal(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& points, int linkID) const -> std::vector<Mn::Vector3> virtual
Given the list of passed points in world space, return those points transformed to this object's local space.
auto getTranslation() const -> Magnum::Vector3 virtual
Get the 3D position of the object.
void setRotation(const Magnum::Quaternion& quaternion) virtual
Set the orientation of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
auto getRotation() const -> Magnum::Quaternion virtual
Get the orientation of the object.
void setRigidState(const core::RigidState& rigidState) virtual
Set the rotation and translation of the object.
auto getRigidState() -> core::RigidState virtual
Get the rotation and translation of the object.
void resetTransformation() virtual
Reset the transformation of the object. !!NOT IMPLEMENTED!!
void translate(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual
Modify the 3D position of the object kinematically by translation. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void translateLocal(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual
Modify the 3D position of the object kinematically by translation with a vector defined in the object's local coordinate system. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotate(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad, const Magnum::Vector3& normalizedAxis) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying an axis-angle rotation to it. Calling this during simulation of a MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad, const Magnum::Vector3& normalizedAxis) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying an axis-angle rotation to it in the local coordinate system. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateX(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global X axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateY(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global Y axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateZ(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global Z axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateXLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local X axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateYLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local Y axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void rotateZLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual
Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local Z axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.
void deferUpdate() virtual
Activate deferred updates, preventing SceneNode state changes until updateNodes is called to prevent SceneGraph pollution during render.
void updateNodes(bool force = false) virtual
Disable deferred updates if active and sets SceneNode states from internal object physics states.
void resetStateFromSceneInstanceAttr() pure virtual
Set or reset the object's state using the object's specified sceneInstanceAttributes_.
template<class U>
void setSceneInstanceAttr(std::shared_ptr<U> instanceAttr)
Set this object's metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene.
auto getVisualSceneNodes() const -> std::vector<scene::SceneNode*> pure virtual
Get pointers to this physics object's visual scene nodes.
auto getUserAttributes() const -> core::config::Configuration::ptr
void setUserAttributes(core::config::Configuration::ptr attr)
This function will overwrite this object's existing user-defined attributes with attr.
void mergeUserAttributes(const core::config::Configuration::ptr& attr)
This function will merge this object's existing user-defined attributes with attr by overwriting it with attr.
auto getMarkerSets() const -> metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr
Get a reference to the existing MarkerSets for this object.
void setMarkerSets(metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr attr)
This function will overwrite this object's existing MarkerSets attributes with attr.
void mergeMarkerSets(const metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr& attr)
This function will merge this object's existing MarkerSets attributes with attr by overwriting it with attr.
auto getMarkerPointsLocal() const -> std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<Mn::Vector3>>>>
Retrieves the hierarchical map-of-map-of-maps containing the MarkerSets constituent marker points, in local space (which is the space they are given in).
auto getMarkerPointsGlobal() const -> std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<Mn::Vector3>>>> virtual
Retrieves the hierarchical map-of-map-of-maps containing the MarkerSets constituent marker points, in local space (which is the space they are given in).
auto getScale() const -> Magnum::Vector3 virtual
Get the scale of the object set during initialization.

Protected functions

template<class T>
auto getInitObjectInstanceAttrInternal() const -> std::shared_ptr<T>
Accessed internally. Get an appropriately cast copy of the metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene.
auto getUncorrectedTranslation() const -> Magnum::Vector3 virtual
Reverses the COM correction transformation for objects that require it. Currently a simple passthrough for stages and articulated objects.
template<class T>
auto getCurrentObjectInstanceAttrInternal() -> std::shared_ptr<T>
Accessed internally. Get an appropriately cast copy of the metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene, updated to have the current transformation and status of the object.
void syncPose() virtual
Used to synchronize other simulator's notion of the object state after it was changed kinematically. Must be called automatically on kinematic updates.
void setScale(const Magnum::Vector3& creationScale)
Set the object's creation scale.

Protected variables

bool isDeferringUpdate_
if true visual nodes are not updated from physics simulation such that the SceneGraph is not polluted during render
std::string objectName_
An assignable name for this object.
MotionType objectMotionType_
The MotionType of the object. Determines what operations can be performed on this object.
int objectId_
Access for the object to its own PhysicsManager id.
const assets::ResourceManager& resMgr_
Reference to the ResourceManager for internal access to the object's asset data.
core::config::Configuration::ptr userAttributes_
Stores user-defined attributes for this object, held as a smart pointer to a esp::core::config::Configuration. These attributes are not internally processed by habitat, but provide a "scratch pad" for the user to access and save important information and metadata.
metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr markerSets_
Stores a reference to the markersets for this object, held as a smart pointer to a MarkerSets construct, which is an alias for a esp::core::config::Configuration.
metadata::attributes::AbstractAttributes::ptr initializationAttributes_
Saved attributes when the object was initialized.

Function documentation

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getInitializationAttributes() const

Get a copy of the template used to initialize this object or scene.

Returns A copy of the initialization template used to create this object instance or nullptr if no template exists.

MotionType esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getMotionType() const

Get the MotionType of the object. See setMotionType.

