esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation class

Backend implementation for Player.

Intended to be used via subclassing and implementing at least all pure virtual functions, optionally also setNodeSematicId() and changeLightSetup() which are no-op by default.

Derived classes

class AbstractSceneGraphPlayerImplementation
Classic scene graph backend implementation for Player.
class esp::sim::BatchPlayerImplementation

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AbstractPlayerImplementation() defaulted explicit
~AbstractPlayerImplementation() defaulted virtual
AbstractPlayerImplementation(const AbstractPlayerImplementation&) deleted
AbstractPlayerImplementation(AbstractPlayerImplementation&&) defaulted noexcept

Public functions

auto operator=(const AbstractPlayerImplementation&) -> AbstractPlayerImplementation& deleted
auto operator=(AbstractPlayerImplementation&&) -> AbstractPlayerImplementation& defaulted noexcept

Private functions

auto loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance(const esp::assets::AssetInfo& assetInfo, const esp::assets::RenderAssetInstanceCreationInfo& creation) -> NodeHandle pure virtual
Load and create a render asset instance.
void deleteAssetInstance(NodeHandle node) pure virtual
Delete asset instance.
void deleteAssetInstances(const std::unordered_map<RenderAssetInstanceKey, NodeHandle>& instances) pure virtual
Clear all asset instances.
void setNodeTransform(NodeHandle node, const Magnum::Vector3& translation, const Magnum::Quaternion& rotation) pure virtual
Set node transform from translation and rotation components.
void setNodeTransform(NodeHandle node, const Mn::Matrix4& transform) pure virtual
Set node transform.
auto hackGetNodeTransform(NodeHandle node) const -> Mn::Matrix4 pure virtual
Get node transform.
void setNodeMetadata(NodeHandle node, const InstanceMetadata& metadata) virtual
Set node metadata.
void changeLightSetup(const LightSetup& lights) virtual
Change light setup.
void createRigInstance(int rigId, const std::vector<std::string>& boneNames) virtual
Create and register a rig instance along with its bone IDs and names.
void deleteRigInstance(int rigId) virtual
Delete and unregister a rig instance.
void setRigPose(int rigId, const std::vector<gfx::replay::Transform>& pose) virtual
Set all bone transforms for a specific rig.

Function documentation

NodeHandle esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance(const esp::assets::AssetInfo& assetInfo, const esp::assets::RenderAssetInstanceCreationInfo& creation) pure virtual private

Load and create a render asset instance.

Returns a handle that references the newly added node containing the loaded asset — i.e., it's meant to appear in the scene. Returns nullptr in case of a failure.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::deleteAssetInstance(NodeHandle node) pure virtual private

Delete asset instance.

The handle is expected to be returned from an earlier call to loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() on the same instance. Use clearAssetInstances() for deleting everything instead.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::deleteAssetInstances(const std::unordered_map<RenderAssetInstanceKey, NodeHandle>& instances) pure virtual private

Clear all asset instances.

The player behaves as if loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() was not called at all. It may still contain the resources like meshes and textures loaded by the previous calls though. The instances contain all node handles returned from loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() and can be ignored if the implementation keeps track of these on its own.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::setNodeTransform(NodeHandle node, const Magnum::Vector3& translation, const Magnum::Quaternion& rotation) pure virtual private

Set node transform from translation and rotation components.

The handle is expected to be returned from an earlier call to loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() on the same instance.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::setNodeTransform(NodeHandle node, const Mn::Matrix4& transform) pure virtual private

Set node transform.

The handle is expected to be returned from an earlier call to loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() on the same instance.

Mn::Matrix4 esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::hackGetNodeTransform(NodeHandle node) const pure virtual private

Get node transform.

The handle is expected to be returned from an earlier call to loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() on the same instance.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::setNodeMetadata(NodeHandle node, const InstanceMetadata& metadata) virtual private

Set node metadata.

The handle is expected to be returned from an earlier call to loadAndCreateRenderAssetInstance() on the same instance. Default implementation does nothing.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::changeLightSetup(const LightSetup& lights) virtual private

Change light setup.

Default implementation does nothing.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::createRigInstance(int rigId, const std::vector<std::string>& boneNames) virtual private

Create and register a rig instance along with its bone IDs and names.

Default implementation does nothing.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::deleteRigInstance(int rigId) virtual private

Delete and unregister a rig instance.

Default implementation does nothing.

void esp::gfx::replay::AbstractPlayerImplementation::setRigPose(int rigId, const std::vector<gfx::replay::Transform>& pose) virtual private

Set all bone transforms for a specific rig.

Default implementation does nothing.