esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader class

Public types

using Position = Magnum::GL::Attribute<0, Magnum::Vector3>
vertex positions

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

PTexMeshShader() explicit

Public functions

auto bindAtlasTexture(Magnum::GL::Texture2D& texture) -> PTexMeshShader&
Bind the atlas texture.
auto bindAdjFacesBufferTexture(Magnum::GL::BufferTexture& texture) -> PTexMeshShader&
Bind the buffer texture containing the adjacent faces.
auto setMVPMatrix(const Magnum::Matrix4& matrix) -> PTexMeshShader&
Set modelview and projection matrix to the uniform on GPU.
auto setExposure(float exposure) -> PTexMeshShader&
Set expsure to the uniform on GPU.
auto setGamma(float gamma) -> PTexMeshShader&
Set gamma to the uniform on GPU.
auto setSaturation(float saturation) -> PTexMeshShader&
Set saturation to the uniform on GPU.
auto setAtlasTextureSize(Magnum::GL::Texture2D& texture, uint32_t tileSize) -> PTexMeshShader&
Set the tile size of the atlas texture.

Protected variables

int MVPMatrixUniform_
int exposureUniform_
int gammaUniform_
int saturationUniform_
int tileSizeUniform_
int widthInTilesUniform_

Function documentation

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::bindAtlasTexture(Magnum::GL::Texture2D& texture)

Bind the atlas texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::bindAdjFacesBufferTexture(Magnum::GL::BufferTexture& texture)

Bind the buffer texture containing the adjacent faces.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::setMVPMatrix(const Magnum::Matrix4& matrix)

Set modelview and projection matrix to the uniform on GPU.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::setExposure(float exposure)

Set expsure to the uniform on GPU.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::setGamma(float gamma)

Set gamma to the uniform on GPU.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::setSaturation(float saturation)

Set saturation to the uniform on GPU.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

PTexMeshShader& esp::gfx::PTexMeshShader::setAtlasTextureSize(Magnum::GL::Texture2D& texture, uint32_t tileSize)

Set the tile size of the atlas texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)