Returns The object's current MotionType.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setMotionType(MotionType mt) pure virtual

Set the MotionType of the object. If the construct is a physics::RigidStage, it can only be physics::MotionType::STATIC. If the object is physics::RigidObject it can also be set to physics::MotionType::KINEMATIC. Only if a dervied physics::PhysicsManager implementing dynamics is in use can the object be set to physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC.

mt The desired MotionType.

const scene::SceneNode& esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getSceneNode() const

Get a const reference to this physica object's root SceneNode for info query purposes.

Returns Const reference to the object's scene node.

bool esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::isActive() const virtual

Check whether object is being actively simulated, or sleeping. Kinematic objects are always active, but derived dynamics implementations may not be. NOTE: no active objects without a physics engine... (kinematics don't count)

Returns true if active, false otherwise.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setActive(bool active) virtual

Set an object as being actively simulated or sleeping. Kinematic objects are always active, but derived dynamics implementations may not be.

active Whether to activate or sleep the object

bool esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::contactTest() virtual

Return result of a discrete contact test between the object and collision world.

Returns Whether or not the object is in contact with any other collision enabled objects.

See SimulationContactResultCallback

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::overrideCollisionGroup(CollisionGroup group) virtual

Manually set the collision group for an object.

group The desired CollisionGroup for the object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setLightSetup(const std::string& lightSetupKey)

Set the light setup of this rigid.

lightSetupKey gfx::LightSetup key

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setTransformation(const Magnum::Matrix4& transformation) virtual

Set the 4x4 transformation matrix of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

transformation The desired 4x4 transform of the object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setTranslation(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual

Set the 3D position of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

vector The desired 3D position of the object.

std::vector<Mn::Vector3> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::transformLocalPointsToWorld(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& points, int linkID) const virtual

Given the list of passed points in this object's local space, return those points transformed to world space.

points vector of points in object local space
linkID Unused for rigids.
Returns vector of points transformed into world space

std::vector<Mn::Vector3> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::transformWorldPointsToLocal(const std::vector<Mn::Vector3>& points, int linkID) const virtual

Given the list of passed points in world space, return those points transformed to this object's local space.

points vector of points in world space
linkID Unused for rigids.
Returns vector of points transformed to be in local space

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setRotation(const Magnum::Quaternion& quaternion) virtual

Set the orientation of the object kinematically. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

quaternion The desired orientation of the object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::translate(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual

Modify the 3D position of the object kinematically by translation. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

vector The desired 3D vector by which to translate the object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::translateLocal(const Magnum::Vector3& vector) virtual

Modify the 3D position of the object kinematically by translation with a vector defined in the object's local coordinate system. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

vector The desired 3D vector in the object's ocal coordinate system by which to translate the object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotate(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad, const Magnum::Vector3& normalizedAxis) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying an axis-angle rotation to it. Calling this during simulation of a MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.
normalizedAxis The desired unit vector axis of rotation.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad, const Magnum::Vector3& normalizedAxis) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying an axis-angle rotation to it in the local coordinate system. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.
normalizedAxis The desired unit vector axis of rotation in the local coordinate system.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateX(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global X axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateY(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global Y axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateZ(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the global Z axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateXLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local X axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateYLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local Y axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::rotateZLocal(const Magnum::Rad angleInRad) virtual

Modify the orientation of the object kinematically by applying a rotation to it about the local Z axis. Calling this during simulation of a physics::MotionType::DYNAMIC object is not recommended.

angleInRad The angle of rotation in radians.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::updateNodes(bool force = false) virtual

Disable deferred updates if active and sets SceneNode states from internal object physics states.

force If set, update sleeping nodes as well as active nodes.

template<class U>
void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setSceneInstanceAttr(std::shared_ptr<U> instanceAttr)

Set this object's metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene.

instanceAttr The metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place this object in the scene.

std::vector<scene::SceneNode*> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getVisualSceneNodes() const pure virtual

Get pointers to this physics object's visual scene nodes.

Returns vector of pointers to the object's visual scene nodes.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setUserAttributes(core::config::Configuration::ptr attr)

This function will overwrite this object's existing user-defined attributes with attr.

attr A ptr to the user defined attributes specified for this object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::mergeUserAttributes(const core::config::Configuration::ptr& attr)

This function will merge this object's existing user-defined attributes with attr by overwriting it with attr.

attr A ptr to the user defined attributes that are to be merged into this object's existing user-defined attributes.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::setMarkerSets(metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr attr)

This function will overwrite this object's existing MarkerSets attributes with attr.

attr A ptr to the MarkerSets attributes specified for this object.

void esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::mergeMarkerSets(const metadata::attributes::MarkerSets::ptr& attr)

This function will merge this object's existing MarkerSets attributes with attr by overwriting it with attr.

attr A ptr to the user defined attributes specified for this object. with mergee into them.

Magnum::Vector3 esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getScale() const virtual

Get the scale of the object set during initialization.

Returns The scaling for the object relative to its initially loaded meshes.

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getInitObjectInstanceAttrInternal() const protected

Accessed internally. Get an appropriately cast copy of the metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene.

Returns A copy of the initialization template used to create this object instance or nullptr if no template exists.

template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> esp::physics::PhysicsObjectBase::getCurrentObjectInstanceAttrInternal() protected

Accessed internally. Get an appropriately cast copy of the metadata::attributes::SceneObjectInstanceAttributes used to place the object within the scene, updated to have the current transformation and status of the object.

Returns A copy of the initialization template used to create this object instance or nullptr if no template exists.