habitat_sim.attributes.PhysicsObjectAttributes class



def add_string_to_group(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, /) -> int
def get(self, arg0: str, /) -> str
def get_bool(self, arg0: str, /) -> bool
def get_double(self, arg0: str, /) -> float
def get_int(self, arg0: str, /) -> int
def get_string(self, arg0: str, /) -> str
def get_string_group(self, arg0: str, /) -> typing.List[str]
def get_vec3(self, arg0: str, /) -> magnum.Vector3
def has_value(self, arg0: str, /) -> bool
def remove_value(self, arg0: str, /) -> bool
def set(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, /) -> bool
def set(self, arg0: str, arg1: int, /) -> bool
def set(self, arg0: str, arg1: float, /) -> bool
def set(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool, /) -> bool
def set(self, arg0: str, arg1: magnum.Vector3, /) -> bool

Special methods

def __init__(self, /) -> None
def __init__(self, arg0: str, /) -> None


ID: int get
System-generated ID for template. Will be unique among templates of same type.
angular_damping: float get set
The damping of angular velocity for objects constructed from this template.
bounding_box_collisions: bool get set
Whether objects constructed from this template should use bounding box for collisions or designated mesh.
collision_asset_handle: str get set
Handle of the asset used to calculate collsions for constructions built from this template.
collision_asset_is_primitive: bool get
Whether collisions invloving constructions built from this template should be solved using an internally sourced primitive.
collision_asset_type: int get set
Type of the mesh asset used for collision calculations for constructions built from this template.
com: magnum.Vector3 get set
The Center of Mass for objects built from this template.
compute_COM_from_shape: bool get set
Whether the COM should be calculated when an object is created based on its bounding box
file_directory: str get
Directory where file-based templates were loaded from.
friction_coefficient: float get set
Friction coefficient for constructions built from this template.
handle: str get set
Name of attributes template.
inertia: magnum.Vector3 get set
The diagonal of the Intertia matrix for objects constructed from this template.
is_collidable: bool get set
Whether objects constructed from this template are collidable.
is_dirty: bool get
Whether values in this attributes have been changed requiring re-registartion before they can be used an object can be created.
is_visibile: bool get set
Whether objects constructed from this template are visible.
join_collision_meshes: bool get set
Whether collision meshes for objects constructed from this template should be joined into a convex hull or kept separate.
linear_damping: float get set
The damping of the linear velocity for objects constructed from this template.
margin: float get set
Collision margin for constructions built from this template.
mass: float get set
The mass of objects constructed from this template.
orient_front: magnum.Vector3 get set
Forward direction for constructions built from this template.
orient_up: magnum.Vector3 get set
Up direction for constructions built from this template.
render_asset_handle: str get set
Handle of the asset used to render constructions built from this template.
render_asset_is_primitive: bool get
Whether constructions built from this template should be rendered using an internally sourced primitive.
render_asset_type: int get set
Type of the mesh asset used to render constructions built from this template.
requires_lighting: bool get set
Whether constructions built from this template should use phong shading or not.
restitution_coefficient: float get set
Coefficient of restitution for constructions built from this template.
scale: magnum.Vector3 get set
Scale multiplier for constructions built from this template in x,y,z
semantic_id: int get set
The semantic ID for objects constructed from this template.
template_class: str get
Class name of Attributes template.
units_to_meters: float get set
Conversion ratio for given units to meters.
use_mesh_for_collision: bool get
Whether collisions involving constructions built from this template should be solved using the collision mesh or a primitive.